
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


20 minutes later.

In the security offices.

"The snails detected a movement at high speeds traveling in a straight line, it is so fast that if it continues with that speed it will arrive in 40 minutes!".

"How is it possible that no ship is that fast, it must be a fishman!".

"Or a devil fruit user that allows him to fly, we don't know for sure, but you have to call the officers, wait for his arrival quickly!"

"Yes, by the way you have to go tell mom!"

Changing the scene, to the offices of the fleet admiral, Sengoku.

"Are you telling me it's in big mon territory?"

Sengoku was talking to a soldier from the navy, these people are mostly hiding even in the troops of the Younkos.

"Ok thanks for the information".

The old man from Sengoku hangs up the call, then looks at his documents lying on his desk.

"What is he going to do there? Will they make an alliance? Will he join Big Mom? We've been looking for him for the whole month, but he seems to know how to hide well."

"We can't do much if it's in the territory of a younko, I'll be able to know where you are and what you want to do."

"And especially now, that guy has come back for revenge."

Sengoku looked at a billboard, with a picture of a nearly bald man with a mane of golden hair behind, on his head was a helmsman and he had a defiant smile.

"So you decided to show up again, Shiki."


Coming back with shiro.

Killing the last ants that appeared, he was very comfortable.

Obtaining 452 thousand of EXP.

[I'll put all the points to force then].

[System, upgrade my "State Vision" skill by 2 times].

>Upgrade complete successfully<.

[System 1.5]



(500/37900) [EXP] | [1 Golden Tickets]




-Bubble gun.

-Den Den mushi.

-Sword [Shinryuu].


Search more...


Class: Hunter.


Profit Points: 2350 points | For each level will increase 10 points in the respective statistics of the class.


Class Bonus: If the user kills his prey, the experience will be tripled.

Class Skill:

[State Vision]: As a hunter, you will be able to see the exact points that your prey has in each statistic, in order to devise plans. (Maximum vision, with people who are four times your level).

[Sub Skill]: Analysis of passive skills.

•Analysis of objects.

[Self Sustainment]: You can live without the need to eat.

•Without the need to drink.

•Without the need to sleep.

•Without the need to Breathe.

[+3 Improvements].

[Immunity]:Immune to frost.

•Immune to Poisoning.

[+1 Improvement].

[Evolutionary Induction]: Ability to improve, the quality, power, of an object.


[Improvement Points] [0]

Strength:726 (+2000)

Speed:1000 (+2000)

Defense:2000 (+2000)

Energy:3260 (-1090)





•Naval Engineering.

[Passive Skill].

•Last Wish: This ability returns the suffering of the user, to an advantage for those who managed to hurt him and return double the pain, for each point of defense he has lost, those points will double his speed and strength. [5 times multiplier effect] [MAX].

•Limit Breaker: Any effect or damage that reduces any stat to 0 will be limited to only 1 point. [3 Uses per Day].

[+2 Improvement].

[Active Skill].

•Black Flash:A blow with distortion to everything it touches. (Effect, multiplies the damage hit by the user by 4.1) [Maximum uses 4 times per day] [+9 Enhancements].

•Teleportation: You can teleport to any place you see or have been, with each teleportation you spend 45 energy points.

[You can carry anything twice your size].

[+1 Improvement].

• Mana Skin: You can cover your body with a layer of energy, this energy will increase strength, speed and defense.

[Secondary Effect: Being able to Fly]

[1 point of energy is equal to 2 points in strength, speed and defense].

[+1 Improvement].

[Scaling Skill]

•Kenbunshoku Haki: Detection and prediction of attacks and living beings, increases speed.

[Multiplier 1.4]

• Busoshoku Haki: Spiritual armor, hardens the skin, as hard as steel, increases the user's strength and defense.

[Multiplier 2.2].

[+3 Improvements].

[Okay then now...].

Shiro made the devil fruit she had in her inventory appear.

This one was dark with some blue lines and golden flashes.


>Devil Fruit type:Zoan<.

>Ryu Ryu Nomi:Kuroihono<.

>It will give the user the ability to be the dragon of the tempest<.

[A dragon, ok, that's interesting, I guess now the 150 tickets I have to collect will be worth it].

[But if I eat it now, could it be improved in the same way?].

>If it enters your body, it is no longer considered an object, but would be combined with your body, losing its name<.

[But it is not an object, it is a fruit].

>In this world, an object of high value is more considered than a simple fruit<.


Shiro put the fruit away, then got curious and analyzed her sword.

>Sword [Shinryuu]:Range - O wazamono<.

>Durability: 30 thousand points<.

>Special Skill:Regeneration through the blood that consumes the edge of the sword.

[I see why this sword is among the only ones in the world, it is very resistant].

[System, how does durability work, if I can imbue with haki?].

>The durability would increase respectively, to the defense of the user at that moment using his haki<.

[Ok, that makes me want to learn the imbue more, but my haki is at an almost average level, I still haven't reached the advanced level, to even be able to imbue my haki in some object].

[Tsk, well who cares].

After that, he kept flying, as now his flying speed would be 30 times the speed of the fastest ship.

20 minutes later, I arrive at the next island.

This one seemed to have cakes of colossal sizes, amazing things.

He decided to position himself first near a giant cake.

Shiro takes a piece of cake and swallows it.

How is this kept in good condition?

-Well, it doesn't matter.

"Stop there!".


Shiro noticed that several local soldiers looked at him with their swords and spears pointed at them.

[Wow, they were already waiting for me, even when I went to an address that they were supposed to be unaware of, security here is good].

"Do not take any more steps, you are under arrest...".

>You got 300 EXP<.

-Thank you for coming many, so please collaborate and stay still.

Shiro took a step and forcefully cut down more than 30 soldiers with a single movement.

>You got 9000 EXP<.


5 minutes later.

That time alone could help him collect 95 thousand EXP.

He was killing the poor soldiers who came to attack him , but when he was about to cut the neck of 3 remaining soldiers , in a brief moment he felt a pain in his neck , and then his body was brutally thrown away towards an empty green field , extremely far, breaking thewhere I fell

>Defense reduction to 0<.

>Limit Breaker Skill Activated, defense reduction to 1<.

>For the reduction of 3999 points of defense, you get an increase of 19995 points in strength and speed<.

[What the fuck!].

Shiro used his mana skin automatically and spent a thousand energy points to have 2 thousand points in his physical stats again.

But even so, he felt a burning sensation and blood slowly coming out of his neck.

[I almost got beheaded].

Shiro ripped off her clothes, which she thought were destroyed, and quickly wrapped them around her neck.

Then he left the destroyed area and looked at 4 nearby people approaching, but the only person that caught his attention was a woman with pale blue skin, tall, thin build, has a long neck, wears a hat and smokes relaxedly. , while cleaning his sword from theShiro's blood.

"I thought I had cut your throat, well, who cares."

"Amande, it seems that you didn't hit it well, it will be that you are losing your touch."

"Shut up you scum, or I'll cut your head off."

[I won't even be able to speak, what a pity].

Shiro a little sad, because their communication had ended here, thanks to the bleeding on his neck.

[That woman is very skilled with her sword].


Strength:980 (x3)

Speed:1520 (x3)

Defense:1160 (x3)




Kenbunshoku Haki: Detection and prediction of attacks and living beings, increases speed.

[Multiplier 3].

• Busoshoku Haki: Spiritual armor, hardens the skin, as hard as steel, increases the user's strength and defense.

[Multiplier 3].

[But I guess I'll have to act faster now].

Shiro's current strength.

Strength:20611 (+4000)

Speed:20995 (+4000)

Defense:1 (+2000)

Energy:3150 (-2000)



Shiro takes a step with great force and leaves in an instant, for the enemies, it seemed like he disappeared in an instant, but the thing was that he is now very fast for them.

With a painless precise cut, he decapitated the woman who almost killed him, he made the cut super fast and undetectable even to his brain, since he did not want her to have the suffering of dying.

That alone did to her, for the simple fact of being very good with the sword and almost killing him, thus earning some respect for him.

>You got 12600 EXP<.

Then without thinking about it anymore, she made another cut to the 3 people who were near her.

>You got 35600 EXP<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.


-Now... I did go too far.

He began to walk calmly, he was very far from the area where he had been.

All this was seen by some flowers with very scared human faces.

"Mama won't like this."

Then they sank and got out of there quickly.

5 minutes later.

At the base of your

A man trembly spoke his words.

"Th-they're dead."


The man who trembled a lot, was in front of an extremely giant woman, with pink hair, pink clothes, robust and older build.

"We have detected his photo and we realized that it is Shiro Reinhart, the alleged spy for Whitebeard."



The scream of the woman, made her expel her huge now beginning to make almost everyone who was nearby unconscious, to the point that they almost died.

But this alerted and made the entire crew act, as well as the commanders went against shiro.