
Blood dragon

The snow was flying, the cold wind was howling, and the sky and earth were white. Ao Fan stood high above the sky, white clothes hunting, long hair lightly raised, bright and indifferent eyes through the heavy snow blockade, gazing at the direction of the immortal road mountain. Shaohua passed away, the red face withered, desolate a few people's hearts, and hurt whose lungs? A hundred thousand years, and then look back, and how to...

DaoistEaInNs · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 92 : Clear Moon

After miraculously having an epiphany once, and then drastically changing the Blood Slaughter Style to Blood Cloud Hand, Ao Fan was in a rather good mood.

However, he was a dragon race that cultivated very hard, and would not put down his cultivation just because he had achieved something. He returned within the Water Moon Cave Sky and immediately wanted to go inside the stone chamber to dive into cultivation.

However, when he had just walked into the Cave Heaven, he heard a sound of laughter coming from outside the Cave Heaven, which was also interspersed with endearing whimpering sounds, making him doubly curious. Coupled with the fact that the location where the sounds were coming from was right in front of the entrance of the cave heaven he was staying in, he naturally had to walk over to see what was going on.

Outside the Cave Heaven, the grass and trees were lush, swaying gently with the breeze. The sound was coming from within a pile of grass, and at the moment there was an additional crisp tinkling sound.

Ao Fan lifted the grass, only to see a not so long flowing spring falling from the mountain wall, just like the Milky Way falling, crystalline and magnificent, flashing a little shimmering light under the sunlight, extremely fascinating.

Below the flying spring was a pool of water that overflowed, and the waves within it sparkled, reflecting two different silhouettes!

Beside the pool of water, a slender white-clothed young girl laughed cheerfully, her crisp voice seemed to infect the surroundings, making the grass and trees on the side look much more lush. Her black hair was like a waterfall, pouring down; underneath her clear, light eyebrows were eyes like the crescent moon.

At this moment, her white as snow palm, was covering her mouth, but there was a laughter that could not be concealed, all just because of a small beast in front of her.

Ao Fan was quite surprised at first sight!

The white-clothed girl was undoubtedly Yun Qing Yue, but he did not know why she was here. The little beast that made her laugh was the Fae Beast Yun Yun that had shrunk most of its size. The sound made by the beast Yun Yun is "whimpering", no wonder Ao Fan heard a whimpering sound like crying when he was in the Water Moon Cave Sky.

Ao Fan's arrival caused a ruckus, which instantly made Yun Qing Yue look over here.

Seeing that it was Ao Fan, Yun Qing Yue's face blushed imperceptibly, put away her laughter, and asked softly, "Big brother Ao Fan, after so long of closed-door cultivation, you finally came out today?"

Ao Fan nodded at his words and added, "How do you know that I've been cultivating, could it be that you've been inside the Water Moon Cave Heaven?"

Yun Qing Yue lowered her head, making it impossible to see her face, and said in a small voice, "A month ago, Senior Sister Drunken Moon and I had come here to look for Big Brother Ao Fan, only at that time, no matter how much we called out, we didn't see you come out. After a long time, we took the liberty of intruding to have a look, and as a result, we saw Big Brother Ao Fan on the Cloud Viewing Platform."

"I see." Ao Fan nodded, at the same time knowing that the craggy platform he sat on in January when he had his epiphany turned out to be called the Cloud Viewing Platform.

In that case, there was more than one such crag similar to the Cloud Viewing Platform?

"Are you here today, looking for me?" Ao Fan asked again.

Yun Qing Yue still had her head lowered as she said softly, "That's right, because Senior Sister Drunken Moon is looking for you and seems to have something going on, I helped her to come over and walk around a lot to see if I would meet you out."

The foreign beast Yun Yun on the side shrugged its nose and shook its head, rather unimpressed. It, however, knew that Yun Qingyue would make a trip here every day, and because of her boredom she even made sure to bring it with her.

"That's really hard work." Ao Fan nodded and said, "I don't know if it's important that your senior sister is looking for me, so I'll go and find her now to see."

"En." Yun Qing Yue agreed, rubbing the body of the foreign beast Yun Yun, and watched Ao Fan fade away.

Drunken Moon Cave Heaven and Water Moon Cave Heaven were extremely close to each other, but it was only a few moments away. In no time, Ao Fan had arrived outside the Drunken Moon Cave Heaven.

The Drunken Moon Cave Heaven and the Water Moon Cave Heaven were hardly different!

Outside was also lush grass and trees, swaying in the wind, there were countless flowers competing to open, beautiful and colourful. It's just that here, instead of a clear pool, there's a small, winding, clear stream.

The stream is not wide, only six feet, but very long, flowing from nowhere, and do not know where it goes. The stream outside the Drunken Moon Cave Sky was only a small section.

Green and verdant vines hung at the mouth of the Drunken Moon Cave Heaven, encircling the entire cave in a circle. In a blur, one could see the words "Drunken Moon Cave Heaven" carved on the top of the cave.

The same glittering blue hue came out from within the Drunken Moon Cave Sky, reminding Ao Fan of the Water Moon Cave Sky.

Perhaps, the 108 cave heavens of Cloud Peak were all flickering with this kind of blue colour!

Ao Fan came to the mouth of the Cave Heaven and called out to Yun Drunken Moon. Inside, Yun Drunken Moon's voice immediately came out, allowing him to come in.

Stepping into the Drunken Moon Cave Heaven, Ao Fan was not dazzled by the deep blue colour. He glanced at Yun Drunken Moon on a corner within the wide cave sky.

In that direction, there was actually a stream flowing through!

Only to see that under the stone wall there, there was a not so big gap, causing the stream to flow through in a gentle flow, penetrating under another stone wall to flow outside once again, cutting off the ground within the Cave Heaven. This stream, perhaps, was the very same stream outside!

The land opposite the stream was only a few feet in size, and there was a crystal jade-like long table on it, with several jars of fine wine on the table. Yun Drunken Moon was sitting beside the long table, holding the wine altar and drinking. This kind of image was once again seen by Ao Fan!

Seeing Ao Fan come in, she finally stopped her movements and put away all the wine altars in her hands and those on the table, placing them in a corner. There, there were quite a few wine altars that existed at an earlier time.

Ao Fan stepped on the waves and easily walked to the long table and sat down, facing Yun Drunken Moon, and smiled, "I heard that you looked for me some time ago, I don't know what's the matter."

"Couldn't I look for you if there was nothing wrong?" Yun Drunken Moon asked back with a smile.

Ao Fan shook his head and said, "It's not that, it's just that I was afraid that you were looking for me for something important, so I immediately asked."

Yun Drunken Moon smiled elegantly, "It's not something important, so there's no need to rush. I will be going to the Freezing Mist Town under the mountain in a few days to purchase some goods needed by the disciples of this peak's Mortal Realm, and at that time I would like to ask you if you would like to make a trip with me."

Ao Fan laughed and said, "You can't be afraid that if I'm here alone, I'll be bullied by that person called Yang Tian coming to my door, right? After all, he is the descendant of the Heavenly Sword Dao Master, and there are still various ways to get into Cloud Peak."

Yun Drunken Moon nodded and said, "There is this level of worry. I know that you are highly powerful, but one person is ultimately unable to fight against his forces. As long as you are with me, he will more or less have some regard and won't come to trouble you yet."

"In that case, your status in Cloud Peak should be very high?" Ao Fan smiled and said.

Yun Drunken Moon slanted a glance at him and said, "You will know this later, I just want to ask you now, are you willing to make a trip to Freezing Mist Town with me?"

"Of course I am willing, just come and call me at that time." Ao Fan agreed.