

Assuming you happily finished reading a popular web novel called Bloody Webtoon, that novel came to life, killing ten million readers worldwide in one single night, and this night is your night to join the dead for reading that novel. What will you do? Pandora’s Box also identified as the Devil's Toy Box An urban legend commonly told by people of South Korea about Pandora’s box that has the power to grant you your inner desires, your greatest wish, beauty, immortality, fame, wealth, power, name it; you just have to find the box and make your wish. So it was told to every citizen from birth. So people will fight each other; fathers betray sons and daughters engage in a bloodbath against anyone, billionaire tycoons and ordinary good citizens turn bad all engaged in a fight. Every man for himself, however, there are only a few who truly know that Pandora’s box was not a box of wishes but a Devil's toy box, A key to the gateway to unlocking another dimension of monsters to human reality. A time when science was at its highest peak during Albert Einstein era, a local scienctist name Abraham pike wanted a name for himself and so he ventured to solve the mystery of the big bang theory of how this world was form believing combining magic and science was the key to the mystery however he hears a voice name the gate keeper who taught him how to create a puzzle box to open the astral realm. the results of opening the astral realm to human world was a massive teleportation of 10 miliion humans and buildings to another world. he saw a world of monsters with high wickedness. teleporting back, to the human world, he sought to destroy the boxes but could not and he split the boxes into six and scattered to six different countries...one with the monks, one with, a Japanese exorcist, one with Roman catholic Church and the others unknown. what Abraham pike did not know was that before the boxes were scattered, the gate keeper created six clones guardians and made a competition between them. one of them must kill absorbing the other five uniting the box as one to open a dimension door uniting the closest astral realm and the natural realm. who ever wins becomes a celestial being. he hide them in the six boxes just in time. each guardians searched for six human champion host for a blood bath to retrieve the boxes for them borrowing them their spectral powers and the blood bath began. The Yoon prestigious family is a billionaire family that owns it all in terms of wealth, but the seedlings struggle for succession for the vast wealth brings out the deadly evil nature of humans. Sen Jin won- Alex Walker, the devil's son, witnesses his grandmother and his mother killed in front of his eyes by his uncles and aunties to obtain the wealthy throne. He was bullied and mistreated by his family. In despair, he unlocks Pandora's box and got a leveling-system for revenge, which becomes his helper as well as his greatest doom, unlocking a world of monsters merging with the human world. He must save his friends, his beloved, and the world from mistakes in his quest for vengeance. He must destroy the Pandora's box inorder to separate the astral dimensions from the real world  

brainchild · Urban
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26 Chs


"You are being arrested for abetting the murder of Kingston We found evidence that you planned the car attack on Kingston. Please come with us"

"No, I was not the one who tried to murder him. No, it's not me" Ha Yeon dragged with the officers however she was pulled away.

Simeon and Ha Yeon are still confused about what went wrong. How did Kingston suddenly turn the tables around? What did he possibly have to do to make Marylyn give up her position as chairwoman of prime marketing? As thoughts flood through their minds they are led away by the same officers they called to arrest Kingston. They saw the hands of different shareholders raised up to volt him to power.

"Then all here is in support and there are no objections. I lawyer Raymond hereby appoint the new chairman of prime marketing. Kingston Ryu tae ver de Yoon. With 40% shares from Robert ver de Yoon and 20% shares from fashion and other industrial inherited shares owned by Kingston and brothers. Kingston was now the chairman of Prime Marketing and head of the conglomerates. He who controls prime marketing controls k-taste conglomerates.

As the duo was led through the hall by prosecutors, they saw Seoyeon and Alex fighting with the security guards to gain entrance to the shareholder's meeting but they were stopped by giant bodyguards. Alex's eyes raged with fury.

"Kingston Yoon, I will never forgive you. Never forgive you" Alex folded his hand into a fist.

"hahahahaha!" Ha, Yeon laughed hysterically and said "It seems Marylyn has been played as well by Kingston. She did not give up her position after all but was robbed of it. Hahaha, serve her right" Ha Yeon laughed out loud.

"What did he do? I am curious" Simeon questioned.

Ha Yeon stopped suddenly and asked Kim Yong who walked them to the door. "Please arrange a meeting with Kingston. I need to see him. We need to see him?"

"Ok! Let me see if I can arrange a meeting" Kim calls Kingston's assistant manager and then passes the phone to prosecutor Na Hee. She nods her head, turns to Lee Soo Bin, and informs her. " The chairman wants a meeting with them privately before we take them away. Is that ok with you"

"ok let's go" They pulled the duo to a private room inside the company building with Kim standing with them. Kingston walked into the room and everyone left the room except the Trios.

"Ryu Tae! What did you do?" Ha Yeon shouted.

" You are too loud. Since you will be going to jail, I guess I will tell you. See I intend to run for the office of mayor in Seoul and I know you were waiting for the climax of my political campaign to use those documents against me"

Ha Yeon calmed down knowing fact that Kingston had seen through her. "Fathers 40% Shares was bait. I intentionally gave the shares to Raymond and I know you are a greedy person Ha Yeon, your greed to take what was not yours will eventually resurface itself. I only made it play faster by tweaking it a little."

Kim walked out the door where Kingston and the duo discussed and she declared.

"I need to thread safely. Kingston is scary and a monster, when he talked about campaigning to become the Mayor of Seoul. He was not joking. He has some freaking connections and plans" She begins to remember the meeting with Kingston that turned the tables around.

That day at the medical complex, Kim opened the door to the VIP room, and in the room was Kingston who was supposed to be comatose reading some documents. In the room were a few persons in suits seated. her eyes counted the people? She saw Paul, Peter Walker, Na Hee, Lee Soo Bin, the chief prosecutor, and two others in the same room. She slid the door behind her and the meeting started.

