
Blood dragon

The snow was flying, the cold wind was howling, and the sky and earth were white. Ao Fan stood high above the sky, white clothes hunting, long hair lightly raised, bright and indifferent eyes through the heavy snow blockade, gazing at the direction of the immortal road mountain. Shaohua passed away, the red face withered, desolate a few people's hearts, and hurt whose lungs? A hundred thousand years, and then look back, and how to...

DaoistEaInNs · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 91 : Blood Cloud Hand

The night passed in an instant!

The outside world was already bright, but inside the Water Moon Cave Sky was still dark blue, with a faint glittering light flowing, as if at the bottom of the deep blue sea.

Ao Fan finished practicing, from the stone room out, the first action is to look towards the water pool in the centre of the cave.

The result is only to see the ripples of water, flooded with blue and elegant colour, where there is a trace of the moon shadow? From this thought, only in the late night, there will be a full moon in the water pool.

Immediately, Ao Fan walked towards the pitch-black passageway and came straight to the craggy platform outside the passageway.

On the steep mountain wall, the wind was howling, and the danger was extraordinary. Its steepness was by no means something that could be climbed by ordinary human beings, even if it was a Mortal Realm cultivator. Unless it was a Daoist realm cultivator, they were able to stand in the air and climb the cliffs and peaks naturally.

However, Cloud Peak was able to claim that no matter who it was, it could not be trespassed into recklessly, was it really possible for a Daoist realm cultivator to step into it?

Ao Fan stood on the cliff platform, just above the mountain wall, the length of only one zhang more than, has been subjected to the gusts of the wind, has been worn to the diamond corners, is incomparably smooth.

Ao Fan stood on the craggy platform, letting the wind blow and his robes rattle, but he was as solid as a rock, not moving.

He looked out with his eyes. In front of him, there was again a vast sea of clouds!

Watching the clouds roll in and out, Ao Fan did not speak or move, just standing quietly. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his eyes, as if he understood something, and he couldn't help but sit down.

The first six of the Seven Styles of Blood Battle seemed to flow like waves of smoke, slowly flowing through his mind. His consciousness sank into the bottom of his heart and once again began to fantasise about these six styles, improving them.

In his consciousness, a red shadow flashed rapidly, performing each of the six stances. At the same time, he also shed the temporarily uninspired moves one by one to the back of his mind, leaving only the Blood Slaughter Style that he currently felt the most profoundly, and concentrated on improving it.

In his fantasy, after the Blood Slaughter Style was performed, its appearance had long changed, unlike when it was first performed, it directly transformed into a blood blade to attack the enemy. Such a simple and direct method of attack, although it was suitable for the Blood Peak Elder, it might not be applicable to Ao Fan.

Ever since he came to Freezing Mist Town and purposefully began to improve the Seven Styles of Blood Battle, all aspects of the first six styles were almost different from what they once were. At this moment, after he had a sudden epiphany about the Blood Slaughter Style, the Blood Slaughter Style was even more drastically changed in nature, where was it still as it was originally?

Only, even though he had coincidentally had an epiphany, the improvement of the Blood Slaughter Style could not be completed overnight.

In his eyes, there was not a single focus, but there was a sea of pale clouds. An extremely conspicuous red figure lay between the clouds and the sea, dancing wildly, stirring up the floating clouds to disperse.

But outside the real sea of clouds, but miraculously did not have a trace of movement!

Night came quietly, the cold wind gusts, Ao Fan is still sitting on the craggy platform, like a log in the inner fantasy.

The night passed again, and day came.

A wild gale blew, ruffling Ao Fan's black, shiny, shoulder-length hair, causing it to lift up to cover his eyes and fall again. In his eyes, a red figure stood in the void, its face too blurred to see clearly, surrounded by wisps of white clouds.

Suddenly, the red figure lifted a hand, and there was an endless might, making the surrounding sea of clouds move with it, transforming into all kinds of shapes, both bizarre and normal.

Day after day, the years were relentless.

Ao Fan had been sitting on the craggy platform like a rock for a month. This shows how much time it takes for a coincidental epiphany. But Ao Fan didn't care, because without this epiphany, he would have to spend more and more time to improve the Blood Slaughter Style.

The time spent in January was not in vain after all. By today, Ao Fan had finally perfected the Blood Slaughter Style, and it looked like it would be completely finished in just a few moments.

In Freezing Mist Town, he began to study the moves, and now it has been several months, and his hard work has finally paid off. Compared to others, Ao Fan is too lucky. An epiphany might not be encountered in a person's lifetime.

Suddenly, he moved slightly. The body that hadn't moved in January finally did at this moment. Only to see him gently raise his hand, as he did when he fantasised within his consciousness.

On his white hand, a faint circle of blood aura flashed, waves of light flowing, not very clear, but could be clearly seen.

His eyes, extremely godly, seemed to still have a jade-coloured luster flickering. He then looked at the boundless sea of clouds, his eyes reflecting the white clouds, and aimed his hand at the long blue sky.

"Blood Cloud Hand ..." This was the name he gave to his new stance after completely changing the Blood Slaughter Style, and it was named so because he had an epiphany from looking at the sea of clouds.

Just see the blood mango in his hand, lightning-like shot out, high in the wind, in mid-air has been transformed into a blood-coloured giant hand, with a monstrous momentum, ruthlessly to the sea of clouds fell.

The blood-coloured hand is crystal clear, like an exquisite work of art, on which there are even road lines, as if it is a real person's hand is enlarged generally, simply divine.

The blood-coloured hand slapped into the clouds, as if it had slapped a hole in the clouds. That was shot in the white cloud in the surrounding is still intact, the middle part is completely annihilated, not the slightest cloud.

Blood cloud hand even strong to this realm, shoot to the white cloud can also make it completely dissipate!

Ao Fan can know, general moves after the show, at most can be white cloud stranded scattered, but there is still a trace of clouds will not be extinguished. Which like the blood cloud hand this, actually did not leave the slightest residual cloud mist.

Although the blood cloud hand is very appalling, but Ao Fan does not know how strong this trick attack to the human body. After all, the only thing to experiment with is only white clouds, and the fantasy in his consciousness can not all be true.

He had the intention to experiment the power of the new research technique, but there was no one to be the target. In the Nine Swords Sect, in addition to the disciples of the Nine Swords Sect, is the guests of the Nine Swords Sect, who are not he can blatantly deal with, unless it is a secret action.

However, the might of the Blood Cloud Hand was so appalling that it could not be hidden in any way. In the Sea of Clouds, performing this manoeuvre would not be seen by the Nine Swords Sect disciples, but if he performed it within the mountain peak, he would definitely be discovered. If he wanted to deal with the disciples of the Nine Swords Sect, he could not perform this move for the time being. Unless, there were Nine Swords Sect disciples who were in the sea of clouds.

"Being in the enemy's nest, but instead comprehending a powerful move, could it be that the Nine Swords Sect's demise is destined in the underworld?" Ao Fan smiled coldly, looking at his hand with extreme satisfaction.

Afterwards, he stood up, and his entire body was actually without the slightest bit of dust. At the time of his epiphany, because he had to hurry to understand the improved moves, so he did not form a dusty Yuan Qi barrier on his body, so after a long time in January, it would have been unavoidable to be stained with dust. But because the terrain here is treacherous, the wind is constantly gusting, hard to blow the dust on his body, but also a clean body.

"This is really a good place for cultivation." Ao Fan murmured softly.