

Assuming you happily finished reading a popular web novel called Bloody Webtoon, that novel came to life, killing ten million readers worldwide in one single night, and this night is your night to join the dead for reading that novel. What will you do? Pandora’s Box also identified as the Devil's Toy Box An urban legend commonly told by people of South Korea about Pandora’s box that has the power to grant you your inner desires, your greatest wish, beauty, immortality, fame, wealth, power, name it; you just have to find the box and make your wish. So it was told to every citizen from birth. So people will fight each other; fathers betray sons and daughters engage in a bloodbath against anyone, billionaire tycoons and ordinary good citizens turn bad all engaged in a fight. Every man for himself, however, there are only a few who truly know that Pandora’s box was not a box of wishes but a Devil's toy box, A key to the gateway to unlocking another dimension of monsters to human reality. A time when science was at its highest peak during Albert Einstein era, a local scienctist name Abraham pike wanted a name for himself and so he ventured to solve the mystery of the big bang theory of how this world was form believing combining magic and science was the key to the mystery however he hears a voice name the gate keeper who taught him how to create a puzzle box to open the astral realm. the results of opening the astral realm to human world was a massive teleportation of 10 miliion humans and buildings to another world. he saw a world of monsters with high wickedness. teleporting back, to the human world, he sought to destroy the boxes but could not and he split the boxes into six and scattered to six different countries...one with the monks, one with, a Japanese exorcist, one with Roman catholic Church and the others unknown. what Abraham pike did not know was that before the boxes were scattered, the gate keeper created six clones guardians and made a competition between them. one of them must kill absorbing the other five uniting the box as one to open a dimension door uniting the closest astral realm and the natural realm. who ever wins becomes a celestial being. he hide them in the six boxes just in time. each guardians searched for six human champion host for a blood bath to retrieve the boxes for them borrowing them their spectral powers and the blood bath began. The Yoon prestigious family is a billionaire family that owns it all in terms of wealth, but the seedlings struggle for succession for the vast wealth brings out the deadly evil nature of humans. Sen Jin won- Alex Walker, the devil's son, witnesses his grandmother and his mother killed in front of his eyes by his uncles and aunties to obtain the wealthy throne. He was bullied and mistreated by his family. In despair, he unlocks Pandora's box and got a leveling-system for revenge, which becomes his helper as well as his greatest doom, unlocking a world of monsters merging with the human world. He must save his friends, his beloved, and the world from mistakes in his quest for vengeance. He must destroy the Pandora's box inorder to separate the astral dimensions from the real world  

brainchild · Urban
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26 Chs


The lawyer and other groups had joined him with my grandfather's share. The board had taken bribes and not only that.

Paul had created videos of their corruption and theft as evidence to blackmail them. They had no choice but to obey Kingston. My mother was pissed off. She tried talking this out when my father when he got home. If she could take the shares in the fashion company, she might have a chance however my father slammed and beat her up. I too became a recipient of male violence. Each day my mother strives to get her company back.

This was the beginning of male violence in our home. My mother became weaker and weaker. She didn't have time to quarrel with my father. She was bedridden and at some point, my father brought home a female assistant named Kim. He was busy enjoying life and paid no attention to us. I had believed they were having an affair. That assistant disdains me. She hated me with passion. It was as if she had sworn to destroy me for no reason and the about three years of my life hell would be a joke compared to the life I experienced.

My mother in a bid to fight for the company and get back at my father, called Catherine and made some deals with some loyal shareholders to rally around her. She still had her shares and her mother's shares. With few shareholders turned to get to her side. She could turn the table so she thought however sadly she was mistaken. The detective she had summoned to help take down the blackmailing videos against them had been killed. Kingston had threatened my father to take charge of his home or risk losing the company.

My father returned from work and sent all his pant anger on my mother. Behind him was a loyal secretary I had never seen before. Her name was Kim. I underestimated her and the price paid for this was too high. Kim promised my dad to single handling take care of us in such a way we wouldn't act up. I didn't know what that meant until a few weeks passed. My mother was sick and that day the doctor came to the house.

" metaphomine? What sort of drug is that?" I questioned

"Give her two tablets each day, one in the morning and one in the evening. She would get better with time although the bruises and wounds are not fatal but you would be bedridden for some time" Dr. Park Jung said as he packed up his medical utensils while assisted by a maid.

"Thank you, doctor, I will ensure she takes her medication" Alex reached out and pulled the white-pink curtains to the side, allowing the morning light to flood into a large room with his mother sleeping.

Shielding his face with his palm, he attempted to ward off the sun's intrusive rays. Alex was dressed in his school uniform of white selves and blue pants. Alex touches his mother's face and kisses her forehead.

"Rest mother! I will be right back, let me see the doctor" Alex turns to the chief butler, an Elderly man with sleeping brown eyes. He had white straight sneering hair on a suit. Behind him were two female maids named Mary and Jane.

"Sir Alfred, Mary, and Jane please take care of my mother while I am gone. Please" Alex begged politely

Alfred and the two maids bow their heads in Agreement" Even if you don't mention it, Sir Alex. We intend to do just that"

Alex walked the doctor outside the house and went back for his school bag in his room. Walking through the parlor, He hears footsteps of red high hills walking down the round-you-turn staircase to the living room.

Alex's eyes widened in shock as Secretary Kim was in Seoyeon's sexy night red robe. Except for a red bra and red pants, Miss Kim can be highly classified as a naked slut. She was holding a cup of red wine she was sipping. Walking down the stairs, she stared at the family portrait of Alex's mother and Peter and Alex. She sipped her red wine before splashing the wine colors on my mother's portrait. This interprets the meaning of a threat. Alex is shocked and Secretary Kim stares at young Alex looking at her actions and she says.

" Hahaha! Young Alex! I think it's too early to be lustful after a beautiful woman such as myself. Well, any man can't help fall my charm right Alex?" She questions while playing with the glass cup with wine in it waving.

"Yes, I agree! No one can stop staring at a naked slut like you" Thunder flashes on her face as Alex slandered at her.

"What do you think you are doing in my house slut prostitute? How dare you? How dare you slut put on my mother's nightgown?"

"Haha!, I need to teach you some manners. What did you just call me?" Alex thunders his footstep striding up the staircase towards Kim.

"Remove my mother's nightgown slut" Alex was mid-way striding the stairs towards her and suddenly a glass cup of wine came flying through the air.


It smashed on Alex's head and Alex missed a step slipping off the stairs and rolling to the ground.

"Ugh! My back! Son of a bitch" Alex got up on his feet and turns to look at Kim however Kim from the stairs case accompanied by force had already jumped thundering an axe-spinning kick at Alex's face. Alex found his body in the air with the world spinning around him. His back crashes violently against a wine rack and hundreds of bottles smashed up on him crashing to the marble floor.

Alex from the top of his head to his school was drenched in his blood mixed in several colors of wine.

Alex lifted his anger-filled eyes and grabbed an unbroken bottle. He smashes it against the ground and stood to his feet holding the bottle ready for a fight.

"Come on slut! Let me fuck you with a bottle. We will die here together prostitute" Alex's death stared at Kim aiming his broken bottle at her.