
Blue Archive: I am sensei son ( Devil and Angel )

The boy, who wanted to just look for his father, but he gave up, so one day he was attacked and saved by a girl after that he and her become friend and he started to help her with all her plans, they both started to use there plans to use everything, he was shocked when she was defeated, and he was mad especially once she came back so damaged, and this time he, had enough, they defeated the angel but but now they woke up the devil. main characters name: Ritsuka hey guys this is my first Blue Archive fanfic, also the MC is not going to be a hero, I had enough of heros on my fanfic, anyway hope people like this. Main characters: Ritsuka and Misono Mika Ship : Ritsuka X Harem

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Video Games
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11 Chs

Gehenna force are stupid

As Ritsuka was in Gehenna destric why was he here, it was his of day and he want to see some things, as then Ritsuka was called for he turned his head to see a girl, she was wearing the same uniform as the Gehenna Academy, prefect team, as Ritsuka was a bit confused

The girls looked at him and spoke. Ritsuka Morning star, your under arrest,

Hearing this Ritsuka was a bit confused, he looked at her snd then just plinked a few times, he room a deep breath, as then he sprinted, as he did the girl pulled out her phone and sent a call, Ritsuka was running as he did he had multiple gun shot fires at him, he was jumping and runny as then he saw a girl, She has long silver hair tied with black bows in twin tails with bangs covering her left eye. She has bright red eyes, fair complexion skin, elven ears, and a black devil's tail. Her halo grey colored with two circles; the smaller one is crossed with three points in a triangular pattern, forming a crossha she was wears a white collared uniform shirt with black and white striped cuffs, a black tie with two white chevrons pointing downwards, a gold pin on her left chest, and a red military armband around her left sleeve.She further wears a black corset with four gold buttons, a pair of black and red gloves, a short flowing skirt with knee-high black stockings, and black high-heeled boots. This girl was Lori as she was ready to fire at Ritsuka, he then flipped a trash can and ran to the other way, as then he saw anorrh girl She has long, wavy, pale lavender tied to a black red ribbon with outstretched dark black horns with glowing purple cracks and a golden clip on her bangs with a monocle attached to it. She has a purple devil eyes and long black wings on her backs.

Her Halo has a black jagged cylinder with purple stripes around it, resembling that of a hole saw. Within it lies a black circle, and within that lies another purple ring with a sharp arrow pointing down. Two black arrows could also be seen in the outer ring of her halo.

Her halo also seems to visually appear solid, resembling that of a demon's crown, compared to most other students whose halos look hollow and ethereal, excluding the girls in the Seminar, Millennium Science School.

She was wearing a traditional dark purple military uniform, consisting of a coat with black and fluffy hood, various golden metals and buttons embroidered into the fabric along with a red military armband. She also wears a short black dress skirt underneath, wine purple thigh-high stockings and dark purple military boots with golden latches.

She was holding two MG42 Machine guns, as he just jumped away, as then he saw the gril next to her.

She was Ako. Ako is a well-endowed young woman, that have satin soft blue hair color. Her hair is shoulder-lenght and wavy styled into two low twin tails at the back, with a side-swept fringe and two longer strands framing the face. She has an ahoge, which is a single lock of hair that stands up from the top of the head. Her Ako's halo is light grey and its have a crescent shape with a little circle in the middle. Next to the crescent is another little crescent shape figure with a line with sharp edges that intersect. She was black dress that reach just the uper part of the tights. The dress is side-less at the chest part, revealing kind a bit of the chest. Paired with a matching short black skirt that has a slit on the side, that reveal a kind of short piece of cloth colored in black. She also wears thigh-high black stockings that are held by the black piece of cloth with a leg garter. She also have black gloves that reach just at the back of the hand and a band around the neck that hold a little belt. Her shoes are black with a elegant style. Ritsuka was wondering why all of Gehenna was after him more specifically the perfect team Gehenna Academy police force

As Ritsuka continued to run through the Gehenna district, narrowly dodging bullets and evading capture, he couldn't help but wonder why the entire Prefect Team was after him. He needed to figure out what was going on, and fast.

The next alley he turned into provided a brief respite. Ritsuka took a moment to catch his breath, leaning against a wall. "Why are they after me?" he muttered to himself. He hadn't done anything to provoke such a response, at least not recently.

