

Zenaida Carnell has a very special admiration towards Carl Solveig because of an incident happened back then in the middle school. Coincidentally, they would become the classmates since the beginning of the high school but Carl wouldn't identify Zenaida at all at the high school. With the time passes by, Zenaida would understand that she is having romantic kind of feelings towards him instead of her admiration towards him. She would try to approach Carl little by little and Carl would also get along with her well despite his usual personality. Zenaida would confess her love to him Before the end of the high school but Carl would refuse her in a very cold hearted manner without a second thought. Carl is from a powerful family and he was raised to be emotionless with everyone around him by his parents. After the refusal, Zenaida would try to avoid Carl at all cost but Carl would take the initiative to approach her. After the high school ends, Zenaida would disappear without a trace and Carl would go crazy because of her missing. He would become a more cold hearted person and his relationship life would become a very messy one. After a six years later, Zenaida would appear again in front of him again with a completely new identity and she would have a fake husband and a fake child too. ********* "Zenaida, you should never reveal your identity as Zenaida Carnell in front of Carl " Zenaida's best friend warned her with a concern filled voice. Zenaida asked her back "Why are you saying that?" "I can't say this for sure but I think that Carl is hating you so deeply. I feel like that the every girl who he is dating, are similar to you in atleast a one way. The first girl who he dated, has the same name as you. Her name was Zenaida Carnell too." Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and all the credit goes to the creator of it.

Athanasia_Managold · Urban
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48 Chs

First time which Carl knew the existence of Zenaida

Roy again asked Carl " Then, why didn't you touch your meal at all? Didn't you say that you lost your appetite? What did make you lose your appetite in that way?"

Carl again said to Roy with his sarcasm filled tone " Zenaida was holding a letter in her hand and I asked her about that but She completely ignored me. "

Roy was surprised by Carl's words and asked him in a surprised voice " Zenaida ignored you? It is impossible. Isn't she head over heels in love with you?"

After hearing Roy's words, Carl turned his gaze away from Roy and he started to stare at another direction.

Carl still remember the first day which he noticed Zenaida's existence in this world.

Since the first day of the high school, Carl noticed that a girl was staring at him almost every day without breaking away her gaze from him. At first, he was annoyed by it and he thought that it was an another troublesome girl who has a crush on him.

Carl is used to these Kind of gazes from all kind of girls at school since his middle school time. The girls would stare at him shamelessly to get his attention while knowing the fact that they are disturbing him with their all kind of gazes.

Surprisingly, Zenaida was different from all these troublesome girls. When Carl turned his head towards her, she would immediately look away at an another direction while pretending to not look at him.

But she is really bad at pretending and she would act so awkward. Carl could notice at a glance that she is really conscious about his gaze towards her. She seems to feel guilty about her extreme staring at him.

Also, whenever they meet with each other face to face, she would pretend to not notice him or she would walk in to an another direction than him to avoid him at all cost.

By all these Zenaida's actions, Carl clearly knew that she is so in love with him. But he didn't understand why she doesn't want to show it to him in an obvious way like the other girls.

She is loving him secretly instead of loving him openly.

May be she doesn't want to find out by him or the other people about her crush towards him.

But What is she getting from that?

What would she receive from staring at him all the time like that?

Isn't she getting tired by looking at the same person every day?

Also, Zenaida did this for more than two years without having any direct contact with him at all. They haven't even smile with each other, eventhough they have been classmates for more than two years.

Carl couldn't understand at that time Zenaida's behaviour at all.

Is it because of love?

Is she truly loving him with all her heart?

Is it possible for someone to love an another person in this way?

He never believed in it before .but now he believed that there is true love in the world because of Zenaida. He also believed that someone could love another person this much deeply too.

Carl also found Zenaida to be interesting and cute since the beginning of the high school. He really respected her in his heart for loving someone sincerely with her all heart. He also started to observe her unconsciously lots of time without noticing by Zenaida.

In Carl's eyes, Zenaida is a very innocent and pure girl compared to the other people in this world.

Carl usually doesn't like to get close with people too much. He would like to keep a distance from them. So, he also didn't want to get close to Zenaida too.

But because of one incident which happened about five months ago, he was able to witness her extreme love towards him while not caring about herself at all. This incident made him have the urge to approach and talk with her.

So, he took the initiative to talk and smile with Zenaida after that incident. He started to sit beside her at every evening in the club activities.

Carl would feel discomfort around the other people, even if he was to stay in the same space as them without having any conversation. But when it comes to Zenaida, he didn't feel that way at all.

He could say that he enjoyed his time with her. He likes to observe her awkward behaviour around him and he really found her to be cute all the time when she behaves in that way.


Chapter 14- A note saying sorry