
Blood dragon

The snow was flying, the cold wind was howling, and the sky and earth were white. Ao Fan stood high above the sky, white clothes hunting, long hair lightly raised, bright and indifferent eyes through the heavy snow blockade, gazing at the direction of the immortal road mountain. Shaohua passed away, the red face withered, desolate a few people's hearts, and hurt whose lungs? A hundred thousand years, and then look back, and how to...

DaoistEaInNs · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 93 : Going Down the Mountain

Back in the Water Moon Cave Sky, Ao Fan once again decided to cultivate. He was very hardworking and would never waste a single minute of time if it was not necessary or if his emotions made him do so.

However, whether to cultivate within the stone room in the cave or on the Cloud Viewing Platform, but Ao Fan was in deep thought. There was no doubt that the Yuan Qi within the cave was much denser, especially the two stone chambers that looked like they were specially opened out for cultivation, the amount of Yuan Qi in them was even more dense. Cultivating within the stone chambers was definitely twice as fast with half the effort.

However, cultivating on the Cloud Viewing Platform also had many benefits. Although the amount of Yuan Qi on the Cloud Viewing Platform was not as much as in the Cave Heaven, there was still a lot of it, and it was much denser than the average place. Moreover, after Ao Fan had an epiphany on the Cloud Viewing Platform and improved the Bleeding Cloud Hand, he had a feeling in the dark, as if continuing to cultivate on the Cloud Viewing Platform might lead to another epiphany.

Compared to rapid cultivation, the effect that an epiphany could produce was better. One epiphany was almost equal to several years of hard cultivation. Ao Fan immediately made a decision and resolutely walked out of that dark passageway to the Cloud Viewing Platform.

Here, it was still as treacherous as ever!

The cliffs and gusts of wind made it seem extremely unstable. Fortunately, Ao Fan knew that there must be formations around the cloud peak to protect it, so he would not be disturbed here, so he sat down on the ground and began to cultivate. As for the gusts of ghostly howling winds, they might make it difficult for a Mortal Realm cultivator to resist, but they were completely unable to have any effect on him nowadays.

He sat and watched the misty sea of clouds, his mind as calm as water. This kind of cultivation continued for five days, Ao Fan did not move a muscle, only his cultivation increased slightly, and his Blood Cloud Hands became more pure.

Five days later, Yun Drunken Moon came to wake him up!

Hearing the call, Ao Fan, who did not fall into the deepest state of consciousness as in the case of an epiphany, immediately stopped his cultivation, went back from the passage and walked out of the Water Moon Cave.

In front of him, was the young girl who had been veiled!

Yun Drunken Moon stood there gracefully, looking at the Water Moon Cave Sky. Seeing Ao Fan come out, her eyes lit up and she immediately greeted her, uttering, "Everything is ready now, just waiting for us to go over."

Ao Fan nodded and followed Yun Drunken Moon to the central square of Cloud Peak.

The earth here, was a smooth brickwork, light grey in colour, with clearly audible lines. In front of the road, there was an exquisite hall with green bricks and red pillars, with a shiny colour, appearing very magnificent.

At the entrance of this temple, many Cloud Peak female disciples and a dozen white canopy carriages stood silently. Each carriage canopy body are white, embroidered with white cloud patterns; wheels are also white, crystal like jade, engraved with mysterious patterns, exuding a cool wind-like atmosphere.

The carriage is extraordinary at first sight, and so is the horse that pulls it!

Each carriage is equipped with a left and a right two horses, respectively, to drive the carriage. These two horses are not ordinary horses.

The white horses had thick brown hair that danced with the light wind. They possessed sturdy limbs and were capable of flying speed. From their bright and incomparable eyes, it could be seen that they were very spiritual.

These horses, called White Cloud Horses, were capable of travelling thousands of miles in a day, and even flying through the clouds. It is a very rare demonic beast, although it is only a mortal realm cultivation, but because of the natural characteristic of being able to take off in the air, it is extremely rare, and I don't know where exactly the people of Cloud Peak got so many of them.

On the carriage, a clear-eyed look will tell you that it is loaded with goods, I think it is to be taken to the Freezing Mist Town's trading goods.

When Ao Fan and Yun Yuyue arrived here, they were immediately spotted by the female disciples of Cloud Peak who were guarding the carriage. These female disciples were all at the Mortal Realm cultivation level, but all of them had beautiful looks and different temperaments, although they were not as stunningly beautiful as Yun Drunken Moon, they were still enough to charm a large number of mortals.

Among them, there was a clean-cut woman of the third level of the Mortal Realm who came forward and said to Yun Drunken Moon, "Senior Sister Yun, all the goods have been loaded, so we will be able to depart immediately."

"That's good, let's go." Yun Drunken Moon nodded with a faint smile.

With that, a dozen or so carriages were driven by the crowd of Cloud Peak female disciples and moved to travel outside of Cloud Peak.

While travelling on the flat ground of Cloud Peak, everything was fine. However, when they reached the edge of Cloud Peak, the carriages still showed no signs of stopping, making Ao Fan feel slightly surprised.

To know, the so-called cloud bridge is only produced by countless sudden rocks from the abyss breaking clouds, in which the distance between each one is not short, even if it is a mortal realm cultivator, want to freely come and go on the cloud bridge is quite difficult, not to mention with more than ten carriages.

But the female disciples of Cloud Peak were not fools, they naturally had their reasons for doing so!

Ao Fan silently watched. Only to see that these Cloud Peak female disciples were all sitting on white cloud horses when they were about to go up to the cloud bridge. There were dozens of White Cloud Horses in total, enough for all the Cloud Peak female disciples to sit down.

The White Cloud Horses could indeed fly in the air, could they also carry dozens of carriages at the same time?

Ao Fan knew the answer in the next moment!

Only to see that after the White Cloud Horse stepped into the void, the strange patterns inscribed on all the carriages gave off a blinding white light, which was not conspicuous in the vast sea of clouds, but allowed Ao Fan, who had been paying attention to the carriages, to see it.

It was the white aura emanating from these patterns that formed a marvellous force that held all of these carriages in the air, moving along with the drag of the white cloud horses.

Seeing this, Ao Fan could not help but marvel at the fact that the prohibitions engraved on the carriages were truly ingenious!

He and Yun Yuyue could already fly in the air, so naturally, they didn't need to sit on the white cloud horse like those female disciples of Cloud Peak with Mortal Realm cultivation, and they directly flew in the air.

Between the vast sea of clouds, more than ten white carriages were pulled along in the void, surrounded by Ao Fan and Yun Drunken Moon soaring and following. At this moment, Ao Fan could clearly feel that there were more than ten pairs of envious eyes falling on him. These eyes were all cast by those Cloud Peak female disciples sitting on the white cloud horses.

These female disciples of Cloud Peak whose cultivation was at the Mortal Realm, like all Mortal Realm cultivators, all hoped to step into the Dao Realm and thus fly in the air, that would be the sign of a true cultivator. So they paid frequent attention to Ao Fan and Yun Drunken Moon's flying stance and were very envious.

Although the cloud bridge was long, it eventually passed. The moment they stepped onto flat ground, the white lustre on the carriage's graphic pattern also dissipated and returned to normal.

On the Cloud Gathering Peak, this place was just like before, still as lively as ever, with all the Nine Swords Sect disciples coming and going. Seeing the carriage of the Cloud Peak lineage passing by, these disciples of the Nine Swords Sect had long understood what was going on, and habitually gave way to the road. This kind of thing was very common in the Nine Swords Sect.

Passing through this mountain peak again, Ao Fan and his group arrived at the Nine Swords Sect's mountain gate, which was guarded by Nine Swords Sect disciples all year round. They asked the Nine Swords Sect disciple guarding the mountain gate to open the sect protection formation and finally left the Nine Swords Sect, travelling towards Freezing Mist Town.