

Zenaida Carnell has a very special admiration towards Carl Solveig because of an incident happened back then in the middle school. Coincidentally, they would become the classmates since the beginning of the high school but Carl wouldn't identify Zenaida at all at the high school. With the time passes by, Zenaida would understand that she is having romantic kind of feelings towards him instead of her admiration towards him. She would try to approach Carl little by little and Carl would also get along with her well despite his usual personality. Zenaida would confess her love to him Before the end of the high school but Carl would refuse her in a very cold hearted manner without a second thought. Carl is from a powerful family and he was raised to be emotionless with everyone around him by his parents. After the refusal, Zenaida would try to avoid Carl at all cost but Carl would take the initiative to approach her. After the high school ends, Zenaida would disappear without a trace and Carl would go crazy because of her missing. He would become a more cold hearted person and his relationship life would become a very messy one. After a six years later, Zenaida would appear again in front of him again with a completely new identity and she would have a fake husband and a fake child too. ********* "Zenaida, you should never reveal your identity as Zenaida Carnell in front of Carl " Zenaida's best friend warned her with a concern filled voice. Zenaida asked her back "Why are you saying that?" "I can't say this for sure but I think that Carl is hating you so deeply. I feel like that the every girl who he is dating, are similar to you in atleast a one way. The first girl who he dated, has the same name as you. Her name was Zenaida Carnell too." Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me and all the credit goes to the creator of it.

Athanasia_Managold · Urban
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48 Chs

Lying to the principal to save Carl

Newly transferred student became famous in the whole school within just three days. It was because of his bullying at school and any of the teachers at school wasn't aware of this matter too.

That boy's power didn't last for more than three days because unfortunately, he picked on the wrong person in the fourth day of his new high school life.

Roy still couldn't understand why did that boy decide to pick on Carl instead of anyone else.

He mustn't have surely not heard about Carl because he attended school for only three days. But wouldn't be anyone able to tell at a glance that Carl isn't a person to mess with at all. Just Carl's presence would alone tell a lot about him.

But that boy foolishly picked on him and he asked money from Carl. Roy was also with Carl at that moment.

That boy must not be in the right mind to do that kind of foolish thing. Even thinking about it now makes Roy to pity that boy eventhough he was the definition of the word ' jerk'.

Carl was going to walk passed him while ignoring him but that boy blocked his path. This time, Carl warned him with an icy cold voice. The boy seems to be little bit taken aback by his cold voice yet he still blocked Carl's path again and tried to hit him.

Carl avoided his hitting with just one of his hand and hold his hand with all his strength while asking him that would he not still let him go.

But that boy was so persistent with Carl. Finally, he ended up heavily wounded while Carl wasn't having a single scratch on him. Right after that fight, that boy went in to the principal's office. He complained to the school principal about Carl, saying that Carl suddenly started to hit him without a reason.

Principal is well aware about Carl and he also knows about the family background of him too. According to Roy's knowledge, the principal wouldn't have definitely wanted to get involved in Carl's matter at all cost.

But surprisingly, he showed up in their class at that time to inquire about it from Carl. May be it was because he couldn't refuse that boy's complain right away without doing anything. He must be put in a tight situation because that boy was also having wounds all over his body.

But when the principal came and asked Carl why did he hit that boy without any reason, suddenly Zenaida stood up from her seat. She said that Carl hit him because he was picking on her while asking money from her earlier.

Carl and Roy were dumbfounded by this sudden action of Zenaida. They never expected her to act in that way in order to help Carl out of that situation, eventhough Carl doesn't want anyone's help at all. But Roy could understand Zenaida's thought process though.

She must have thought that Carl would be punished severely by the principal, if she doesn't stand up for him. So, she lied in that way back then because that boy was severely wounded and he has lied to principal that Carl hit him without a reason too.

If it was another person, that person would definitely in huge trouble. Anyone wouldn't able to prove that he isn't the person who started the fight first, if he doesn't have a single scratch on him.

After hearing what Zenaida said to the principal, that boy who was beaten by Carl looked at Zenaida while glaring at her furiously.

The principal happily left the class with that boy after giving him a earful of scolding.

Roy was really moved by Zenaida's attitude at that time because she helped Carl without caring about herself. She must have been in real trouble, if that boy wasn't expelled from the school after that incident. Otherwise ,she would definitely become a target of him.

But Roy didn't know why would someone helped a completely stranger while risking themselves. Carl and Zenaida also have never ever talk with each other too. He was really confused by this matter until Carl stated out the reason for that kind of sacrificing behaviour of Zenaida.

He still remembered the conversation between him and Carl that day as today.

"She has a crush on me since the beginning of the high school. " Carl said to him.

Then, Roy asked him "What? Isn't Zenaida a girl who only cares about her studies? I have never even seen her with a boy since the beginning of the high school. Why are you thinking way? Are you sure of that? "


Author's note- I will start to update 1000 words length chapters after chapter 20.

Chapter 19- Pretending to being sick


9.Smiling makes u seem successful.

Have a nice day!!!

Athanasia_Managoldcreators' thoughts