

Read Carefully >>>>>>>>>>>> (There is a lot of action and bloody scenes in this book, sensitive readers be warned. ) Micheal Turner, a seemingly ordinary teenager whose parents went missing at the age of 10 during the war between the Makisi, unknown aliens who arrived on earth 100 years ago to destroy every living things on earth and humans. Humans had suddenly re-awakened with new found abilities to challenge the makisi and his parents were one of the humans who had re-awaken but Micheal never had any power he was the weakest, the Makisi had been peaceful and out of sight for 10 years and humans used this time to develop thier abilities and grow stronger A certain school came into existence where kids who turned 17 will be taken to so they can awaken and master thier abilities, but Micheal found it hard to awaken his ability since he never had one. But his life takes a dramatic turn when he stubbles upon a book, he wakes up with a system in front of him. [Notification: Bloodlinked Successful] [100 Exp points have been rewarded to you] [100 exp points will be used for healing] [Healing process has begun....] ----------------- Vote This Book with power stones so we can win 2024 WSA Contest. Daily Chapter releases is guaranteed. two chapters per day.

Danespl · Fantasy
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21 Chs


After the three of them had finally sorted thier things out,  Students were expected to spend most of thier time reading and training so they could improve thier abilities.

" I will be heading to the library, you can find me there" Micheal said as he walked out of the room.

Cole had become closer to the other two, he was completely scared and didn't say a word, at first, then he later replied "Okay, i will be inside"

As Michael was about to step outside, he remembered how the school system goes, the higher grades pouncing on the lower grades, he realised that at his current grade, he might be a victim to this new set of bullies.

"Hey, Blake, You wanna come to the library with me, I bet you it's fun" Micheal said with a wide smile on his face.

"Sure, Let go."

They arrived at the library, surprisingly, There were hardly any students there, Michael noticed a square table at the centre of the library, Michael searched around the first floor of the libary, he picked up many books about history.

The two of them sat at the table, Micheal kept scrolling, After scrolling through several books he was unable to find anything in the past related to his new found ability, Micheal had heard that a war had occurred before the makisi and humans had this abilities way long before, in the past, humans used books to learn abilities while some had aquired them, just like what's currently happening at the time, some people ruled it out as a myth, but Micheal believed that this myth had really happened cause he found a book that gave him a system and makes him weak in the sunlight and it must be linked with blood before you could activate the system, he thought that maybe in this myth, The books made a system appear in front of you.

"Are you looking for something specifically?"

Micheal looked up to answer Blake's question, since he might know a little about the myth.

"I love history books, but I'm looking for something in particular, have you ever heard of the myth, about the war before the makisi?" Micheal asked hoping maybe Blake might have an idea about it.

"No, Never heard of it." Blake said with a wide smile.

"Okay" Michael replied with a displeased facial expression cause he didn't get the answer he wanted.

Blake smiled and suddenly he started to laugh.

"Actually as you said, it's a myth but I don't know much about it just like you." Blake said. Michael looked at Blake with an annoyed expression, it was actually annoying, since he didn't know much about it, why the laughter, Michael was wondering if he was actually trying to tease him, but he later brushed it off, afterall it's just Blake behaviour, his speciality was being annoying.

As of now, Micheal only had to stay away from sunlight until he figures out why his stats get halved whenever he's in the sunlight. Micheal thought that if only he could access the second floor, he might be able to find what he was searching for.

Micheal continued to walk around the libary, suddenly a book caught his eyes. It was titled "Blood Monarch: The God of Vampires", Micheal had always been a fantasy lover, he took out the book from the shelf and opened it to read the contents, he considered vampires as a fantasy, since no one had ever clamied to be one. Micheal started to read the book.

After reading and scrolling pages, he found nothing of interest, he thought maybe he could have found a clue to knowing his ability, the only thing he had in common to the character in the book was the Strange reaction to sunlight, the rest was just useless, the character in the book doesn't have a system appear in front of him and Michael certainly doesn't consume blood to stay alive nor does he have enhanced vision to see at night.

Micheal decided to close the and returned it, so he can get to rest. As soon as he closed the book, the system popped up in front of him.

[Knowledge has been attained]

[15 Exp rewarded]

[20/100 Exp]

"Seriously!!, What the heck is this system?" Michael thought as he stared at the message.

"I got Exp from reading a fantasy about....." Micheal paused and he realised something about his ability  "Wait..Am i a vampire?, my blood activated the system and i became mortal enemy with the sun, all of this added up means only one thing, I am a vampire, blood demon!!?"  Micheal blurted out and the students attention were diverted to him, "Hey, Can you keep it down? We are in the library, How can you still be reading and fantising over vampire books?, some people don't just grow up." A student at the library called out to Micheal.

Micheal looked outside, the sun had set, they had been in the library for Seven hours without realising it.

Michael immediately dropped the book and went back to join Blake at the table. "Blake, let head back to the dorm, it getting late, almost curfew," Micheal said while hurrying him to stand up so they can quickly get back to the dorm. They both came outside of the library and headed back to the dorm.

They had arrived at thier room and they opened the door to go inside, Cole wasn't inside the dorm and the room lights were off,  "where did he go, we better go find him" Blake said and Micheal agreed, suddenly, as they wanted to step outside, the door closed and locked like a ghost were hunting them. Michael noticed a shadow moving in the wall, he saw that it wasn't his nor was it Blake's, "Blake, did you see the shadow?" Micheal asked Blake with a frightened expression. "No, where's it"  Blake replied with fear evident in his tone. "Hey guys, am behind you". Micheal and Blake fainted as soon as they heard the voice.

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