

Assuming you happily finished reading a popular web novel called Bloody Webtoon, that novel came to life, killing ten million readers worldwide in one single night, and this night is your night to join the dead for reading that novel. What will you do? Pandora’s Box also identified as the Devil's Toy Box An urban legend commonly told by people of South Korea about Pandora’s box that has the power to grant you your inner desires, your greatest wish, beauty, immortality, fame, wealth, power, name it; you just have to find the box and make your wish. So it was told to every citizen from birth. So people will fight each other; fathers betray sons and daughters engage in a bloodbath against anyone, billionaire tycoons and ordinary good citizens turn bad all engaged in a fight. Every man for himself, however, there are only a few who truly know that Pandora’s box was not a box of wishes but a Devil's toy box, A key to the gateway to unlocking another dimension of monsters to human reality. A time when science was at its highest peak during Albert Einstein era, a local scienctist name Abraham pike wanted a name for himself and so he ventured to solve the mystery of the big bang theory of how this world was form believing combining magic and science was the key to the mystery however he hears a voice name the gate keeper who taught him how to create a puzzle box to open the astral realm. the results of opening the astral realm to human world was a massive teleportation of 10 miliion humans and buildings to another world. he saw a world of monsters with high wickedness. teleporting back, to the human world, he sought to destroy the boxes but could not and he split the boxes into six and scattered to six different countries...one with the monks, one with, a Japanese exorcist, one with Roman catholic Church and the others unknown. what Abraham pike did not know was that before the boxes were scattered, the gate keeper created six clones guardians and made a competition between them. one of them must kill absorbing the other five uniting the box as one to open a dimension door uniting the closest astral realm and the natural realm. who ever wins becomes a celestial being. he hide them in the six boxes just in time. each guardians searched for six human champion host for a blood bath to retrieve the boxes for them borrowing them their spectral powers and the blood bath began. The Yoon prestigious family is a billionaire family that owns it all in terms of wealth, but the seedlings struggle for succession for the vast wealth brings out the deadly evil nature of humans. Sen Jin won- Alex Walker, the devil's son, witnesses his grandmother and his mother killed in front of his eyes by his uncles and aunties to obtain the wealthy throne. He was bullied and mistreated by his family. In despair, he unlocks Pandora's box and got a leveling-system for revenge, which becomes his helper as well as his greatest doom, unlocking a world of monsters merging with the human world. He must save his friends, his beloved, and the world from mistakes in his quest for vengeance. He must destroy the Pandora's box inorder to separate the astral dimensions from the real world  

brainchild · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


" Daily News reports- Kingston Yoon remains comatose after a tragic car accident. Accusations of speculated defective noodles flower by prime marketing under Kingston's orders. More report updates shortly".

A young woman laughs watching the news on her phone as her car arrives at a fancy Korean restaurant. She looked out the window as the day transformed into a sea of night. Other vehicles with guests and elderly men arrived at the same traditional Korean restaurant. She steps down and walks into the restaurant and maids direct her to a certain room.

In one room as her eyes peck through the slightly open door, Simeon sat with executive subsidiaries shareholders, and the board of directors dressed in various suits. They eat and drink and open boxes filled with money.

The waiter directed her to a room where Ha Yeon and two others sat and talked. As she stepped into the room, the two persons, one a male with features of brown greasy hair and brown eyes on a brown suit, and the other a long brown hair with brown eyes on regular clothes. She recognized her as their jobs were similar and they often met in field work.

"Please come on in. Let me introduce myself to you" Ha Yeon stretched her hand.

"Mr young ki of daily news and I am sure you know her. Miss Lee Soo Bin of the food, and drug law agency" The two exchange pleasantries.

"This is the document for the defective noodles that killed hundreds of people under the orders of Kingston as managing director of K-Taste Noodles. Mr Young Ki has already made the headlines and I am sure you are curious about the evidence of the scoop. I have invited you two, prosecutor Na Hee and agent Lee So Bin. I want you to begin the search and seizure on the noodles food brand to get evidence from the source server hand drive for defective flowers used to produce defective noodles and the prosecutor arrest Kingston for defective noodles. Mr. Young Ki will make news headlines of Kingston's defective Noodles corruption" She presented some bulk of written papers to them and the reporter question.

"You have the number one News Channel in Korea. Why make use of Daily News?"

"That's because senior police Chief Paul Yoon is in charge of the broadcasting station and will destroy the evidence. Paul helped cover Kingston's corruption and that's why our prosecutor Na Hee will arrest Paul after finding more evidence from the control room server as well as this evidence I have presented. I believe this will be enough to move the prosecutors and Food, and drug law agency to move to make the arrest" "Yes, with the death and sicknesses caused by this case. It's enough to sentence him a lifetime in prison" Na Hee replied. Ha Yeon revealed devilish smiles, as they dined.

Days passed

In the prosecutor's office, a middle-aged Korean man with short hair turns his brown eyes to the knock on the door.

"Come in" a beautiful lady with sharp eyes and long brown hair in a purple suit walked in.She bows her head to the senior prosecutor general" You sent for me sir"

"Na Hee, the food, and Drug law agents sent a document of embezzlements. I want a team to conduct search and seizure immediately in these two locations"

"Right away sir" She bowed her head and swiftly moved to action. Several prosecutors board into three different vans and move out from the prosecutor's office. The first van invades the prime medical complex. They lift a piece of paper with a government seal and a young man said

"We are here to conduct search and seizure" The enforcers behind him began to search everything and seize what they found.

Na Hee who had divided her team. One team went straight into the Yah Eon Hotel suit where Ha Yeon lived. They entered the house and began the search and seizure after talking with the chief maid. A member of Na Hee at the prime medical complex calls Na Hee's phone.

"We found the evidence. We are on our way." Said the voice, Na hee instantly orders the car to make a U-turn in the middle of the road

At the same time in a rectangle hall with fifty people dressed in suits. These are men and women of subsidiaries shareholders, and boards of directors who sat in the meeting to talk about the impeachment of Kingston from his positions however Marylyn the current chairwoman has not arrived yet.

While Simeon and Ha Yeon waited for Marylyn to arrive. The door opens up expecting Marylyn to walk in however Kingston and a group of well-suited men walk into the room with Peter Walker, some executive's board of directors, and some shareholders into the office.

"What is he doing here? He was definitely in a coma?" Simeon points his hand in surprise. He turned to Ha Yeon and questioned.

"What the hell is going on?" suddenly their phone calls ranged and they were informed of a search and seizure carried out in their various companies. Ha, Yeon's eyes widened in shock "Have we been betrayed but how?" she looked towards Kingston who had a smirk on his lips.


The meeting began with lawyer Raymond and Peter Walker walking to the podium where the shareholders could see him and Peter Walker announced.

"Chairwoman Marylyn my wife should be our chairperson today but am filling in for her because she is sick. As you can see she had given me the power of attorney" he opens a sheet of paper with a red signature on it.

Some loyal staff looked at each other confused as Peter Walker continued.

"Mrs. Marylyn has expressed her wish to step down as chairwoman to focus on health unfortunately is everyone in support of this?" Raymond questioned.

The majority of the shareholders murmured in surprise however they raised their hands. Raymond then cuts in

Then we shall appoint a new chairman and the chairwoman Marylyn has nominated Ryu Tae for the position. I would like you to cast your votes right now by raising your hands. The majority of the shareholders raise their hands and that includes the shareholders who had taken money from Simeon and Ha Yeon. Simeon rubbed his face in shock, confusion, and disappointment as he did not understand what went wrong or what was going on.

Ha Yeon slammed the desk in anger rose to her feet and shouted "What is the meaning of these? Marylyn suddenly dropped out as chairwoman due to sickness. I find it hard to believe she would nominate her number-one enemy Kingston for such a position. What about the rumor of defective noodles in the media? That should be enough to let our stocks go down and yet you blindly appoint a fraud to the seat of power. Don't you all realize he would soon be arrested by the prosecutors for embezzlement" Suddenly

The door of the hall opens and several prosecutors walking behind Na Hee and the food and drug law agents walk into the shareholders meeting as well. Immediately she saw them, Ha yeon she smiled

"Yes, see they are here to arrest you Kingston. They have evidence of defective flowers for the noodles. "

Kingston had a dark devilish monstrous smile on his face. Accompanied by a shared amount of force, he slams his staff on the ground and says. "Oh, you mean the one you submitted,"

Ha Yeon was shocked, and Kingston continued, "About that, I think you submitted a wrong document."

"Huh!" Ha Yeon raised a brown eye.

Kingston plays a video from the TV hanged to the wall. A video reveals a hidden room inside the medical complex having certain bags of drugs kept and used by Doctor Simeon and another scientist to invent the latest headache drug.

"I heard Simeon here used a certain drug made from Codeine cocaine substances in the new drug he created called methamphetamines."

"What? That's not possible" Simeon stood up to his feet shocked. Agent Lee Soo Bin and members of the prosecutors moved forward revealing an arrest warrant paper at Simein.

"You are under arrest as a crime suspect of the use of narcotics drug, Codeine diet mixed with cocaine methamphetamine ." He was handcuffed and the prosecution walked to Ha Yeon and shown an arrest paper as well.

"What? Why am I being arrested?" She questions as the handcuff straps around her wrist.