Just as he was about to move again, his phone buzzed. It was a message from Aru: "Heard you got into some trouble in Gehenna. Need help?"

Ritsuka quickly typed back, "Yes. Meet me at the old warehouse by the docks."

Pocketing his phone, he made his way to the docks, carefully avoiding any more encounters with the Prefect Team. By the time he arrived, Aru was already there with Haruka and Kayoko.

Aru looked at him, her expression serious. "What's going on, Ritsuka?"

Ritsuka shook his head. "I don't know. They just showed up and started chasing me. We need to figure out why they're after me and clear this up."

Kayoko chimed in, "We can start by finding someone who knows what's going on. Maybe one of the lower-ranking members of the Prefect Team."

Haruka nodded. "I know a place where they usually hang out. Follow me."

The group made their way through the shadows, avoiding any more run-ins with Gehenna's forces. Eventually, they reached a small café where a few members of the Prefect Team were known to relax.

Inside, they spotted a girl sitting alone, nursing a cup of coffee. She was a lower-ranking member, someone they could potentially get information from. Ritsuka approached her carefully.

"Excuse me," he said, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible. "Can I ask you something?"

The girl looked up, her eyes widening when she recognized him. "Ritsuka Morningstar... You're the one they're looking for."

"Yeah, and I'd like to know why," Ritsuka replied, keeping his voice steady. "Can you tell me?"

She hesitated but then nodded. "There's been a misunderstanding. The Prefect Team got a tip that someone matching your description was planning something against Gehenna. They were ordered to bring you in for questioning."

Ritsuka frowned. "And who gave them this tip?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "But if you can find out who did, you might be able to clear your name."

Ritsuka nodded. "Thanks for the information."

As they left the café, Ritsuka turned to his friends. "We need to find out who set me up and why. Let's start by checking the security footage around the area where they first confronted me."

With a plan in place, the group set off, determined to uncover the truth and clear Ritsuka's name.

As they left the café they saw Hina, Ako and Lori and the whole Perfect team, as Aru, Haruka and Kayoko pulled out there gun ready for a fight, as then all of them was stop, as they saw it was another girl, She has a long blonde hair reaching her legs with braids tied to her left side, gray jagged horns and bright violet blue eyes with pink cross pupils.

Her Halo has a magenta diamond inside a cyan circle surrounded by six spikes in different sizes. Three spikes are spread out outside of the circle on one side, and three spikes are held closely together on the edge of the circle on the other.

She wears a long black military uniform with tassels, red and white linings, gray collar tied with a red ribbon, gold buttons and white Gehenna logo on her left sleeve strapped with two belts connected to gold chains. She also wears a pant skirt underneath, black stockings and black shoes.

Everyone but Ritsuka recornised the girl this was Akari, as she was panting

Stop, stop, stopppppp. She said panting. It all a misunderstanding, I um...will let's see um..

As Akari tried to catch her breath and collect her thoughts, the tension between the two groups remained palpable. Aru, Haruka, and Kayoko kept their guns raised, ready for any sudden moves from the Prefect Team, while Hina, Ako, and Lori stared them down, their expressions unwavering.

Akari finally stood up straight and took a deep breath. "Everyone, please listen to me," she said, her voice firm. "This entire situation is a huge misunderstanding. Ritsuka isn't the one you're looking for."

Hina narrowed her eyes, clearly not convinced. "And how do you know that, Akari?"

Akari hesitated, glancing at Ritsuka before continuing. "Because the tip we received was false. It was a setup to frame Ritsuka and cause chaos between Gehenna and Abydos. I have proof."

Ako raised an eyebrow. "Proof? Let's see it then."

Akari pulled out her phone and showed them a series of messages and recordings. "These are conversations between the person who sent the tip and their contact. They were planning this from the start to create a diversion while they carry out their real plan."

As the Prefect Team members reviewed the evidence, their expressions softened. Hina sighed and lowered her weapon. "Alright, Akari. I believe you. But who was behind this setup?"

"That's what we need to find out," Akari replied. "But for now, we need to clear Ritsuka's name and ensure that the real culprits are brought to justice."

