
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


//Time after//

Their ship had come to an end, and they had managed to reach the mainland, a pity that the ambition of their now captain was very great and she began to steal valuable things

Since right now she was escaping from 3 pirates.



A simple call was enough for Shiro to appear, for him to appear in the middle of the pirates and Nami and he would kick, crouching, making all 3 of them fall, then he supported himself with his arms and launched another kick with his other leg to the jaw of one of the pirates knocking him out and whileThe other two fell, Shiro took them by the heads and made them collide with great force, finishing them off quickly.

>You got 40 EXP<.

"Because you took too long idiot, you made me run for a long time, don't you see you can't make a lady wait."

Nami just hit Shiro's chest while Shiro just had a tired look.

-Next time, don't interfere with a ship without warning, I had to fight against 8 other people before for that.

[Although it suits me... I'm close to level 5].

"Ah yes, I'm sorry, hehehehehe."

"In the end, you were more useful to me, and to think that before I was thinking of selling you as a slave for a few coins."

-I'm not flattered by your words Pirate Swindler, Nami.

"Shhh!!!, don't say it like it's nothing, they can hear us."

[The only reason why I don't get away from you is that you know how to navigate and you bring me bait to level up, while we also have money to eat something very good].

Shiro leaving her thoughts aside, she just spoke.

-Anyway... this city is empty from what I see.

"Well yes, it seems that all its inhabitants fled because of the buggy."

-Buggy is the pirate that ate that devil fruit, right?

"That's right, that's why it's very dangerous and everyone is afraid of it."

-.....you just stole a map, it seems that not everyone is afraid of it.

"Don't talk like that, it seems like she's just a simple thief."

-You weren't?

"I am a pirate thief, I only steal from pirates, a thief who steals a thief has a thousand years of forgiveness."

-...well, let's get something to eat, I'm already hungry.

"Ah yes, it will be better to hide in a house so those who try to look for us will find it more difficult."

//Minutes later//

They had entered a house and prepared to eat everything that was inside it.

-And what was your goal?

"Getting 100 million robbing pirates."

-What a clearer and colossal goal.

-I'm still surprised how come you're still alive.

"Tricking the idiots of the pirates is easy, those bastards are so stupid."

-I see that you detonate your hatred of pirates every time you name it.

"It's obvious that I hate pirates, you too, don't you?"

-All my family was murdered by pirates, with that I tell you everything.

"You see, those vile pirates must rot in hell, I with my cunning and navigation skills and you with your strength and strategy, we can rob the pirates."

[I don't know why you think I'm going to work for you, forever girl, but hey, she's a thief, she likes convenience, that's a very good thing to manipulate].

He did not have any resentment, nor thirst for revenge, he knows that there will always be bad people and taking revenge, it is a waste of time, apart from the fact that he did not share any ties with his parents in this world, so he does not feel anything.

Shiro doesn't answer and just keeps eating, Nami just had a smile, meal time is over and it was time to move.

Just as he was lifting the table, a massive explosion could be heard.

"What the hell?!".

When they opened the door, they could see the destruction of 5 houses in a straight line, all this was caused by a cannon.

[This is serious].

-You have to run away from here, quickly.


When Nami and Shiro left the house, a scream could be heard from far away.


-You are very sought after lately.

"Shut up and run."

A journey through their lives began, while they crossed the streets some pirates began to close their possible paths.

"There's this one, catch her"

About 4 pirates came from the front.

-Run down that alley.

Shiro pointed a way for Nami, and she complied, while the 4 pirates were closing in very fast.

"Get out of our way, you fucking jerk."

Shiro just made a huge leap, passing over them, while with his sword, he sends a vertical slash perfectly to their heads, which knocks them out of the fight.

>You got 80 EXP<.

>Congratulations, level up<.




He heard Nami's scream, and he ran, he was getting closer to the path that Nami had been, but in the process he began to improve his physique.

[I need speed, many pirates are going to attack us right now].

With that thought, he increases his 10 points to speed.



(20/600) [EXP] | [4 Golden Tickets]


[Improvement Points] [0]







Thanks to his speed, he was able to reach Nami's location with relative ease, noticing that there were 3 people surrounding Nami.

Shiro with a rapid movement, kicks the head of one of the guys with all his might, sending him flying and crashing into the wall.

>You got 20 EXP<.

This disconcerted the two guys in the place, and that made Nami take advantage of the moment, pulling out 3 small wooden bars joining them, forming a big stick, which hit them in the parts and heads of the two pirates.

"Cursed, pirate, unfortunate, insolent, dirty."

With every word he said, a pirate took a hit, even though these two are already passed out.

Shiro, not caring about the attack of anger, tells Nami.

