
Blue Archive: I am sensei son ( Devil and Angel )

The boy, who wanted to just look for his father, but he gave up, so one day he was attacked and saved by a girl after that he and her become friend and he started to help her with all her plans, they both started to use there plans to use everything, he was shocked when she was defeated, and he was mad especially once she came back so damaged, and this time he, had enough, they defeated the angel but but now they woke up the devil. main characters name: Ritsuka hey guys this is my first Blue Archive fanfic, also the MC is not going to be a hero, I had enough of heros on my fanfic, anyway hope people like this. Main characters: Ritsuka and Misono Mika Ship : Ritsuka X Harem

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Video Games
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11 Chs


As Ritsuka left with Aru, Haruka, and Kayoko, the tension in the air slowly dissipated. Meanwhile, Hina, Ako, Lori, and Akari stood there, watching him go. There was a brief silence before all four of them simultaneously blurted out:

"He's cute and hot. It's not fair. I think I have a crush on him now."

They all froze, looking at each other in shock and slight embarrassment. It was as if they had read each other's minds.

Hina was the first to break the silence, clearing her throat awkwardly. "Wait, what did we just say?"

Ako laughed nervously. "I guess we all noticed the same thing. He's... well, different. In a good way."

Lori, usually the most composed, found herself blushing slightly. "Yeah, I mean, he's got that mysterious and strong vibe. It's hard not to notice."

Akari, who had been the most vocal in defending Ritsuka, nodded in agreement. "And he's not just good-looking. There's something about him... something that makes you want to know more."

The four girls exchanged glances, a newfound understanding forming between them. It seemed that Ritsuka had unintentionally caught the interest of the entire Prefect Team.

Hina sighed, a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, I guess we're all in the same boat then. But let's keep our focus on the mission. We can't let our feelings get in the way of our duties."

Ako and Lori nodded in agreement, while Akari added, "Of course. But maybe we can find a way to get to know him better... strictly for professional reasons, of course."

Akari laughed a bit nervously at Ako's words. "Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that. Anyway, I'll be the one to go on a date with him first."

The other three girls immediately shot her a glare, each pulling out their guns in a playful yet menacing manner. Akari's confidence wavered as she realized the seriousness of their competitive spirit.

"Whoa, whoa, let's not get carried away here!" Akari raised her hands in a placating gesture, trying to defuse the sudden tension. "I was just joking!"

Hina smirked, her grip on her weapon steady. "Joking or not, you better watch yourself, Akari. We all have an equal chance."

Ako nodded, her eyes glinting with determination. "Yeah, no cutting in line."

Lori, ever the composed one, added with a sly smile, "Let's just see who he picks. May the best girl win."

Akari gulped, realizing she might have bitten off more than she could chew. "Alright, alright. Truce?"

They all hesitated for a moment before lowering their guns, the competitive fire still burning in their eyes.

"Truce," Hina said, though the challenge in her tone was clear.

As they holstered their weapons, the four girls shared a moment of mutual understanding. Their admiration for Ritsuka had sparked an unexpected rivalry, but it had also brought them closer together in a strange way.

"May the best girl win," Ako echoed Lori's sentiment with a determined nod.

Akari sighed with relief, but she couldn't help but feel a thrill at the thought of the challenge ahead. "Yeah, may the best girl win."

With that, they dispersed, each plotting their own strategy to win Ritsuka's heart while maintaining their duties as the Prefect Team. The competition had officially begun.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka was staring at Mika, a sense of impending chaos hanging over him.

"Mika, why do I feel like my life is about to get even more hectic?" he asked, gesturing towards Aru, Haruka, Kayoko, and Mutsuki, the four members of Problem Solver/Handyman 68, who were making themselves at home in his house.

Mika chuckled softly, giving him a sympathetic look. "Well, Ritsuka, you've got a knack for attracting troublemakers. But hey, they keep life interesting, right?"

Ritsuka sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Interesting is one way to put it. I just hope they don't burn the house down."

Aru, overhearing the conversation, grinned mischievously. "Don't worry, Ritsuka. We won't burn the house down... probably."

Haruka nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we're just here to keep things lively."

