
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 46: Living for Revenge

These were the childhood shadows that Daisy was extremely reluctant to recall.

If she hadn't been so vigilant and ruthless back then, she might have ended up like those little girls—dead at a young age, never making it to the present.

Not far away, Fred lay on a fallen tree trunk, almost embedded in it. He remained motionless for a long time, and under his cloak, dried blood adorned the corners of his mouth.

Daisy's gaze towards him was akin to that of someone looking at a dead person.

He coughed lightly, and finally, his throat could produce sound. In a weak and hoarse voice, he struggled to utter broken words, "Can't you... let go?"

Yes, she couldn't let go. Although she had not suffered any harm personally, the damage caused to her sensitive and fragile childhood was immeasurable.

She had tightly sealed away those memories, treating them like scars she had painstakingly healed, covering all the pain. However, Fred, in just a few words, exposed her scars.

"I can't let go, can you?" Daisy retorted sarcastically.

Although he could utter words that they were of the same kind, he still wore the cloak, unwilling to reveal his scar-covered face. It seemed like this concealed all of his pain. Clearly, he couldn't completely let go either.

After a long silence, Daisy, uninterested in dragging it out with this wolf who seemed already dead, lifted her foot to leave. Yet, she was abruptly stopped by his sudden words, "If Richard is about to wake up, would you still refuse to cooperate with me?"

This sentence, like a sharp knife, stabbed straight into Daisy's ears, freezing her entire body.

"What did you say?" She turned back slowly, her tone carrying a dangerous undertone that surged like a landslide.

Fred, pressed down by her aura, felt an uncontrollable fear rising from the depths of his heart. However, his voice remained incredibly persistent. "I said, I can tell you everything, but you must promise to keep me alive."

"Alive?" Daisy narrowed her eyes slightly. "Are you living for revenge?"


She had buried everything, needing no revenge. But Fred had yet to avenge himself. Moreover, with so many brothers dying at the hands of that werewolf, with old grudges unavenged and new ones added, he needed revenge even more.

"Alright, I promise you."

"In that case, happy cooperation." Fred finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up and tell me everything you know; I'm in a hurry." Daisy impatiently replied. Although this werewolf was now on the brink of death, he might breathe his last in the next moment, she still had to save Danny.

She also had to find that annoying human!

Fred was speechless. Couldn't she give him a moment to catch his breath? He genuinely felt like he was about to die!

Despite thinking so, he exerted all his strength and told her, "Over a thousand years ago, Abraham, Richard, and Timothy did not have much connection initially. They were all fanatical about obtaining powerful abilities."

"At that time, only Richard held the position of the vampire king, while the other two did not have such high status."

"Richard learned from the records of successive vampire kings that there was a legacy in the ancient ancestor's ring. I don't know the specifics of obtaining the legacy, but you surely do. All I know is that to get the legacy, one must receive the grace of the gods."

"At that time, Richard had been in office for over two thousand years, but he had not found a way to obtain the gods' grace. Then, the legendary God's Ruin opened."

"Many beings had heard of God's Ruin, but few dared to enter because hardly anyone came out alive. However, for the sake of obtaining more powerful abilities, Abraham, Richard, and Timothy all went in."

"I don't know what happened inside, but when they came out, they became the best of brothers. However, they concealed their relationship, not letting other beings know."

"Even after they came out of God's Ruin and spent nearly eight hundred years studying, they still had to admit that, aside from the brotherhood forged through life and death, they gained nothing else in God's Ruin."

Fred's narration continued, describing the ancient events to Daisy.

"But Richard learned about the legend of the Beast God in the Orc tribe and persuaded Abraham to spread a plague among the werewolf tribe..." Here, Fred's voice trembled slightly. He paused for quite some time before continuing.

"And they spread it vigorously among the Orc tribe, claiming it was a disaster that could only be resolved by invoking the Beast God. At that time, the leader of the werewolf tribe, who happened to be Abraham's father, succumbed to immense pressure and had no choice but to follow the rumors and invoke the Beast God."

"Invoking this god, who only existed in legends and not in reality."

When Fred reached this part, his emotions seemed off, and he paused again for a while before continuing, "In the end, they failed."

"Before the invocation of the Beast God, Richard had already helped Timothy become the chief of the Mage tribe. After the invocation, he assisted Abraham in becoming the leader of the werewolf tribe."

"A few years later, Richard fell into a deep slumber. However, Abraham and Timothy continued searching for a method to awaken Richard."

"The method they found was—blood exchange. As long as there was an incredibly powerful being who could exchange blood with him, Richard could awaken."

"Not long ago, when you inherited the legacy, they naturally turned their attention to you, believing that your blood could awaken Richard."

"Once the target for the blood exchange was confirmed, Timothy began arranging the magic circle to transfer Richard's body. Even though you sent many vampires to guard Richard's coffin, it was futile."

"As long as you didn't personally guard Richard, his body would inevitably fall into Timothy's hands."

"I'm about to finish, and the last thing is that the God's Ruin is about to open again."

After forcing himself to say all this, Fred passed out.

Daisy pondered for a while, realizing that since Timothy and Abraham wanted to capture her, they would undoubtedly not let this great opportunity to enter the Golden Leaf Forest slip away.

So, what would she face next?

In any case, staying here was not a solution. Therefore, she crudely grabbed Fred's arm, pulled him out of the sunken tree trunk, and dragged him away.

Indeed, she dragged him away.

The next few magic circles were powerful killing formations. With one hand dragging Fred and the other uprooting a yellow maple tree that required three people to embrace, she violently smashed the formations. It was a brutal scene.

However, truth be told, as she continuously destroyed the formations, it triggered too many surrounding killing formations. She was a bit worried that if there were people around, she might inadvertently involve them.

But worries aside, smashing was something she had to do; she couldn't sit idly by.

At the next formation, she realized that Fred was gone, and the huge yellow maple tree in her hand had disappeared. When she looked down, she saw that her body had become smaller.

When she raised her head again, the surrounding scenery had turned into a castle, and it was... that dimly lit room.

The door was tightly closed, the air filled with a bloody smell. On one side was Richard, staring at her with those scorching and ruthless eyes, slowly walking towards her, calling her tenderly, "Darling..."

The kind of fear etched into her bones made Daisy uncontrollably shiver, her breathing difficult.

She told herself it was just an illusion, it was fake. So, she closed her eyes and threw a punch at Richard.

The fist missed, and when she opened her eyes again, Richard was already crouched in front of her, his palm holding her small fist, the other hand about to touch her face, comforting her gently, "Darling, don't be afraid; it will only hurt a little."