-You have to move fast, the pirates are close.


Nami paying attention together with Shiro ran, when they reached the end of the alley, Shiro, thanks to his improved reflexes, noticed a giant shadow coming towards them.


Shiro yelled and then grabbed Nami's body and pushed backwards to the left, the enemy's attack had destroyed the ground and with that impact, made Nami's and Shiro's bodies fly and crashed against the wall of a house.

Since he perfectly dodged the damage, he did not suffer any injuries.

"Shiro, are you alright?"

-Yes-yes, don't worry.

Now after saying his status, he raises half and notices his opponent, in this case something unusual, since he was a guy, on top of a 3-meter giant lion.

[My God].

He looked closely at the levels and in the case of the boy it was not a problem, because it was level 1, but in the case of the lion, it was a danger, because it was level 7.

-I suppose that this is where our union ends.


-Nami, you have to run, the boat is near, you just have to enter and escape.

"Wait shiro, you're not going to fight that thing right, you're going to die."

-Since when do you worry about me?

"Don't talk nonsense, we have to run, if we run as fast as we can escape."

-It doesn't matter, the lion would reach us.

-You have to go now, time does not wait for you.

Nami began to clench her fists, although she didn't have a bond with Shiro, she didn't see him as a bad person either, he was more like a partner you need, but the feeling that someone sacrificed himself for her, that feeling bothered her a lot.

"You're an Idiot".

"Don't die, or I will kill you with my fists."

[That doesn't make sense, but well...].

Nami, clenching her fists and closing her eyes, ran off to get to the boat.

"Oh, no-no-no, I didn't give you permission to escape."

The boy was about to order his lion to attack Nami but Shiro got in his way.

-Your opponent will be me, kitty.

Shiro with his sword, pointed at him.

"How dare you get in my way, you damn worm."


Hearing the order, the lion ran at full speed towards Shiro, although the speed of the lion is faster than him, thanks to his height and the separation distance, he managed to jump to the right avoiding the lion's attack.

The big kitten crashed into a house, destroying it on the way, making the lion very angry and causing it to pounce again and throw a claw at Shiro with its right paw.

Shiro, took advantage of his height and slipped under the lion's belly.

Once there, he sends 4 cuts with his sword, making the lion scream in pain, thanks to this reaction, he controlled his right leg and managed to kick Shiro since he was close.

The kick was strong, managing to take shiro to crash into a house, the damage was 40 points, leaving shiro's defense at only 10 points.

This already hurt, leans on his elbow against the floor looking at his enemy approaching against him.

"Did you really think that a simple ant like you could fight my lion."

-The truth that yes.

While Shiro was in this pose, he took his pistol out of his pocket with his other arm, which was still with the 3 bullets, and with a quick and direct movement, he aimed at the brain and fired the 3 bullets in a row at the lion.

The bullets passed in the same location, being able to pierce the thick skin and completely destroy the brain.

The lion just fell to the ground dead while the owner was surprised and angry.

"What did you do?!".

-I killed him, that's what I did.

Shiro had already managed to stand in his position, the adrenaline had reached him, making him forget the pain and injuries he had now.

"I'll kill you!".

The guy with all the hate in the world approached Shiro with a sword to kill him, but Shiro easily kicked him, sending him flying, ending his life by embedding him in a wall.

>You got 80 EXP<.

-Okay, this was difficult.


-Even if it is, I'll make sure that Nami has already managed to leave in the boat.

As Shiro started forward, a small rumble sounded from behind her at 7 meters.

"Wow Wow...I see we have someone interesting here."


Shiro just turned to look at the new person who arrived at the site.

//Scene Change:Nami//

Nami was rushing to her ship, in frustration, as she heard loud bangs and gunshots, coming from Shiro's location.

She felt weird, she wasn't a bad person on the inside, and a feeling of guilt and remorse filled her a lot.

"Fucking idiot!".

Shaking her head and shedding a small tear, she already had her ship in her vision.

There were only a few steps to go, but something unexpected happened.


A large cannonball was directed at the ships, taking out some ships, including Nami's ship that he stole.


"Finally we have you thief."

About 5 pirates appeared, surprising her a lot.

"This time, you're not going to escape us."

The 5 guys rushed towards her to attack her.

Nami could only close her eyes and cover her body with her arms instinctively in the face of danger.




But the danger never came, she didn't know what was happening so she opened her eyes to see how a guy with green hair stopped the 5 pirates with the two swords easily.

"It is wrong to attack a lady...".

This guy's voice was a bit ironic and serious, but after saying these words he, with one movement, manages to launch the pirates, defeating them easily.

{Who is he?}.

That question was on Nami's mind.