
Chapter Two

"Dragan it is good to see you. Did I make my maker proud?" I asked sarcastically.

"Anastasia what did I do to deserve this kind of attitude from you?"

I did not need to look at him to know the large smile plastered across his face. My murders are his entertainment. Ever since he turned me, he informed me I have so much potential. He told me I was meant to be a vampire. I wish I never fell for his looks, but then again it was the mystery of this man that lured me in. You know what they say somethings should be left alone and I should have listened. "How long were you here?"

"Unfortunately I only caught the last little bit, but there shall be other times."

"You could have saved that girl?"

"Yes I could have, but why the hell should I do that? These humans are nothing but food, or pets, or a pawn in a game. Or all three," he grinned.

"You are sick."

Dragan burst out in laughter. "I don't think you have any right to say that shit to me after what you just accomplished. Now let's go before someone sees us."

No matter how much I do not want to go with this man, he is right we do need to leave before someone sees us and then Dragan would make it a game to kill them. I looked over to see him holding out his hand for me to grab with that wicked smirk on his face. "Come on let's go," as I pushed his hand away. We left the beach and walked over to the parking lot where we were greeted by his driver. I would raise concern for the fact that this man was human, but Dragan compels any human that he needs to use. Unfortunately the humans he compels never stay alive long. He becomes bored with them very quickly. The driver opens the door and I slide in with ease as Dragan follows.

"Soooo what were you up to?" The only time Dragan has a driver is when he is doing business. So far that I can remember, he goes by Drake and is the CEO of some Stock business. This man is filthy rich. All his suits are customed tailored to his fitting. A beautiful penthouse that sits at the far end of the beach with a wonderful view.

"I had a charity event to go to for sick little kids." The disgust coiled up from the back of his throat. He hates humans. "Here." He threw me one of his t-shirts. I was drenched in blood. I changed out of the bloody shirt and tried to get as much blood off of me. "That will have to do for now. We arrived."

The driver parked the Escalade and made his way to the door. We exited the car and Dragan threw his jacket over my head so no one could see the blood. We walked to the elevator and entered. There were a couple in the elevator. Dragan quickly wrapped his arm around my waist and held me tight. He placed his other hand on my head and buried my head in his chest. He smelled so damn good. I could feel the couple's eyes on me.

"Seems like a storm is about to brew." I am shocked that he started a conversation.

"Yes, indeed." When the woman spoke it was soft like a mouse. "It looks like it is going to be a bad one."

They left the elevator when it came to their stop. We followed behind on the next level. I followed Dragan in his home once he unlocks his door. This contemporary theme he had going inside his home was simply breathtaking.

"Cynthia," he called.

A few moments later a petite woman with blonde hair in a french maid outfit appeared from down the hall. "Can you please go to my bathroom and run Ms. Anastasia a bath?"

"Yes sir," she hurried back down the hall to do what she was told.

"Dragan a french maid outfit?" I could not help but smirk. This man is sick.

"I need something to look at while I am in the house by myself." Dragan stares at me, admiring what he sees. I remember what he first told me. He said I look exotic like an amazonian for my sky blue eyes. Tan skin and curly long black hair. What do you expect when your parents performed forbidden acts. My existence had to be kept a secret since my mother was a slave and my father was a wealthy slave owner. But hey my father could not help himself he preferred his meat dark instead of white if you catch my drift. His wife knew what he did once I was born and sold my mother off to another slave owner when I was five. I think the only reason she waited that long because she wanted to see the torment on our faces from being ripped apart. That was the last time I have ever seen my mother. What pained that woman was the fact that she could not have children of her own. Unfortunately, no one could ever know I was his daughter even if they had their doubts and when he and his wife passed away, I was left with nothing. All the money went to his sister and her family.

"Dragan, why are you staring at me?"

"You are the best thing I ever chose. It is never a dull moment with you."

The maid returned and I followed her to his bedroom and into the bathroom. Quickly slipping out of these clothes and getting into the jacuzzi tub. I lay my head back and closed my eyes, as I drift back into my thoughts. I remember how I and Dragan first met and how he stole my humanity. He invited me for a late-night stroll in the park in England. I moved there when I turned twenty-four years old. Opened up a small boutique shop from the money I could squander from my aunt. She only gave me the money if I never set forth on the land again. It was a peaceful night in early spring before the flowers fully bloomed, I sat on a bench in front of a pond. I was so happy with Dragan. Well for the moment until he asked me can he have me. I did not know what he meant. I was confused but fear followed when he said he will have me. Then everything else came at a blur. When I could register what was going on, I noticed sharp teeth piercing my neck. I felt the blood leaving my body. I was dying and there was nothing I could do. On the verge of death, he fed me his blood and everything went dark. Shit, of course, it went dark, he snapped my fucking neck. When I came back from death, I was in agonizing pain. The bones in my body were breaking down and repairing themselves. I could hear each bone crack and snap as I was changing. What only lasted for hours felt like days. I passed out. When the transformation was complete and I woke up, I didn't know who I was. I just knew I was hungry and I had to stop the burning sensation in the back of my throat. I slaughtered five people that night before Dragan found me and snapped me out of that killer state. That was the moment he realized I was what he was looking for. He taught me everything I needed to know to survive. He even explained to me the bond the maker has with their creation. He can always find me and I can always find him. He has control over me and can make me do things I wish not to until he releases me, but as long as I am killing the way I am, that will never happen. I also share some of my maker memories. I know Dragan was a fierce warrior. A king to be exact. He had the largest army and a strong well-built kingdom. He was feared by all and he craved control. He never married, I guess because none of the women piqued his interest. I do not know all the details, but Dragan asked to be turned by a woman who was passing through his kingdom. The woman turned him as a joke and left him to fend for himself. This man is not to be played with under any circumstances.

I jumped back into reality when I heard the knock on the door. It was Dragan standing there with no shirt on. On the right side of his chest, was a tribal tattoo that extended to his shoulder and upper arm. This man's body was sculpted by the gods themselves as well as body parts much lower.

"There you go again, Ana. Lost in those thoughts," he said as he sat down on the edge of the tub and began to wash me up. I grabbed his hand when it was going a little bit too close to my lady parts.

"Dragan." I looked up to signal him to stop. Dragan used his other hand to remove my hand from his. I know I should not have stopped him because he loves challenges and to torment me. With his hand still in the water between my legs, he let go of the washcloth and begin brushing his finger across my clit.

"Why don't you call me Drake? That is the name I go by now." My breathing began to speed up. I was trying not to be distracted but it was a little hard. "Ana, are you going to answer my question?" I can see the smile curling up on the corner of his lips.

"Because Dragan is your name," I manage to escape through my mouth as he began to massage my clit in a circular motion.

"I would like it if you call me Drake," he whispered in my ear seductively as he slowly inserted one of his fingers in me. I gasped. "Do you understand?"

"Yes," I moaned as he rubbed the inside of my walls. "Please Drake."

"Please what Ana? You don't want me to stop do you?"

I don't know what to say. I do but then again I do not. Before I could answer. Drake's lips were on mine. The kiss was intense and passionate. I moaned louder and I wanted more of him. Drake stopped kissing me and moved away. He looked down at me as he removed his pants and boxer-briefs.

"Get out of the tub and go get in the shower. Turn the water on hot."

I did exactly what I was told. When he stepped into the shower, he pushed me against the wall. He stooped down and place my legs around his neck as he buried his face in me while tasting my succulent juices. My hand was on his head pushing it in deeper while he sucked hard on my clit. I felt as if my body is about to explode. The water hitting us from all directions as the steam filled the glass of the shower. His hands were around my waist to hold me steady. I wanted more of him. I needed more of him. I didn't need to say anything because he always knew what I wanted during sex. Drake got up and turn me around so that I am facing the glass. My back was towards him. I could feel his hand wrapping around my neck as he uses his knee to spread my legs apart. He enters me slowly, inch by inch until he fills me whole.

"Awe shit," was all I could manage to make out. Each stroke picked up a little speed and a little more force until my body was pushed fully against the glass. This man was fucking the shit out of me and I don't know how how much more I can take. I was reaching my climax and I felt as my body tensed up. I exploded and I could feel as he followed right behind me. Drake kissed my neck while he pulled out of me. He grabbed the soap and washed me up. After he finished with me, he did the same to himself. Drake turned off the water and handed me a towel after he wrapped one around his waist. I dried off and followed him into the bedroom. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 3:30 am. Drake slipped into some pajama pants and he put a white button-up dress shirt on me.

"This will have to do until tomorrow." After he finished buttoning up the shirt I get in bed and lay down. "Why so quiet? Did I do something wrong, Ana?"

"No, I am fine." I wonder what has my life become and why things cannot just be simple. Drake rubbed his hand through my hair and he kissed my forehead. He then laid down beside me and wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. Even though this man is a monster he does have his good moments, but then again he may just be bi-polar.

" I know you may not agree to a lot of my ways and methods but you are mine, Ana. You will always be mine, no matter what you do or where you go."

I can feel myself slipping into slumber as I listen to the rain hit the glass window. Before you know it, I am knocked in my little world.