

Read Carefully >>>>>>>>>>>> (There is a lot of action and bloody scenes in this book, sensitive readers be warned. ) Micheal Turner, a seemingly ordinary teenager whose parents went missing at the age of 10 during the war between the Makisi, unknown aliens who arrived on earth 100 years ago to destroy every living things on earth and humans. Humans had suddenly re-awakened with new found abilities to challenge the makisi and his parents were one of the humans who had re-awaken but Micheal never had any power he was the weakest, the Makisi had been peaceful and out of sight for 10 years and humans used this time to develop thier abilities and grow stronger A certain school came into existence where kids who turned 17 will be taken to so they can awaken and master thier abilities, but Micheal found it hard to awaken his ability since he never had one. But his life takes a dramatic turn when he stubbles upon a book, he wakes up with a system in front of him. [Notification: Bloodlinked Successful] [100 Exp points have been rewarded to you] [100 exp points will be used for healing] [Healing process has begun....] ----------------- Vote This Book with power stones so we can win 2024 WSA Contest. Daily Chapter releases is guaranteed. two chapters per day.

Danespl · Fantasy
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16 Chs

School Hierarchy

Blake went back to stand beside Micheal "Blake, you can copy abilities, right?" Micheal asked Blake "How did you know that?" Blake replied with a shocked expression.

Micheal had known because it was pretty obvious, it was suspicious and weird when Blake shakes him and the system told Micheal that Blake had used his ability on him, but it wasn't successful since Micheal doesn't have a ability and he went on around shaking other students, meaning that is ability required physical touch before he could activate it.

  "When you shaked me, you were shocked that nothing happened then you asked me what my ability was and I told you I had no ability, then your face expression changed and you weren't happy with my reply, Are you an Awakened?" Micheal said.

"You catch on fast, but please don't anyone about it." Blake said and Micheal nodded in response .

"Proverty made me smarter" Micheal thought.

Since all ability stones were made by the Awakened, they mostly  had the strongest abilities, Grade 6 to Grade 8.

   The test was now completed, the teleportation manchine whirled up and teleported them to the front of the school. The school was large. It was the size of four mega mansions put together.

In front of the gate, a total of six different teacher were there. A group of five students will then be assigned to one of the teachers who would take them around the school, Micheal and his group were now assigned to one of the teachers.

"Hello Kids, My name is  George, Follow me as I take you around the school and explain some certain rules for you"  George was in his late - 30s with Short black hair, he held a list on his hands.

The group walked into the school gates with George leading them in the front and showing them some various departments in the school building.

"You should all try to get along, that the only way you can survive in this den" George suggested to the group. "Oh, Silly me, the five of you will be assigned as a team and your team leader is Kaylee." George said while facing the group.

Michael and the others were shocked, Micheal didn't see this coming, he never knew that they would be assigned as a team with their leader as Kaylee, he then realised that Kaylee was made the team leader since she was the strongest among them.

  Micheal saw another group of students teaming up, they were more familiar with the whole school that Micheal and his group, almost like, like they had been in the school longer, and the most annoying thing Micheal noticed was that they were some kind of school hierarchy, the higher grade students treated the lower grade students like trash, they trampled on them and made them feel inferior.

"You will be given weekly quests to complete together as a team and it will determine your team rank in the school, Good luck Now" George said as he walked away.

The students were now assigned to certain classes. Unfortunately, Micheal and Cole were the only Grade 1 ability users in the midst of the students in the whole class, it had affected Micheal more than Cole since Cole was given an ability but Micheal rejected it, Cole faced his head down as he sat inside the Classroom, Micheal had known from the start that this would happen and it was inevitable.

It was no different from his school. He immediately remembered that he had a bodyguard, his new friend, Blake.

"Hey, Micheal" Blake called out  "This school is darn crowdy, I got lost, i had to find my way back, Come on, let explore the school" .

Micheal immediately stood up without thinking twice,  Blake noticed Cole sitting and facing his head down. "Hey, you're a member of our team, right?, follow us and stop being a weakling," Blake asked.

Cole stood up "can I.....uhm.. really join you?" Cole said pausing in between his words. "Of course, Cole".  Blake replied.

Cole walked towards them and the three of them continued their exploration around the school. They arrived at a training ground, where they saw similar equipments like the one at the test field. as well as some other practice equipments.

They had been shown thier general classes, sparring classes, field room, and all other essential facilities. George had provided information and explain certain rules about each and every corner of the school. However, Micheal had only shown interest in the library and training ground. The library had been split into four different flaoors, the first floor could be accessed by the first years, While the last three was accessible to the second,third and forth year students while the Uni military and teachers had thier private libary outside the school.

They were also showed their dorms and their things had been transported into thier rooms, the male and female had thier separate dorms, three students were to share the same room, it was quite larger than Michael's room, it was the size of a royal palace bedroom, three beds were placed inside the room, fortunately, Blake, Micheal and Cole were to share the same room, and they were also informed that as for the new students, there would be no class or schedule for the day, so they were free to explore the school grounds.

Each students watch displayed the room numbers which they would be staying. The three of them was now in their room, unpacking thier things.


Right outside the dorms, two students had gotten into a bloody fight.

A grade 1 first year and a grade 6 Second year ability user, the grade 6 ability user  had beaten the latter to a pulp,  The first year student body was drowning in blood.

"Who's going to stop them?, he is a year two and in addition, a grade 6 Fire ability user." One of the first year student said, nobody could defend the boy.

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