

Zenaida Carnell has a very special admiration towards Carl Solveig because of an incident happened back then in the middle school. Coincidentally, they would become the classmates since the beginning of the high school but Carl wouldn't identify Zenaida at all at the high school. With the time passes by, Zenaida would understand that she is having romantic kind of feelings towards him instead of her admiration towards him. She would try to approach Carl little by little and Carl would also get along with her well despite his usual personality. Zenaida would confess her love to him Before the end of the high school but Carl would refuse her in a very cold hearted manner without a second thought. Carl is from a powerful family and he was raised to be emotionless with everyone around him by his parents. After the refusal, Zenaida would try to avoid Carl at all cost but Carl would take the initiative to approach her. After the high school ends, Zenaida would disappear without a trace and Carl would go crazy because of her missing. He would become a more cold hearted person and his relationship life would become a very messy one. After a six years later, Zenaida would appear again in front of him again with a completely new identity and she would have a fake husband and a fake child too. ********* "Zenaida, you should never reveal your identity as Zenaida Carnell in front of Carl " Zenaida's best friend warned her with a concern filled voice. Zenaida asked her back "Why are you saying that?" "I can't say this for sure but I think that Carl is hating you so deeply. I feel like that the every girl who he is dating, are similar to you in atleast a one way. The first girl who he dated, has the same name as you. Her name was Zenaida Carnell too." Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and all the credit goes to the creator of it.

Athanasia_Managold · Urban
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48 Chs

Why would I pissed off by an unimportant person?

Ava doesn't understand why Zenaida refused to tell about that letter at that time.

Shouldn't Zenaida be excited that Carl was asking her about her private matters?

Also, according to Zenaida's way, she would definitely be excited to share her things with Carl too.

So, why she didn't want to talk about that letter?

Ava couldn't really understand Zenaida's behaviour at all.

Roy who was watching the interaction between Ava and Zenaida, sat down on the seat in front of Zenaida which Carl sat before he left the table.

Then, he said to Zenaida with a very soft voice "Zenaida, don't worry about Carl too much. I don't know what happened between you two. But I'm sure that Carl will calm down soon."

Zenaida turned her head towards Roy and listened to Roy very attentively because she knew that since Roy is the best friend of Carl, Roy knows him the most.

Roy noticed that the Zenaida's anxious expression on her face is lessened a little bit after hearing what he said. He continued to tell " Zenaida, I think that if you just say sorry to him, he would definitely forgive you. So, don't overthink about it and say sorry to him when you see him again."

After hearing the following words of Roy, Zenaida's anxiousness almost went away. But her anxiousness wouldn't definitely disappear completely until she really makes up with Carl.

Zenaida who came back to her usual state, noticed that Carl was leaving the cafeteria without Roy after glancing at Roy for few seconds.

Zenaida immediately notified Roy " Roy, it seems that Carl is going to leave the cafeteria without you. If you want to catch up with him, you should go now."

After hearing this, Roy shook his head with a helpless expression while saying " This guy!!!" and got up from his seat to follow after Carl after waving at Zenaida.

After the left of Roy, Ava asked Zenaida " Aren't you going to eat?"

Zenaida shook her head and said to Ava " I can't eat. Carl didn't eat his lunch because of me. When he didn't eat, how could I suppose to eat by myself. "

Ava stared at Zenaida for few seconds.

Ava was really moved by Zenaida's sincerity towards Carl and her love towards Carl. Any girl wouldn't behave in the same way as Zenaida. Ava was really sure of that.

Ava couldn't understand how could someone be this sincere towards someone?

Actually, it is such a waste that Carl isn't aware about any of these things. Carl is such a fool, if he was to miss this kind of precious person like Zenaida.

" Ava, didn't you finish your meal a lot earlier? I'm sorry for making you wait like this. Why don't you go and put away this food tray first? As a apology for making you wait, I will buy you something from the convenience store by my own money. " Zenaida said to Ava.

Ava who heard the words of Zenaida, smiled at Zenaida and said to her while standing up from her seat. " Okay. You can't changed your mind later at the convenience store."

Zenaida also smiled at Ava back while replying to her" I won't change my mind. "


Roy who followed Carl out of the cafeteria, caught up with Carl and asked him " Carl, what makes you pissed off like this? Is it somehow related to Zenaida?"

After hearing Roy's words, Carl who was walking in front of Roy with big strides stopped in his track and turned his head back to look at Roy.

Then, he said to Roy with a sarcastic look on his face"Why would I pissed off by an unimportant person like her? Also, I'm not pissed off at all. Are you hallucinating things?Why are you talking nonsense like this?"

Roy was really dumbfounded by the answer of Carl.

Is he hallucinating?

Any person with two eyes and two ears would also notice the same thing as him.

Isn't Carl clearly pissed off? Roy could also feel the sarcastic nature in his voice too.

Isn't Carl aware of his own anger?

Who wouldn't able to recognize their own anger? It would be none other than his best friend, Carl Solveig.

Roy didn't know whether to laugh or smile in this situation.


Chapter 13- First time which Carl knew the existence of Zenaida


6.Smiling lowers blood pressure.

Have a nice day!!!

Athanasia_Managoldcreators' thoughts