
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
77 Chs


As he walked slowly, he saw an abysmal number of people coming.

There were so many people that it made Shiro's own body itch quickly.

There were thousands of soldiers, and also more than 100 people who exceeded level 100, about 60 who exceeded level 200, about 45 who reached more than level 300 and only about 12 who exceeded level 400.

[I guess I have to end all of these once and for all].

"You are the intruder right!".

"You must be shaking with fear right now!"

"But now all you have left is death!"


[Black Flash].

Shiro appeared above the entire army in the air, he put his sword in his inventory and made his move, a devastating blow of almost 100 thousand points of damage, devastated almost 1 km of the area and made a hole that left the sea visible below. of the island.

>You got 2 million 169 thousand EXP<.

>Congratulations, you leveled up<.

>Congratulations, you leveled up<.

>Congratulations, you leveled up<.





Ignoring the various notifications that he was receiving for leveling up, he did not focus much, because he was not going to spend tickets, since he would be collecting them, and the improvement points would be so few that they would not make that much of a difference either. , although I also keep them as an emergency.

He had to use the black Flash, because although he was stronger than them if they possibly used combined devil fruits, they could have put him in trouble.

Shiro flew and to put himself in the area that was not destroyed, but as soon as he put his first foot down, a person appeared in an instant in front of him, launching a blow with haki.

[How fast!].

He moved his head to the right to dodge the attack, but a blow from behind his head made its appearance, as soon as he felt the touch of his hair on his fist, he had to teleport 10 meters away from there.

[It's too fast].

When he saw who it was, he noticed a man over 5 meters tall, shiro only reached his knees.

This person has a black scarf with white edges, purple hair, black pants and a death gaze, wanting to cut Shiro in two, since he killed many of his brothers and sisters.


Strength:2300 (x4) (+8008)

Speed:2618 (x5) (+8008)

Defense:2290 (x4) (+8008)



Spirit:2002 (x4)

Kenbunshoku Haki: Detection and prediction of attacks and living beings, increases speed.

[Multiplier 5].

[Sub Skill] : See 1 second ahead in the future.

• Busoshoku Haki: Spiritual armor, hardens the skin, as hard as steel, increases the user's strength and defense.

[Multiplier 4].

• Haoshoku Haki: You can manipulate your spirit, expelling it, to knock out weaker enemies or boost your strength with your own spirit.

[Multiplier 4]

Author's Note: As the ability to see seconds into the future is somewhat complex to adapt in an rpg, I decided that every second that you can see into the future is a plus of 5 thousand points in reaction.

For this reason, despite the fact that Shiro had 26 thousand speed and Katakuri 21 thousand, with being able to see 1 second in the future, he could already adapt to his movements and attack.

End of note.

[Can see the future].

Not only did he appear , but also several , if not 100 , of giant men with biscuit armor and swords , began to cover the entire area , they all looked the same , and they were all exactly level 500 , the funny thing was that, they did not have energy points, nor mental andnor spiritual and with such only the advantage of being very resistant.

Behind him, far away, another appearance made, a woman also about 5 meters, had white hair, armor that only covers her chest and legs from the knees down, mostly it seemed that she wanted to show off her legs.

This woman had a level of 815 and had the same haki level as the other guy, except for the observation which was for 4, she didn't have future vision for 1 second and she didn't have the conqueror's haki either.

It looked like he was going to fight seriously.

Shiro without expecting it, the ground opens forming a giant mouth about to eat him, Shiro just floats avoiding the attack.

And he's going to make his first move, he goes at full speed towards the woman to hit her, but before his fist connects, every part of his body went for dozens of fists and his supposed arm was a biscuity white.

He grabs sieneo very hard to catch each part of his body, made him unable to move, the woman in front, having the advantage, with her sword sends a cut at its maximum power to Shiro's neck.

This one without being able to do anything, has to teleport, above the woman, to connect his blow, but a fist of more than 1 meter covered by haki, comes out on the scene.

It was the attack of the man, Shiro had had enough, knowing that the only one who put him in trouble was that guy.

He teleports near his head, to give him a blow, but his body is stopped again by the elastic arms coming out of the ground itself, but I don't wait any longer, already close to his head, Shiro makes his sword appear in his hand, to stab him his sword into this guy's head.

But when his sword appeared, it didn't go through anything, since the guy's head turned into a stickiness disappearing his head in the process and avoiding the attack.

[What the hell?!].

On his leg he felt the touch of the woman's hand to feel how his leg was about to twist, so he teleported away from there again.

About 20 meters away, he was located randomly near the cookie giants, they rushed towards him, in large numbers.

Shiro with just his strength, began to send out air slashes, with the power of his own strength, destroying one, 2, 3, 6 of these giants, and the number kept coming.

Obviously, he got a lot of EXP from these, but he wasn't in the mood for that, because the amount seemed to never stop and although it would be good, for his EXP, he had enemies that were attacking him.

The ground itself turned into the same kind of sticky slime, but this time covered in haki, making Shiro unable to move again.

A cookie jumped on top, Shiro sent another cut up, but with his cut this giant cookie broke, revealing that behind him, there was a fist with extremely giant spikes.

While for the angle of his stomach, a giant power cut, was directed towards him, by the woman.

[If this continues, the fight will never end].

[What a bother].

Shiro who only used Haki for a few moments, when the situation called for it, the time had come to use it again, now greatly doubling his strength and resistance by 2.2. As well as using the observation haki, although it was not at all or a normal level, it would help him to perceive something even in battle.

Strength:20611 (x2.2) (+4000)

Speed:20995 (x1.4) (+4000)

Defense:1 (x2.2) (+2000)

Energy:3150 (-2000)



Wrapping his body with Haki and putting away his sword, he brutally destroyed what was imprisoning him, and then, using his strength instead of speed, he went towards the woman destroying in the way he destroyed that power outage with the simple touch of his blow. and I arrive in less than aI blink at her.

He saw perfectly how this viscosity appeared from the air itself and formed a mana with haki, but also now his speed exceeded 35 thousand, so he easily dodged it and although these hands kept appearing, he could not avoid this attack.

With a connected punch, Shiro's fist struck the woman who sent her super far into the small town of Whole Cake, destroying several houses in the process and dying in the process.

>You got 24850 EXP<.


The scream of a man with the ability to see into the future, was very hysterical and very angry.

Shiro wasted no time and teleported behind his enemy , a fist was waiting for him as soon as it appeared , but Shiro decided to make a tactic , he teleported 4 times in a row around his enemy , so that in the end , his blow managed to connect , sending a his enemy to crash into thetrees and dying with just one blow.

The opponent's anger caused him to lose concentration a bit, and the technique of teleporting several times at different angles, exceeding the time of 1 second made him also manage to land that blow.

Now all that was missing was the cookie giants, which apparently were much more.

But he didn't care anymore, so he began mercilessly beating one of the cookies at extroverting speeds, killing everyone, although one of them bled in the process, he didn't know why but he didn't care.

>You got 1 million 521 thousand EXP<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

Another flurry of notifications reappeared, which Shiro didn't even care about anymore.

Ending it all , he was exhausted , more than anything , because he continued with the cut on his throat , and although his mana skin and Haki can help him alleviate and avoid bleeding more than the one he was in , he was still difficult while you fought



A hilarious aura along with a thunderous scream so loud, it made Shiro's head ache next to her ears.

He just covered his ears tightly.


This person's voice was nothing more than big mon, she had been coming from before, but seeing how her daughter smothie crashed near her and was dead, she unleashed all her anger completely.


A giant black cloud appeared above Shiro, from this a large accumulation of lightning would come out to attack Shiro, but Shiro leaves the area by jumping back dodging the attack.

But when he managed to locate himself, the giant being, BIG MON, appeared behind him.

Turning around, Shiro saw exactly the woman, she was 12 meters tall, her build made her much bigger, she was looking at Shiro with hate.

[This is the Younko].


Strength:3500 (x4) (+19960)

Speed:3270 (x4) (+19960)

Defense:4790 (x4) (+19960)




Kenbunshoku Haki: Detection and prediction of attacks and living beings, increases speed.

[Multiplier 4].

• Busoshoku Haki: Spiritual armor, hardens the skin, as hard as steel, increases the user's strength and defense.

[Multiplier 4].

• Haoshoku Haki: You can manipulate your spirit, expelling it, to knock out weaker enemies or boost your strength with your own spirit.

[Multiplier 4]

Big Mon sends a direct blow to Shiro's body, the speed of both were not so different, Shiro with only the advantage of 3 thousand points, responded with a fist anyway.

An invisible barrier appeared in Big Mon's fist, which made her resist the fight of strength, but still after seconds, Shiro's fist won, since he surpassed her in strength by more than 10 thousand points.

>Effective damage, reduction of 10234 defense points to the enemy<.

The blow only brought BIG MON into pain and more anger, she was completely upset, her eyes were blank and the only thing she wanted was to kill Shiro completely.

She stops making a tremor in progress with her footsteps, and puts her hand on her chest, from there she takes out a kind of white sphere and swallows it in one bite.

Big mon's aura turned completely black and with red flashes, his power had increased and not only increased a little, but at the same time he recovered his defense, tripled all his physical stats.

[This is power].


Strength:10500 (x4) (+19960)

Speed:9810 (x4) (+19960)

Defense:14370 (x4) (+19960)






The hat Big Mom was wearing changed into the shape of a giant sword, now as her speed was gigantic, reaching almost 60 thousand points.

A simple cut was enough for him to attack shiro.

Because the speed was so fast, Shiro didn't even notice when the attack happened, but his body was sent crashing into the city, destroying all the houses on the way, until reaching the castle itself which also destroyed it and tore it to pieces. completely.