

Read Carefully >>>>>>>>>>>> (There is a lot of action and bloody scenes in this book, sensitive readers be warned. ) Micheal Turner, a seemingly ordinary teenager whose parents went missing at the age of 10 during the war between the Makisi, unknown aliens who arrived on earth 100 years ago to destroy every living things on earth and humans. Humans had suddenly re-awakened with new found abilities to challenge the makisi and his parents were one of the humans who had re-awaken but Micheal never had any power he was the weakest, the Makisi had been peaceful and out of sight for 10 years and humans used this time to develop thier abilities and grow stronger A certain school came into existence where kids who turned 17 will be taken to so they can awaken and master thier abilities, but Micheal found it hard to awaken his ability since he never had one. But his life takes a dramatic turn when he stubbles upon a book, he wakes up with a system in front of him. [Notification: Bloodlinked Successful] [100 Exp points have been rewarded to you] [100 exp points will be used for healing] [Healing process has begun....] ----------------- Vote This Book with power stones so we can win 2024 WSA Contest. Daily Chapter releases is guaranteed. two chapters per day.

Danespl · Fantasy
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21 Chs


The Test went on with Lisa being the next one to step forward, She was the only among them who had a weapon strapped to her back. Her weapon from didn't look like a regular crossbow, it was different from the one that people had used a long time ago.

    The crossbow was carved using the bones of some beast. It was polished to a shiny silver, which glittered in the light. Micheal had heard about this 'Beast Weapons',  but this was his first time seeing one. He would not have recognised it as such if it were not for the whispers from Blake beside him.

When the human race had been attacked by the Makisi, the human technology had advanced fast by replicating thier invader's technology, and with this, the humans had gained the technological ability to travel to other planets and verses using portals.

  These planets often contain different grade of beasts. The stronger the beast was the better weapon you could form out of it,  if you could kill it.

     It was weird to see someone as young as her in possession of a Beast weapon, who had most likely never been to another planet.

    Lisa stood at the frontline and waited for the test to begin. When the test started, five target doll appeared and came running towards her, Lisa immediately took out an arrow and placed them in her crossbow, she shot the arrow at one of the target dolls, it went through the doll, destroying the doll and it didn't stop, it went through the remaining four target doll, Completely destroying them before they could reach her.

"she uses psychokinesis, amazing"  Micheal thought.

"Micheal, did you see that?,  She used psychokinesis to pair with her crossbow and controled the arrows movement, isn't that amazing?" Blake said, while placing his hands on Micheal's shoulder.

"I'm not blind, of course I saw it, it's amazing"

All five target dolls were hit with just an arrow, and she had passed the first test. Micheal realized that beast weapons will be very useful if he could get his hands on one, Since Micheal wasn't sure of what kind of ability he possessed yet, he knew that having one of those beast weapons would come in handy.

It was time for the strength test, Drum had been set again, she used her powers to strengthen the force of her fist, She punched the Drum and Rose announced the results "Strength 9, Not bad, but i expected 16, 9 is low, develop your ability so you can grow stronger, prepare for the last test."  Rose said to Lisa in a casual manner, almost like they had know each other long before.

The ball manchine appeared, but this time, she didn't perform well in the agility test, she had used her ability to dodge the balls at first then as the speed of the manchine increased, she couldn't use her ability to dodge it as it came as fast as sound moving sideways, apparently, she got hit.

She was given the same score as Michael in his ability test.

"Agility 5, You're a grade 2 ability user, " Rose informed. She noted it into her tab, soon after, Lisa watch displayed 'Grade 2'.

Lisa didn't look happy. She walked back to the group and stood beside Cole.   "she is a grade 2 ability user, looks like luck is on her side" Micheal thought even though he knew that a grade 2 ability user was low, but at least, it was better than his current grade, his life would be a little easier in the Uni military School if he was a grade 2.

The next person was Kaylee, the school goddess, she walked with confidence, almost like, she was sure that she would pass the tests. She stood at the frontline waiting for the test to begin.

The Five target doll appeared again running towards her. She immediately formed an ice blade and slashed the first one, destroying it. She then moved at an incredible speed that seemed impossible and cut through the second one, She swiftly moved like an assassin, slashed the last three with an immense force.

For the second test, Kaylee's strength was incredible, The drum appeared and she hit it head on, the drum tore, which seemed impossible to belive, Micheal and the group jaws dropped as they saw this magnificent display of strength.

"Impressive, Strength 64" Rose announced with a wide smile on her face.

"So that why she's acting mighty," Blake said while Micheal was lost in disbelief.

"It been confirmed, she is the supreme goddess that I have been waiting for, now I know why i have never been in a relationship, it because i was never attractive, she is the one to save me from this hell of being single" Micheal thought while staring at Kaylee.

Blake now realized that the god, he never believed in actually existed because he was saved from going into a fight with her, if he had, he would be dead by now.

It was now time for the last test, the instructor informed her that she wasn't allowed to use her ability, cause it considered a cheat in the Agility test, the ice power is a very powerful ability, a Grade 5 ability and it is quite efficient when it is up against agility. Kaylee agreed and the last test began. The ball manchine whirled up and started shooting, Kaylee managed to dodge everything untill it went up to 9,  unfortunately, that when she got hit.

"Fabulous, you are the fourth first year student with a grade 6 ability level".

Kaylee walked back to join the group, she was unimpressed like she expected it. Finally it was Blake's turn, Cole wasn't required to take the test since he had just received an ability and was now graded. So Blake was the last one to take the test.

  "I'm fired up, let me show you how it's done, Micheal"

Micheal was still staring at Kaylee, Blake walked to the line confidently without being a bit nervous, Micheal was unaware when Blake started the test.

"Blake, make sure to do well"  Michael turned to where Blake was standing before, he saw that Blake wasn't there, he now noticed that Blake had went to the front for his test.

Micheal had strong belief in Blake, he already knew that Blake could copy others ability and strength, making him as strong as the person sometimes even stronger than the person, almost like a game buff after copying an ability, it is quite an impressive ability to have, but people mostly considered those that can copy abilities as weak.

The test started quickly and he had done almost as good as Kaylee on all the three test. Blake had copied some of the other students ability.

"That how it's done!! Whoo" Blake jumped around with excitement as they announced him as a grade 4 ability user.

"Not surprising, he's a copycat so am not surprised" Micheal said while clapping for Blake but he was actually clapping for himself, Since he and Blake were now friends, literally meaning, he has a bodygaurd now.

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