
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


Coming back with shiro...

"HAHAHAHAHA, and to think that you, an unknown person, could have finished off the great crew of Captain Buggy."

"I suppose that taking you with him and having the captain himself torture you is more pleasant."

Shiro was now facing a swordsman who was on top of a unicycle, something very strange and difficult to understand, but what was not difficult to understand, is that the guy was level 9 and practically now, he was playing with Shiro.

[First a level 7 and then a level 9, it seems that someone wants me to die at once].

Shiro's breathing was labored, apart from some cuts on his body and bruises.

It was a big surprise that he was surviving a fight with a level 9, but everything has a meaning, the meaning of the level means the number of points that "In general" has, for example the lion that was level 7, in general, He must have 70 points, and since he was a physical attacker,Surely his speed and strength must have been 30 pts, and the remaining 10 points were divided into other things, this being said as an example.

But in this case, like this guy, he has 90 points overall, but in the course of the fight, you see him, that he has brutal handling control with the unicycle, he can throw, tricks and he's skilled with throws and aim. , so , your points should be higher in those things ,giving shiro a small chance to survive.

Now with this explained let's get back to the fight.

"Quick come here and don't run away unhappy!".

The guy started throwing blades, while Shiro ran from right to left, dodging as much as he could, but with each movement, his exhaustion was visible, he felt like he was about to faint again, something that is becoming very common.

Shiro, he only had a sword, his pistol had no more bullets, and he was now just being a laughing stock, dodging the attacks.

[I think that I am going to faint].

One last attack from the enemy which was shooting fire from his mouth, made Shiro give one last push, using all his strength to push himself to the right and dodge the flames, but the heat attack made him fall in the process.

Shiro was now sweating and very badly injured.

[Perhaps, this will be my end?].

[What a stupid thing.....].

Without further ado, Shiro fainted, leaving his body at the mercy of the enemy.

//Time after//

He would begin to open his eyes in a short period of time, he could still feel the pain in his body, which meant that the day had not passed yet.

Now this would be divided into 3 tabs.

When he opened his eyes, he could see how he was tied up, again, but he also saw how a guy, who apparently was a pirate with a red nose, was hit by an arm, which was stretching out as he passed.

[This scene is familiar to me].

The owner of the blow, was a skinny man with a straw hat, next to him was a green-haired man with 3 swords at his waist and the one who approached his position was Nami who had a very worried face.


Nami's voice was heard, but he could only close his eyes again.

The second time he opened his eyes again, he noticed that he was now on someone's shoulder, and that he was running, he looked up and saw a mob of angry civilians, apparently wanting to attack all of us.

It was somewhat disconcerting how they got to that scene, but Shiro's eyes grew heavy again and closed.

Now, when he opened his eyes for the third time, he saw that he was in a wooden room, something already common to his sight.

Now he no longer felt his heavy eyelashes, apparently he had fully awakened.

As her gaze was more directed at the ceiling, she wanted to sit on the bed she was on, so when she got settled, she noticed the presence of another person next to her.

It was Nami, she was sleeping in a chair next to him, she didn't take much importance to it and she looked at her own body, she noticed that she had many bandages on her body.

Something that he appreciated and was even more grateful for was that, in his state, he saw that his resistance had completely regenerated, right now he was very healthy, as if he had never fought to the death.

[Mmm...I must start training].

Shiro got up delicately so as not to wake Nami, as she got up, she noticed a map that was on a nearby table.


Although he was not an expert in reading maps to navigate the sea, he did know the basics, in order to understand.

It always gave him a curiosity, since every time he had the opportunity to see Nami's map, it always had an exact location marked on it.

While looking at the map, she noticed that behind her there was a separate sheet.

Shiro moves the sheet forward to look at it and notices that it is from a pirate with a bounty of 20 million.

[Arlong?.....who is this guy and why does Nami have her bounty match].

[He won't try to rob him...or will he?].

He took a small sigh and just decided to leave his eyes as they were, he didn't want to be nosy, so he decided to keep quiet about this.

Then he left the room, but to his surprise, it was that the boat, which was bigger, now had two more members.

And those two guys, they looked familiar, it took her a while to remember until, she realized they were the guys, when she had that wake-sleep meltdown.

The green hair noticed Shiro's presence, but simply ignored him and kept leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

Instead with the other one in the straw hat, he saw it and said with a big smile.

"Oh, hello! I see you're already awake."

-Ah, yes.....hello.

"You're right Shiro, nice to meet you, my name is Luffy and that boring guy over there is Zoro, and we're pirates."


Shiro's body went on alert, which Luffy obviously noticed.

"Calm down, we're good guys, we were the guys that saved you, we're good guys, you see?"

-Oh...then thank you.

At that moment I speak green-haired.

"Don't thank us so much, who you have to thank is the girl, she asked us for help, and she took us to your location and well, the rest is history."

The green-haired man that we now know is called zoro, said this, and then remained silent.

The guy's words made Shiro uncomfortable, since in itself, now there was a reason, to thank Nami and that made him a little uncomfortable.

But keeping a reminder in his head, to thank Nami, now he had many questions, one is that, now he is on a pirate ship, again, he doesn't know what will happen with this union, nor does he know where they are going now, He has many questions, but he decided to keep quiet because of him. moment and talk to Nami in private.


The sound of shiro's belly sounded.

"Oh, you're hungry, look, we have a barrel full of fruits, if you want you can eat them."

"Eating a lot of fruits fills your belly, but nothing is like a good meat..., it already made me hungry."

"Oh, Zoro already decided, we'll find a cook for our crew."

"Stop saying things, as if they were easy to do."

"There are also don't be angry."

Shiro just ignored the conversation of these guys and approached the barrel, there were apples.

//I repeat I love apples//

And he gladly started eating them, he'll just wait until Nami wakes up, he can get more information.

//Time after//

"Finally solid ground."

Zoro who was now stretching, celebrated the arrival.

While luffy was in front of him looking at the beautiful landscape.

"Zoro, do you think we can find meat here?"

"It is probable".


"Hey idiot don't run."

While these two doing their scene, Nami was still sitting on the edge of the ship looking at the map and Shiro was next to her standing about 9 meters away from Luffy and Zoro.

-So.....in the end you joined a pirate group.

"I didn't join, I just said I'd think about it."

-Well, you take that thought very firmly, to the point of helping them navigate.

"Better not say anything, because if it weren't for them, you would have died."


Nami, seeing my displeasure, stuck out my tongue.

"I'm still waiting for you to kneel at my feet and thank me as you should".

-I would, if it were not the case, that I was about to die, for a person that I am seeing right now.

Nami's eyes narrowed and now there was a fight of serious looks, with Shiro being the first to sigh.

-Anyway....thanks, for asking for help.

Nami looked a bit embarrassed and turned her gaze.

-And that you will not say, nothing?.

"To say that?".


"Well......thanks.....to you too, for risking your life and letting me get away."

Nami's tone of voice was a bit awkward which also made Shiro uncomfortable.

Both now had their eyes to the side, and there was silence in the environment.

"Listen, you lovebirds, move on, we already have a place to eat."

A serious look from Nami was given to Zoro who spoke and it gave him a little shudder, turning and advancing.


A small laugh was given by Shiro upon seeing this and he just decided to move on.

Nami, who continued with her serious look, just sighed and also moved forward.

//Minutes later//

Now they were in a small restaurant in the city and where he would have to eat at ease.

While they were eating on the outskirts, someone's scream could be heard.

"Pirate, pirate, pirate, there are pirates on the island."

"Everyone hide."

These words were said by a guy with black hair and a very long nose.

"Pirates, do you think he's talking about us?"

Nami covered Luffy's mouth.

"Don't even think about talking."

"Oh shut up for the devil."

One of the waiters yelled outside the door, exclaiming at the guy who was yelling.

Shiro a little curious asked.

-Something happens?.

"Oh, don't worry, he's just the town's liar, every day he lies about pirates coming to invade the place, but don't be alarmed, it's just a lie, so you can continue with your meal."

Our group who heard that, proceeded to look into each other's eyes and just shut up to continue eating.

While we were eating, a conversation.

"We need a bigger ship, if we start to swim the seas further, a big and strong ship is very efficient to withstand the storms that can be caused."

-And you think that this town has it?

"Honestly...I highly doubt it."


"I guess we'll have to go all over the place and ask, there's no other choice."

Zoro spoke joining the conversation.

-Hopefully and we get it, it would be a lot of waste of time.

Zoro nods at my words.

"Hey, look at a huge house."

Luffy who was enjoying his meat, looked out the window, and in the background there was a huge mansion.

"Do you think that we find something there?"

Zoro, Nami and Shiro also looked out the window, noticing the huge mansion.

-...It is probable.