Ritsuka stepped forward, looking at the assembled Prefect Team. "I appreciate your help, Akari. But we need to move quickly. Whoever set this up might already be enacting their plan."

Hina nodded. "Agreed. Let's head back to the command center and start tracking down these leads. Akari, you come with us. Ritsuka, you and your friends can follow."

As they made their way to the command center, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and apprehension. The Prefect Team was now on their side, but the true mastermind behind the setup was still out there. And they needed to stop them before it was too late.

Once at the command center, Akari worked with the team to analyze the messages and trace them back to their source. It took a few tense hours, but they finally managed to pinpoint the location of the person behind the setup.

"It's an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the district," Akari said, looking up from her computer. "We need to move fast."

Hina nodded, rallying the Prefect Team. "Let's go. We'll take them down and clear this mess up once and for all."

Ritsuka, Aru, Haruka, and Kayoko followed closely behind as the Prefect Team stormed the warehouse. Inside, they found a group of people huddled around a table, clearly taken by surprise by the sudden intrusion.

The leader of the group, a man with a sly grin, stood up. "Well, well, if it isn't Gehenna's finest. And you brought friends."

Hina stepped forward, her gun trained on the man. "You're under arrest for conspiracy and framing an innocent student. Surrender now, and it will go easier for you."

The man laughed. "Oh, I don't think so." He snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the warehouse was filled with armed thugs.

A fierce battle erupted, with bullets flying and shouts echoing through the large space. Ritsuka and his friends fought alongside the Prefect Team, determined to take down the criminals and clear Ritsuka's name.

Despite the chaos, they managed to overpower the thugs and apprehend the mastermind. As the dust settled, Hina turned to Ritsuka. "Looks like we got them. You're in the clear now."

Ritsuka nodded, relief washing over him. "Thank you, Hina. And thank you, Akari. I owe you both."

Akari smiled. "Just doing what's right."

As they left the warehouse, Ritsuka felt a newfound sense of camaraderie with the Prefect Team and his friends. Together, they had faced a formidable challenge and come out victorious. And as long as they stuck together, they could face anything that came their way.

With a minute. Lori said looking at Ritsuka he and to admit he was defently good-looking. If you really was not involved in this why did yous say anything


Ritsuka yalled at Hina, Ako and Lori, for some reason they wanted to be talked at again, but they pushed at side.

Lori raised an eyebrow at Ritsuka's outburst, her curiosity piqued despite the tension. She opened her mouth to respond, but Hina stepped in, her authoritative presence commanding attention.

"Alright, everyone," Hina said firmly, glancing between Ritsuka and her team. "Let's not lose focus. We've resolved the misunderstanding, and now we need to ensure it doesn't happen again."

Ako nodded in agreement. "Right. We need to stay alert and make sure we catch any further attempts to create conflict between Gehenna and Abydos."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, calming himself. "Look, I appreciate you all coming to your senses and helping to clear this up. But next time, maybe a little less shooting and a little more talking?"

Hina smirked slightly. "Noted. We'll work on our communication skills."

Aru, who had been quietly observing the exchange, finally spoke up. "What's important is that we stick together and figure out who's behind all this. We can't let them get away with trying to pit us against each other."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We need to be vigilant and united."

As they began to make their way back to the command center, Lori fell into step beside Ritsuka. "Sorry about earlier. It's just... well, you know how it is. We're trained to act first and ask questions later."

Ritsuka gave her a small smile. "I get it. Just try not to shoot first next time."

Lori chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind."

Back at the command center, they continued to analyze the data and plan their next steps. The tension from earlier had dissipated, replaced by a sense of cooperation and mutual respect.

Later, as they were wrapping up for the day, Ritsuka turned to Akari. "Thanks again for stepping in when you did. I owe you one."

Akari waved a hand dismissively. "Don't mention it. Just doing my job. But you should be careful. Whoever set this up might try something else."

Ritsuka nodded. "I will. And I'll make sure to keep an eye out for any more trouble."

As they parted ways, Ritsuka felt a renewed sense of determination. He knew that with friends like Aru, Haruka, Kayoko, and the support of the Prefect Team, he could face whatever challenges lay ahead. And together, they would uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones