
Blue Archive: I am sensei son ( Devil and Angel )

The boy, who wanted to just look for his father, but he gave up, so one day he was attacked and saved by a girl after that he and her become friend and he started to help her with all her plans, they both started to use there plans to use everything, he was shocked when she was defeated, and he was mad especially once she came back so damaged, and this time he, had enough, they defeated the angel but but now they woke up the devil. main characters name: Ritsuka hey guys this is my first Blue Archive fanfic, also the MC is not going to be a hero, I had enough of heros on my fanfic, anyway hope people like this. Main characters: Ritsuka and Misono Mika Ship : Ritsuka X Harem

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Video Games
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11 Chs

Flash back

**Chapter 4: Flashbacks**

Misono Mika sat in her classroom, sorting through her thoughts as memories of her past deeds flooded her mind. She knew well why almost everyone at Trinity Academy despised her. Reflecting on her actions, she acknowledged that while some of the hatred was justified, she had indeed caused a lot of trouble.

Her mind drifted back to that pivotal day. Her plan had failed spectacularly, and she had been moments away from being apprehended when Sensei intervened with an unexpected declaration: "Don't hurt my princess," he had said, protecting his students. The shock had reverberated not just through Mika but also through Ritsuka, who had gone unusually silent that day.


Mika remembered the day Sensei had dropped her off at her house.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sensei had asked, concern evident in his voice. "Do you need me to stay?"

Mika had flashed him a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. No need. Plus, I have my roommate."

After bidding Sensei farewell, Mika entered her home and called out for Ritsuka. There was no response. Suspicious, she moved an old clock on the wall and pressed a hidden switch. A section of the wall slid open, revealing a secret command room. Inside, she found Ritsuka staring at a screen with a mix of shock, surprise, and disbelief, replaying the moment Sensei had intervened to protect her.

Ritsuka's mind churned with doubts and fears, his thoughts racing in a torrent of uncertainty. Mika watched him closely, sensing the turmoil within him.

"What if he didn't change?" Ritsuka finally voiced aloud, his voice tinged with frustration and fear. "What if everything he's showing now is just an act? What if he's manipulating us all over again? What if... what if she already knows I'm watching?"

Mika's expression softened with understanding as she listened. She knew the weight of Ritsuka's suspicions, born from his tumultuous history with Sensei.

"I understand your doubts," Mika said gently, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "But dwelling on 'what ifs' won't help us. We can only judge him by his actions now, and prepare for whatever comes next."

Ritsuka nodded, though his unease remained palpable. "I just... I don't want to be fooled again," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"We won't let that happen," Mika affirmed, her tone firm. "Together, we'll navigate this."

Taking a deep breath, Ritsuka straightened up, determination flickering in his eyes. "You're right," he said, his voice steadier now. "I can't let fear control me."

Mika smiled softly, proud of his resolve. "Exactly. We'll face whatever comes, together."

As they stood in the command room, a newfound solidarity between them, they both understood that their journey ahead would be fraught with challenges and uncertainties. But they also knew that together, they had the strength to confront their pasts and forge a new path forward.

Mika looked at Ritsuka. Please what did he do to you.

Mika's concern deepened as she gazed at Ritsuka, her eyes searching his for answers that he was reluctant to give. His words hung heavy in the air, laden with the weight of years of manipulation and pain.

"The question should be what he didn't do," Ritsuka finally said, his voice tinged with bitterness. Memories of Sensei's cold calculations and the emotional scars he left behind resurfaced, casting a shadow over the room.

Mika approached him cautiously, sensing the gravity of his words. "Ritsuka..." she began softly, unsure of how to offer comfort in the face of such anguish.

"He twisted everything," Ritsuka continued, his voice growing steadier as he spoke. "He made me doubt myself, made me believe I was nothing but a tool for his ambitions. Every decision, every action was under his scrutiny."

Mika's heart ached for him, understanding the depth of betrayal he had endured. "But you're not just a pawn in someone else's game," she said firmly, her voice filled with conviction. "You're stronger than that. You've proven it."

Ritsuka looked at her, gratitude flickering in his eyes. "Thank you, Mika," he murmured, the weight of his past momentarily eased by her understanding.

"We'll make sure he can't hurt anyone else," Mika vowed, her tone resolute. "We'll protect each other, no matter what."

Ritsuka nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Together," he echoed, finding solace in the solidarity they shared.

As they stood together in the command room, the ghosts of their pasts lingered, but they faced the future with newfound strength and determination. Together, they would navigate the complexities of their intertwined destinies and forge a path toward healing and redemption.

End of Flash back

Mika's thoughts swirled with the revelations of that day, the weight of Ritsuka's past and the mysteries that surrounded him. As she pondered over his scars and the enigmatic references to "The Black Eye," her attention was drawn abruptly by the snap of a finger. Turning, she saw Natsu, a friend of Ritsuka's, standing before her.

"Hey, Mika," Natsu greeted casually, her expression curious. "What's going on here? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Mika composed herself, her mind still racing with the implications of what she had learned that day. "It's... nothing," she replied, forcing a smile. "Just deep in thought."

Natsu raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Are you sure? You seem... off."

Mika hesitated, unsure of how much she should divulge. "It's just... Ritsuka," she began cautiously, glancing briefly at him. "There's more to him than meets the eye."

Natsu followed her gaze, her expression softening with understanding. "Ah, I see," she murmured knowingly. "He's been through a lot, hasn't he?"

Mika nodded silently, grateful for Natsu's perceptiveness. "Yeah," she admitted quietly. "More than anyone should."

Natsu placed a comforting hand on Mika's shoulder. "Just be there for him," she advised gently. "He trusts you more than anyone right now."


Together, they would confront the mysteries of "The Black Eye" and the secrets buried within Ritsuka's scars. And with Natsu by their side, they would forge a bond strong enough to withstand the trials of their intertwined destinies.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city of Kivotos, Mika, and Natsu stood together, united in their determination to uncover the truth and protect each other from the shadows of their pasts.

Mika entered her house to find Aru in the kitchen, attempting to cook something. She watched cautiously, knowing Aru's culinary skills were not the best. Just as she was about to intervene, flames suddenly erupted from the stove, quickly engulfing whatever Aru had been trying to prepare.

"Aru!" Mika exclaimed, rushing forward to turn off the stove and grab a fire extinguisher. She quickly doused the flames, dispersing the smoke that had begun to fill the kitchen.

Aru stood nearby, looking sheepish and slightly embarrassed. "Sorry," she muttered, avoiding Mika's gaze. "I thought I could manage it this time."

Mika sighed, setting down the fire extinguisher. "It's alright," she said reassuringly, though a hint of exasperation colored her tone. "Just... next time, let me handle the cooking, okay?"

Aru nodded sheepishly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Yeah, sure," she replied quietly.

As Mika surveyed the charred remains of what was supposed to be their dinner, she couldn't help but smile despite the situation. Aru's clumsy attempts at domesticity were endearing in their own way, a stark contrast to the formidable presence she projected in other aspects of her life.

"Let's order takeout," Mika suggested with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. "I think we've had enough excitement for one day."

Aru chuckled softly, relief evident in her expression. "Yeah, takeout sounds good," she agreed, grateful for Mika's understanding.

Mika looked at Aru with a mix of curiosity and concern. She knew Aru well enough to sense when something was amiss, especially after the recent events involving Ritsuka. Aru's attempt at cooking seemed out of character, given that it was usually Mika, Ritsuka, Haruka, or Kayoko who took charge in the kitchen.

"Aru," Mika said gently, her voice tinged with understanding. "Is everything okay? You don't usually cook, and with what's been happening..."

Aru hesitated, her expression guarded. "I just... thought I should try something different," she replied evasively, avoiding Mika's gaze.

Mika studied Aru for a moment, sensing there was more to her sudden interest in cooking. "Aru," she began again, more softly this time, "if something's bothering you, you can talk to me."

Aru sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly in resignation. "It's just... after everything that happened with Ritsuka," she admitted reluctantly, "I felt like I needed to do something. Anything."

Mika nodded in understanding, her features softening with empathy. "I get it," she said quietly. "You care about him, don't you?"

Aru looked surprised at Mika's directness but nodded slowly. "Yeah," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I do."

Mika placed a reassuring hand on Aru's shoulder. "You don't have to prove anything, Aru," she said sincerely. "We're all here for him in our own ways."

Aru's gaze flickered with gratitude, appreciating Mika's support. "Thanks," she murmured, a faint smile touching her lips.

So it like this. Mika said looking at Aru. After he beat you that day on a mall your embarrassed and wants to make it up

Aru was just happy that she didn't think she might Hurd everyhting of Ritsuka past so she just went with the lie and nodded

"Mika," Aru replied with a small smile, relieved that Mika seemed to buy into her excuse. "Yeah, something like that. I just wanted to do something nice, you know?"

Mika nodded understandingly, though she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Aru's sudden change in behavior. "That's thoughtful of you," she said genuinely. "Ritsuka will appreciate it."

Aru nodded again, feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt for not being entirely truthful with Mika. "I hope so," she murmured softly.

Mika glanced at Aru, sensing her friend's inner conflict but choosing not to press further. Instead, she focused on helping Aru salvage the remnants of their cooking experiment.

Together, they cleaned up the kitchen in companionable silence, both of them silently reflecting on the complexities of their relationships with Ritsuka and each other. As they finished tidying up, Mika couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of closeness with Aru, appreciating the effort she had made, even if it was under false pretenses.

And as they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, Mika silently vowed to support both Ritsuka and Aru, knowing that their bonds of friendship were stronger than any secrets or uncertainties that might arise.

As then they heard something as Ritsuka came inn covered in dust and his uniform a mess.

Ritsuka just looked at the girls and sighs and then looked at the mess. Don't ask what happened to me and what happened here

Mika and Aru exchanged a glance, noticing Ritsuka's disheveled appearance and the state of his uniform. They could tell something had clearly gone wrong, but they respected his request not to pry further.

"Okay," Mika replied calmly, nodding at Aru to signal her agreement. "We won't ask."

Aru, still feeling a bit guilty about her earlier deception but eager to support Ritsuka, stepped forward. "Let's clean you up," she suggested gently, motioning for him to follow her to the bathroom.

Ritsuka didn't protest. He followed Aru quietly, grateful for their understanding despite the unspoken questions lingering in the air. As they walked away, Mika stayed behind, silently resolving to keep an eye on Ritsuka and offer whatever support she could, even if he wasn't ready to share his troubles.

In the bathroom, Aru handed Ritsuka a towel and began to help him clean off the dust, her mind racing with concern for her friend and a newfound determination to be there for him, no matter what challenges they faced together.

As Ritsuka took of his shirt, as Aru was flashed by Eye candy, She has to admit that Ritsuka was build like a truck, as Ritsuka just looked at Aru

As Ritsuka was looking at her before he spoke. Um Aru thanks for trh help but can you leave unless you wanna see me makes

Aru with out, relsing what she was saying just spoke. Yes Daddy...with what

They both just stayed there in acquired silence, as then she just ran out of trh bathroom.

Ritsuka couldn't help but replay Aru's slip of the tongue in his mind. He understood it was likely just a harmless mix-up, but the word "Daddy" in that context had caught him off guard. As he finished straightening up, he wondered if Aru had picked up on the slightly awkward atmosphere she had inadvertently created.

After a moment of composing himself, Ritsuka stepped out of the bathroom. He found Aru waiting awkwardly in the living room, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. Mika, sensing the tension, decided to intervene.

"Mika," Ritsuka began calmly, "thank you for trying to cook, but I think we'll order something tonight. How does that sound?"

Mika nodded in agreement, seeing an opportunity to diffuse the awkwardness. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Aru, why don't you help me look up some menus?"

Aru gratefully accepted the diversion, glad to focus on something else. "Sure, Mika," she replied eagerly, pulling out her phone to search for local delivery options.

Ritsuka observed the interaction with a small smile, appreciating Mika's ability to smooth over uncomfortable situations. He knew he needed to address what had happened in the bathroom with Aru, but now wasn't the time. Instead, he decided to give her some space and let the tension settle naturally.

As they settled on ordering takeout and waited for the food to arrive, the atmosphere in the room gradually lightened. Aru and Mika engaged in casual conversation about school and upcoming events, while Ritsuka listened quietly, occasionally interjecting with a comment or two.

When the doorbell finally rang, signaling the arrival of their dinner, Ritsuka took charge of paying and bringing the food into the kitchen. Mika and Aru helped set the table, creating a makeshift dining area in the living room.

As they ate together, the earlier awkwardness seemed to fade away. Aru kept stealing nervous glances at Ritsuka, unsure of how to broach the subject or if she even should. Ritsuka, on the other hand, decided to let the incident pass without further comment for now, hoping that Aru would be able to move past her embarrassment in due time.

After dinner, they cleaned up together, sharing a few light-hearted jokes and stories.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones