
Blue blood noble

Charles accidentally crossed into the extraordinary mysterious world and became the youngest son of the West family, one of the six blue blood aristocrats. Under the unfavorable start that everyone wanted him to die, Charles had to raise the flag of resistance, and began to trade with the ancient god, step by step to the peak of the world. "When blue blood shines on the battlefield, you are the real aristocrats!" "Those aristocratic darkness covered up by dirty means will be uncovered by the aristocrats themselves!" "Only with truth and practice can we prove that red blood is as noble as blue blood!" "Lord Charles, is it not enough to put such a few words in your biography?" After thinking for a moment, Charles silently added a sentence at the end. "For the glory of blue blood aristocracy!"

liang_zhang · Fantasy
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42 Chs



Charles took off his coat, which had been soaked with sweat, and threw it on the ground.

Under the sun, the shining sweat ran across the back of the young man. Compared with three months ago, Charles's originally thin body had undergone earth shaking changes.

Although he did not become a devil like Jack, his arms were several times wider and his abdominal muscles were arranged in order, which made Charles look much stronger.

Today is the last day jack teaches Charles, and it is also the authentic graduation ceremony of Charles.

Since it's graduation, there will naturally be an exam. I don't know whether Jack has confidence in Charles or really wants to abuse Charles. Charles's opponents are three teachers who teach him fighting skills.

Three to one, three experienced soldiers in the first sequence fight a rich young master who has just come into contact with the battle.

However, Charles won, and it can even be said that this is a battle without any suspense.

From the beginning to the end, it took Charles less than three minutes to turn over all three teachers.

Ten days ago, Charles had successfully broken through the second sequence and was promoted from messenger of the wind to messenger of the wind.

Even Charles didn't know how he was promoted. He was practicing step by step and accumulating magic in his body. Suddenly one day, new information popped out of his mind.

The second sequence: the messenger.

After the successful promotion to the second series, the physical quality of Charles has undergone earth shaking growth again, strong enough to easily solve the three wind warriors in the first series.

And... Charles waved his right hand and clenched his fist, and the air flow was spiritually attached with the wave of Charles.

He has been able to control the air flow initially. Although the air flow alone can not cause any damage, if it is attached to the fist, it will become a strong wind and greatly enhance the power of the fist.

"Pa, PA, PA!"

Jack came out of the corner with a clap of his hands. After three months, he had become numb to all kinds of amazing performances of Charles, and even now he was lazy and shocked.

In terms of learning ability and ability to bear hardships, Charles is not mature at all like a 12-year-old child, even like a well-trained soldier.

"Charles, after three months, you have initially acquired the ability to fight on your own. I'm sure your father will send you to violet college with confidence!"

Charles bent down and bowed slightly. Jack can definitely bear this bow for his teaching in the past three months. Not only did he not cold-shoulder because of the previous transaction, but he also went to the army to find a teacher for him.

On this point, he still looked at this uncle with a new eye.

But he won't appreciate Jack. The Duke asked him to teach him that he paid more than Jack did. Moreover, Jack did not know how many people were harmed by this mysterious dagger. This guy is not a good one!

"By the way, Charles, your father wants to see you alone. You can clean up later and go to his room to find him!"

Jack said that and walked away. He had left the army for a long time and had to hurry back as soon as possible.

The Duke wants to see him again? Charles took up the bucket and soaked his whole body. From the beginning of his training, he especially liked this kind of shower, although it was harmful to the noble style.

"All right, go back and change!"


"Charles is a genius. In all respects, he is the best in this generation!"

The housekeeper in a neat black suit respectfully reported to Duke.

He has been working in this family for nearly thirty years and has always been the Duke's right-hand man.

"Well, I know."

The Duke wore an oblique hat, his long golden hair was blown behind his head, and his deep eyes were staring at the envelope on the desk.

The envelope is sealed by wax, and a roaring lion is printed on the wax. The whole envelope is embroidered with gold patterns, which looks noble and luxurious.

The seal of the Angry Lion, the sigil of the Gylensell family, one of the six blue-blooded nobles, of whom this letter was given to him by the patriarch.

The Duke gently touched the angry lion on the envelope, smiled and said:

"Alan, guess what he'll say?"

The steward lowered his head deeply, and his body trembled slightly. He dared not guess what the Duke thought.

The Duke lifted the cup gracefully, took a sip, and closed the lid again.

"The old fox thinks too pretty..."

Just when the housekeeper was in a panic, there was a sudden knock at the door. Just like the housekeeper was granted amnesty, he quickly ran to open the door, bowed respectfully to the Duke, and then quickly withdrew.

He didn't dare to be alone in a room with the angry Duke. It would kill him.

The neatly dressed Charles bent down to greet the Duke:

"Father, you are looking for me?"

The Duke raised his head, put the envelope in the drawer, and nodded to Charles.


Charles brought a stool and sat in front of the Duke's desk.

"I heard from Jack that you are a fighting genius."

Charles shook his head quickly and replied:

"I'm not a genius. I just do every training task well."

The Duke sipped his tea and continued:

"There's no need to be too modest. Young people should be arrogant."

Charles did not say anything. He did not know what the Duke was thinking.

"Good news, bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

Charles hesitated for a moment, then carefully replied:

"Bad news!"

"Miss isa Wilton doesn't like you. She doesn't want to marry you."

The Duke suddenly changed the subject, and his words made Charles's pupils shrink.

"What do you think of this, father?"

The Duke laughed and asked:

"Don't you wonder why?"

Charles shook his head.

"She took a fancy to your brother okogi, and okogi also withdrew from the original engagement. In the words of the Wiltons, they fell in love."

The Duke's eyes were fixed on the expression of Charles, but he found that there was no fluctuation in the young man's face.

Charles replied calmly:

"Okogi is three years older than her, and is also a suitable age betrother."

"If you ask me what I think about this, it doesn't matter much to me as long as she marries my child."

"So, Charles, your engagement with Miss isa Wilton is void."

The Duke also put away his smile. He took out the envelope with the angry lion from the drawer.

"But there is also good news."

Charles stared at the angry lion envelope in the Duke's hand. He recognized the mark, which was the family emblem of the girensel family.

The Duke opened the envelope and then took the letter to Charles' face.

"The good news is that you're not alone, Charles."

"There is a gifted young girl in the gillensale family, so they proposed that you two be engaged to maintain the friendship between the two families."

"Charles, your engagement has changed!"