"Just as you scripted the way Ha Yeon and Simeon would behave. They play right into your hands" the chief prosecutor submitted some documents to him. Kingston laughs out loud as Na Hee and Lee Soo Bin explain the meeting plan by Ha Yeon.

It turns out that Kingston might have a blackmailing video of corruption against the prosecutor general and with some nice amount of money delivered to their pockets. Kingston was invisible. He had predicted their plans and made meetings and arrangements with key players in his chess game.

Kingston glanced through the documents in exchange he gave another document to Na Hee and Lee Soo Bin which contained narcotic drugs but in truth, those drugs in the room were a setup by me under the orders of Kingston. Why I pondered the reasons why the siblings fought. Paul asked a surprising question that caught my attention.

"Kingston why did you stage the car accident on yourself?, King got off his bed and lit the embezzlement documents on fire as he explained. "leaving Father's percent shares with lawyer Raymond without making any attempt to take it as originally planned was a bait set up to steer up the greed of Ha yeon. I will run for the office of mayor soon"

He turns his face looking at them "I know Ha Yeon is quite greedy, I know she was waiting for my campaign to blackmail me with this. Once I become chairman, I have no desire to break away the companies from prime marketing. The slush funds were kept for my political campaign. As I run for office, I need to bribe assemblymen and those in power. For that reason I suffered and plan to create the slush fund however I can't share it with two pieces of greedy trash who did not know the price I paid to get that money. I had Paul send someone from Ha Yeon's trusted security men to crash my car and then link the murder to an account that tied Ha Yeon to the assailant. Of course, I paid him handsomely for his trouble to testify against Ha Yeon and to ensure he didn't talk. I paid the policemen to poison him to death and also falsified the murder and pinned it on Ha Yeon. With Simeon charged for cocaine drugs, Ha Yeon was arrested for murder.

They have no choice but to grove on their knees and plead with me to save them or rot in Jail. They know they can't win the court because I have the power to influence the court's decision and then my demands will be answered. I would have been successful in theming a rampaging bull."

Kingston looked out the window to a night view of the city

"Peter Walker, you brought Kim to the table and I must confess she has been quite successful in supporting me to take over from Marylyn. I knew that she worked with you for the Cia, I knew I brought you to work as a mole and to marry Marylyn in other to take over the company but what you did not tell me" Kingston walked to Peter Walker, he put his right hand on his shoulder and stare at peter walkers eyes and said.

"You never told me you were married to Kim as husband and wife for the past seven years and that indirectly makes Marylyn a mistress because the court acknowledges the first bride as wife"

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to keep such information but the opportunity was too good to pass" Kingston stared into his eyes and replied. "It's ok if any of you betrays me. I will kill one of you love birds." Kingston stared at Kim

"I want you to continue your relationships with Ha Yeon discreetly. If they comply with my terms, I might not need to send them to prison. I know she has more secrets hidden in her sleeves. As for Marylyn, it is time for you Peter, and Kim to kill her. Since you don't have any children after seven years of marriage, I am sure Alexandra would be okay for you but he will be monitored until the death of Marylyn. He would be sent to Yoontan High School where my prodigy student King will handle the rest" Paul asks Kingston.

"What are the terms and conditions you want Simeo and Ha Yeon to agree on?'' Kingston had a devilish monstrous smile on his face.

"Oh it will be a big Mass murder"

Simeon in the room raises an eyebrow at his answer after asking him the same question Paul asked. "Mass murder, you want me to kill people?"

"Hmmmm! I have some opponents fighting for the major seat but you know one must learn from his mistakes. I want you to create a simple kind of disease similar to the COVID-19 pandemic which other doctors can't cure but must be contained within Seoul. You will spread the diseases in the street and when people begin to die.

The media will unveiled by Paul, Kingston partners with brother Simeon a skilled medical doctor who cured the last noodles pandemic via bottling water and drinks to come up with a cure for the current pandemic crisis spreading across Korea.

When several people have died we introduced a drug that the masses must take every two days to stay alive and that would bring the medical complex more money and fame. I will come out like Jesus Christ the savior and provide shelter to where they would take the drugs and I will ensure my opponents give up their campaign for the position by begging me for an antidote. This way I will be voted and loved by the people and this will catapult me for the position of presidency in the future. Hahahaha ha haha haha ha haha haha" Kingston began to laugh out loud and Simeon and Ha Yeon stared in disbelief.

Kim walking back to the shareholder's meeting listened to the conversation between Kingston his sidling via a small telecommunication listening camera service hidden under Ha Yeon's blazer.

"Kingston seems to forget I am an Ex CIA spy agent. I sure keep an insurance record of every event. How dare he threaten to kill my husband or me if we betray him? Like I heard Alex say, it takes a Devil to kill a monster" Kim stopped to stare at Marylyn and Alex fighting to enter into the prime market building complex. Alex Death stared at her back and gritted his teeth.

For some reason, my mother had a bad feeling about transferring the company shares that held the fashion company in one piece to my father. She resumed as CEO but my father kept disturbing her about it. my mother left the fashion company with her assistant Catherine, Lucky's mother. This brought enmity between my father and my mother. Small sparks of quarrels were here and there going on between them until suddenly.

She complained of a light headache and she became sick. She took drugs but it felt like she was not getting better. To have peace in the house, she finally gave the fashion company shares to my father.

One day at home she heard of an emergency board meeting with the board of directors and she was not even aware of it.

My mother arrived at the meeting only to be stopped by her security preventing her from entering the building only to discover that my father had betrayed her.

He had joined her brothers against her making Kingston the highest number of shares.