
Chapter One

The cool breeze brush across my pale skin as I sit on the beach and listen to the ocean clashed along the rocks and pier. Looks like a storm is coming. I find this quite blissful and relaxing. This is the only peace I receive besides the blood and torment that walks my path. I have walked this Earth over the past two centuries and have brought nothing but chaos and destruction. I have been called a demon in disguised as well as the devil himself. Honestly, I am a little flattered by the names but what I am, is the thing I hate the most. The most common name for it is a vampire. Although being a vampire has its perks such as eternal life, beauty, incredible strength, and speed. Who would not want this but everything has a price and for this would be the craving for blood. What makes things worse I cannot control my thirst for blood. Just the smell or sight of fresh blood will drag me into a crazed state losing all control. What makes things even sadder I was turned against my will and was forced to serve under him. That despicable man deserves to die a horrible death. I would personally kill him myself and spit on his grave.

In the midst of my thoughts, I hear a group of people laughing and playing. What type of people would be out here late this night besides stupid people or serial killers? Obviously, they are stupid and I am the serial killer. I would give them around about twenty to twenty-five years old. Two women and three men. They look like tourists visiting Cali. I hope they do not come over here, but I spoke too soon. I see one of the men with a wide grin on his face running over to me. He looks as if he can barely keep his balance up. He stands in front of me and looks down at me. He reeks of alcohol, but he is quite attractive. Broad shoulders, curly black hair, and ocean blue eyes.

"Hey there. I couldn't help but noticed you sitting here all alone late at night. You know that it is dangerous for a beautiful woman to not be accompanied by a strong man."

"Trust me I can take care of myself. I don't need a man to protect me. It is more like the other way around." I watch as he looks back at his friend and then back at me. It seems like he doesn't have a woman to please him tonight and he needs me for that. How sad and hilarious.

"You sure about that love. I mean your looks are not going to get you away from somebody who wants to rob or rape you."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. The animosity I have for the man is starting to grow. I opened my eyes and I can also see the irritation in his eyes for not being compelled over his looks and cheap pick up lines. His friends are laughing hysterically in the background.

"Please leave before I do something I regret." I can feel the burning thirst sensation build in the back of my throat. I really need for him to leave now.

"Is that a threat?" He asked with hostility as he leaned down and got on his knees. He was not paying attention and cut his hand across a piece of rock. The smell of his blood swept across my nose as if it was teasing me. It smelled so damn good. I didn't even notice I had grabbed his hand staring as the blood slowly dripping into the sand.

"Well babes I wish you had told me all I needed to do was to cut my hand and you would be all over me.," he grinned and turned to his friends smiling as if he just won an oscar. He swiftly turned around when he noticed something wet brushing across his hand. It was my tongue licking the up the blood. It had a slightly bitter taste due to the alcohol in his system but I did not care. It tasted so fucking good.

"Get the fuck off of me you crazy bitch," he yelled as he tried to yank his arm from me.

"Oh, baby but didn't you say I needed a strong man to protect me," I smiled exposing my fangs. I can see the fear in his face and for some strange reason, I love it. I let him go because I want to see how fast he could get to his friends. I watched as he ran to them screaming at the top of his lungs. It brings so much excitement in my bones I cannot help to laugh. Just as he reached his friends in a blink of an eye I catch up to him, inserting my hand through his back out to his chest. Blood splats into one of the women's face. Life drained from her face. I removed my hand before she could turn around, I snatched her by her hair and dug my fangs into her neck. Blood sprayed in my throat, quenching my thirst and burning in my throat. As I drink I can hear her choking off of her own blood. I dropped her body as soon as she took her last breath. I slaughter the other two men in one stroke tearing their throats apart. The last woman fell to her knees begging for her life. I couldn't help but find this amusing.

"You pissed on yourself," I laughed. "I was going to drain you dry but who wants to eat pissy food."

"Please spare me. I promise not to tell anyone. Please!!!!" I watched as she folded her hands as if she was in a prayer position.

"Shhhhhhhh," I placed my hand on her head and rub my bloody hand back and forth to show comfort. "Everything is going to be ok."

As she looked up at me, I saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "So you are going to let me go?"

I placed both of my hands on her face and stared directly in her face so that I can make myself perfectly clear. "Did you really think I would let you live? Now that is fucking hilarious. I just want to rip that last little bit of hope from you."

Before she could start crying again, I snapped her neck and let her body fall effortlessly to the ground. I stood there and stared at her body zoned out in my own little world.

"You did it again." That familiar voice knocked me back into reality. I looked around and saw the bodies scattered across the beach. A frown appeared across my face because this is of my doing. I lost control again and slaughtered these people who did not deserve to die. To make matters worse, I now have this asshole here to taunt me about it.