
Chapter Three

I awake from the sun gleaming in my face. I am happy that being a vampire does not come with stupid cliches. Do not get me wrong the sun does irritate out the skin a little but nothing to kill us. There is only one rule that has always fit with vampires whether it was in the movies or real life. We all have to be invited into any occupied home. I look around to notice Dragan is not here. I wonder where that psychopath could have gone. I watch the door open and Cynthia walks in carrying a tray with a knife on it. I wonder why the hell would she have that?

"It is a pleasure to see you woke. Did you sleep well, Ms. Anastasia?"


Confusion sweeps over me by her actions. I get up and walk over to her as she is setting the tray on the dresser. I place my hand on her shoulder and she turns around with the knife in her hand.

"Cynthia, why do you have that?" She has a sincere look in her eyes but something seems wrong.

"Well, unfortunately, I am no longer of any use here and it is time that I have met my end. With that being said my last request from my master is to feed you. But Ms. Anastasia does not feel bad about what you are about to do and what I am going to do. It was very nice to meet you."

In one quick stroke, Cynthia slit her neck. Blood sprayed in my face. It was like a switch went off in my head. The monster in me awakens gripping hold of Cynthia's body before it hit the ground. Sinking my fangs in her throat trying to consume every bit of blood left. The blood was so good I did not realize I dropped her body and was on my knees licking the blood off the floor.


I look up to see Drake standing at the entrance of the room. I stared at him like a ravenous animal trying to protect my food. It feels as if there is no air between us. We staring each other down. I can see the amusement in his face. He loves a challenge and he indulges it by taking a step forward. I lunge myself at him, the feeling and need I have right now is to kill. Dragan grabs me by my neck and slams me against the wall. I am using all my might to break free but it is useless. I use my claws and successfully manage to slash a cut across his face. Dragan looks at me caught off guard.

"Ana get yourself together." My head jerks from the impact of the back of his hand. He lets go of my neck and I fall to the ground. As my head is pointing down to the ground, I feel the rage and bloodlust dissipate from my body. Seeping back into reality as the images of Cynthia's body leave an imprint in my head.

Drake calls some woman's name. She hurries in the room to address the situation at hand. She must be his new amusement. Still trying to recover from the blow I just took to my face. I feel a large hand placed on my head. Without hesitation, it balls in a fist knotting my hair tightly. I grip the arm attempting to get his hand off my head. They are dragging my body down the hall.

"Ana please do not think you can go unpunished for attacking me."

"Dragan, how could you compel her to do that?"

"Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?"

A gush of air escapes my lungs as my body comes in contact with the wall after being thrown. Looks like we are in the master bathroom. I look up to see Drake walking towards me. I never saw a more devious smile on this man's face until today. Quickly I stand to my feet. I do not know what is about to happen but I know that I will need to defend myself.

"So you are going to fight me?"

"If need be then yes." I balance myself with my hands clenched into fists. This man is a fucking lunatic. He takes the first swing, I duck and plant two hits along his side. Before he can get himself together, my fist makes contact with his face. He burst out in laughter. He hysterically laughs, grabbing his stomach.

"You always seem to amaze me," he escapes through his lips. I try to land another hit before he could stop laughing. He catches my hand before it could come in contact with his face again. Using his other hand he uppercuts me. My god this shits hurt. I am back on the ground again. Another blow comes across my stomach with Dragan's Louis Vuitton dress shoes. Coughing up blood, I try to get up. No use, I feel like helpless prey. Dragan grabs my hair once more and drags me to the tub. He picks me up and slams me into the water. The pressure from the water smacks hard across my face and body. This shits stings. He has one of his hands on my head and the other hand is holding my hands behind my back. This asshole is drowning me. The only thing I can do is kick my legs. Once again life is draining from my body. As I am still kicking, I can hear him shushing me, telling me it will be over soon. I can no longer kick. My pupils dilated and the last thing I can make out as I take my last breath is suffocation.