Kayoko chimed in, "And to make sure you never have a dull moment."

Mutsuki, always the practical one, added, "Besides, we can handle anything that comes our way. You just focus on keeping up with us."

Ritsuka shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips despite his exasperation. "I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

Mika patted his shoulder reassuringly. "You'll be fine. Just take it one day at a time. And remember, you've got us watching your back."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Thanks, Mika. I appreciate it."

As the girls continued their antics, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and trepidation. His life was certainly going to be anything but boring from now on.

The next day, Ritsuka was at a convenience store, buying a snack when he felt a tap on his shoulder. His immediate reaction was to tense up, hand instinctively moving towards his concealed gun or the sword strapped to his back. He turned quickly, ready for anything.

"Lori?" he exclaimed, recognizing the silver-haired girl from the Gehenna Prefect Team.

She held up her hands in a gesture of peace, a slight smirk on her lips. "Relax, Ritsuka. I'm not here to arrest you again. Just wanted to talk."

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes, not fully convinced. "Talk? About what?"

Lori glanced around the store, ensuring no one was eavesdropping. "About yesterday. Look, it was a misunderstanding. Akari cleared things up, but... I feel like I owe you an apology."

Ritsuka slowly lowered his guard, though he remained cautious. "An apology? For what exactly? For chasing me through the city or for almost shooting me?"

Lori chuckled softly, shaking her head. "For all of it, I guess. We got the wrong idea, and you ended up caught in the middle. I should have listened first instead of jumping to conclusions."

Ritsuka sighed, finally relaxing a bit more. "Apology accepted, I suppose. Just try not to make a habit of it."

Lori smiled, a genuine expression this time. "Deal. How about I make it up to you with a coffee? No guns, no chasing. Just a normal conversation."

Ritsuka considered the offer for a moment before nodding. "Alright, but only if you're buying."

Lori laughed, nodding. "Fair enough. Let's go."

As they left the store together, Ritsuka couldn't help but wonder if his life was ever going to be normal again. But for now, at least, he was willing to give it a shot.

Lori and Ritsuka found a small café nearby and settled at a corner table. Lori ordered two coffees, and they sat in a somewhat awkward silence until their drinks arrived.

"So, what's it like being part of the Prefect Team?" Ritsuka asked, breaking the ice.

Lori sipped her coffee before answering. "It's intense. Lots of responsibility, lots of pressure. But it's also fulfilling. We keep the peace, maintain order. Most of the time, anyway."

Ritsuka nodded. "I can see that. Yesterday was… something else."

Lori winced slightly. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. We're usually more organized. But let's not dwell on that. What about you? What's it like being, well, you?"

Ritsuka chuckled. "Complicated. Moving to Kivotos has been an adjustment. The whole thing with the halos and the academies… it's a lot to take in. But I'm managing."

Lori leaned forward, genuinely interested. "And your friends? Aru, Haruka, Kayoko, and the rest… they seem pretty close to you."

Ritsuka nodded, a fond smile touching his lips. "Yeah, they are. We've all been through a lot together. They're like family."

Lori's expression softened. "That's nice. It's important to have people you can rely on."

Just then, their conversation was interrupted by the sudden entrance of another familiar face. Akari, with her long blonde hair and striking horns, walked into the café and spotted them. She made her way over, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Fancy seeing you two here," Akari said, sliding into the seat next to Lori. "Mind if I join?"

Lori rolled her eyes playfully. "I suppose not, though I'm pretty sure you've got ulterior motives."

Akari grinned. "What can I say? I'm curious about Ritsuka too."

Ritsuka sighed, shaking his head with a smile. "Sure, why not. The more, the merrier."

As they chatted, Ritsuka began to relax, realizing that perhaps not all of the Prefect Team were out to get him. He even found himself enjoying their company. The café visit ended with Lori and Akari apologizing once more for the previous day and making tentative plans to meet up again.

When Ritsuka finally returned home, he found Mika waiting for him.

"How was your day?" Mika asked, noticing his improved mood.

Ritsuka shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. "Eventful, but in a good way. Maybe things are starting to look up."

Mika smirked. "Well, just remember, you're never alone in this crazy city."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a sense of reassurance. He had friends, allies, and maybe even a few unexpected connections. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he felt a little more prepared to face them.

After explaining his day to trh girls Aru was the first one to speak

So you basically went to a date. Aru said looking at him kinda Jealous of Lori and Akari. It sounds like a date to use doesn't it girls. All eht other girls were also jealous

Ritsuka scratched the back of his head, feeling the weight of all the eyes on him. "It wasn't a date. We just talked and cleared up some misunderstandings."

Aru crossed her arms, pouting slightly. "Still sounds like a date to me. I mean, coffee, talking... that's pretty date-like."

Haruka nodded in agreement. "She has a point. It's not fair if they get to have all the fun with you."

Kayoko and Mutsuki exchanged glances, clearly sharing the sentiment.

Ritsuka sighed. "Look, I promise, it wasn't a date. But if it makes you feel better, how about we all do something together tomorrow? Something fun."

Aru's eyes lit up. "You mean it?"

"Of course," Ritsuka said, smiling. "We can plan something as a group. No misunderstandings, no chases, just a fun day out."

Mika smirked. "You know, you might regret that offer. These girls can be pretty competitive."

Ritsuka laughed. "I think I can handle it. So, any ideas on what we should do?"

The girls started talking excitedly among themselves, suggesting various activities. As Ritsuka watched them, he felt a sense of relief and contentment. Maybe things were complicated and a bit chaotic, but moments like this made it all worthwhile.

The next morning, Ritsuka woke up to a house buzzing with excitement. Aru, Haruka, Kayoko, and Mutsuki were already up and planning the day. Mika was in the kitchen, trying to keep the chaos under control.

Ritsuka yawned and stretched as he walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, everyone. So, what's the plan for today?"

Aru grinned, holding up a list. "We came up with a bunch of ideas. There's a new arcade that opened up in the city, and there's also a theme park nearby. Plus, we could always go to the beach if the weather is nice."

Ritsuka smiled. "Sounds like a lot of fun. How about we start with the arcade and see where the day takes us?"

The girls all agreed, and after a quick breakfast, they headed out. The arcade was packed with games and people, the perfect place to start their day of fun. As soon as they arrived, the girls scattered to different games, laughing and competing with each other.

Aru challenged Ritsuka to a racing game, and after a fierce competition, she barely managed to win. "Ha! I knew I could beat you!"

Ritsuka chuckled. "You got lucky this time. Let's see how you do at the shooting games."

Meanwhile, Haruka and Kayoko were trying out a dance game, their movements synchronized as they hit every beat. Mutsuki and Mika were playing a claw machine, determined to win a plushie.

After spending a few hours at the arcade, they decided to head to the theme park. The rides were thrilling, and the group couldn't stop laughing as they went on roller coasters, bumper cars, and haunted houses, during that time all thr girls hugged Ritsuka. Ritsuka found himself relaxing and enjoying the day more than he had in a long time.

As the sun began to set, they made their way to the beach. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, and the sound of the waves was calming. They set up a small picnic, enjoying the food and each other's company.

Aru looked at Ritsuka, a soft smile on her face. "Thank you for today. It's been a while since we all had this much fun."

Ritsuka smiled back. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. We should do this more often."

As they watched the sunset, Ritsuka realized how much he cared about each of them. Despite the chaos and the challenges, moments like these made it all worth it. He knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together.

The next day, back at school, as Ritsuka was walking he noticed Lori and Ako waiting for him. They looked a bit nervous, but determined.

"Hey, Ritsuka," Lori said, fidgeting slightly. "We wanted to apologize for yesterday. We didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Ritsuka smiled reassuringly. "It's alright. No hard feelings. Actually, I had a lot of fun yesterday."

Ako blushed slightly. "Um, we were wondering if... you'd like to hang out again sometime. Maybe with the others too."

Ritsuka nodded. "Sure, that sounds great. Let's plan something for next weekend."

As Lori and Ako walked away, Ritsuka felt a sense of anticipation. His life was certainly hectic, but he wouldn't have it any other way. With friends like these, every day was an adventure, and he was ready for whatever came next.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones