
Blox Fruits: Blood Shorks

In a world where Pirates, Marines, and everything between are in a constant war, Yang, A self-proclaimed Pirate, will have to traverse the the seas, find a place to call home, and find out what it means to be part of a crew. --------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN BLOX FRUITS! THIS IS FANFICTIONAL NOVEL! Blox Fruits is a Roblox game based off and referenced by One Piece, Anything referenced is either owned by One Piece or by the Creators of Blox Fruits. I plan to see how this series goes ONLY. If it does well I will continue the story, if it doesn't I will leave it off where it stops. I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters a day. If you want to go play Blox Fruits on Roblox here is the game link, Have fun. https://www.roblox.com/games/2753915549/GHOST-Blox-Fruits

LSen · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Are you still alive??? What the hell are you trying to do man?!

Grace sets Mochiko's body down as she saw his neck beginning to move, His head began to reform as it was a doughy mess before it smoothened itself out into his head shape and hair style. "Man, that was unexpected." he said as he rubbed his eyes and opened them. "HOW THE HELL AREN'T YOU DEAD?!" Grace shouted at him, he rubbed his ear as he replied, "Elemental fruit, no ordinary attacks can hurt me.". "But…Dough isn't an elemental…" She questioned on it, he replied "I don't question it." As he got up.

Yang then transformed back as the bullet in his leg had seemingly disappeared, his leg also being healed up roughly. A small indent was left but looks like it's going to repair itself later. Mochiko walked out as the three redcoats hiding behind the barrel jumped out, Mochiko opened his hand as their clothes fell.

"Do you want that to happen to your body…?"

He said coldly looking over at them with a deathly stare. He scared the three pirates as they all ran off back to the portside. Geez…No other way to be subtle about it huh… Grace sighed as she walked over to them, Yang walking over to them both with a slight limp. He saw that Mochiko was alive as he quickly limped over and hugged Mochiko. "YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" He said happily, Mochiko moving his face away from his body.

"Yes, I'm alive kid, you think I'm going to die to something so predictable?"

"Kind of."

"Jeez, grow up a little, it'll take more to kill me than that." He scolded Yang slightly.

"Sorry sir."

"Well, we're still here to look for Ember Watson."

They then began to search for Ember Watson. Yang being a little slower from his limp but still able to keep up. Pirate Town was slowly beginning to grow livelier than the last few minutes they were there. "There's everyone." Yang commented, seeing everyone else come out and being outgoing again. Within thirty minutes, Pirate Town was back to how it was, lively with pirates around.

With Pirate town going back to how it is normally, it was a bit harder to find where Ember was hiding. Mochiko and Yang looked on the bounty paper as they looked around for a person that resembled Ember on the paper. However, Grace was looking in other directions, looking upwards, staring down alleyways, looking in weird spots.

While stood in-front of a lighthouse, Mochiko and Yang noticed Grace looking over at a wooden fence between two buildings. "What is it Grace?" Grace then snapped out of it as she saved her hands a bit, "I-It's nothing, lost myself in my train of thought." She chuckled as Yang picked up on this.

"What are you hiding?"

"Hiding what?"

"You chuckle when you're hiding something, and also your awkward smile too."

"Hey, my smile is great okay!" She suddenly got defensive about it.

"Sorry sorry."

"Both of you aren't making this search easier, Grace, what are you hiding from us."

Mochiko commanded as they both looked at her, Grace felt the cold gaze and increasing pressure coming from Mochiko as she broke, replying "C-Check that fence…" seemingly regretful about it.

They both looked over as they walked over towards the fence, Yang knocked on it as it seemed rather thin. It's hollow! Yang thought as he began touching around the fence, putting his hand under a hidden grip and lifted the fence up, revealing Ember's hideout.

Ember looked over as she wasn't properly dressed, she was in a stitched T-shirt, a brown robe and shorts as her dual katanas were nicely hung up on the wall and her flintlock was on the box of canned foods to the right. Ember recognized Grace as she set down her canned pineapples.


She said angerly as she got up and walked over to them, grabbing Grace by her marine coat with a strong grip. "Why the f*ck did you decide to show your face around me again huh!" Ember shouted angerly at Grace; she seemed guilty as it was like it was written all over her face.

"Ember I—"


Ember shouted again, shoving her back as Grace stumbled a bit but caught herself. Ember then turned her sights onto Yang and Mochiko. "Why the f*ck did you pick up that scumbag!" she asked angerly as Mochiko replied calmly, "She saved my crewmate, why are you so angry at her for no reason.".

"Angry? I'M FURIOUS!"

"Well why are you Furious at Grace?" Yang questioned.


This peaked Mochiko's interest as he turned his head at Grace, who stood there, seeing her legs shaking slightly. Mochiko walked up to Grace as his overwhelming pressure was back onto Grace, she felt like she wanted to fall and lay down, but she kept herself standing up.

"So…You are a marine…"

"I-I'm not…"

Mochiko placed his hand on her shoulder, Grace felt like she couldn't move, frozen with fear as she could hear her heartbeat and herself beginning to hyperventilate. "You didn't tell me this before, but let me get this straight with you…" He tightened his grip.

"I have no tolerance…for rats on my crew…" Mochiko said very coldly, almost deathly.

Grace kept standing as she nodded, Mochiko then said, "If I hear of you ratting out not only just my crew, but any other pirate again…I will come and hunt you myself…Understand…?".

Grace nodded again as she rushed to the building behind her vomiting out onto the grass from the fear and pressure alone. Mochiko lessened up on his tension as Ember and Yang stood where they were at. Yang turned to look at Ember, asking "Why did she rat you out?" as she replied, "that's a long story.".

Grace wiped her mouth as she could still feel herself trembling standing up while leaning on the wall as support. Mochiko looked at her as she turned his direction to Ember, "I have a request for you Ember." he politely asked.

"What's the request?"

She responded, Mochiko walked over to Ember and handed her own bounty paper to her, asking "Would you like to join my new crew.". Ember looks at her bounty paper then at Mochiko asking, "What's in it for me if I do.".

"The usual."

She smirked as she replied, "Deal." Rather quickly. I thought that would take more convincing on how she went off on Grace… Yang looked at grace who was sitting down and curled up almost into a ball. Yang walked over to her as he kneels to look at her. She looked up at him, asking "What…" almost as if she didn't want to see anyone.

"Would you like to tell me what happened that day?"

She scoffed, but knowing that she'll probably be left here on Pirate Town, she replied, "Sure…I'm not going anywhere anyways…".