
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 47: Killing Intent

In an instant, Daisy's expression became extremely malicious and venomous, as if she wished to crush Richard into pieces and devour him. Her fist immediately broke free from his large hand, and her fingers reached for his heart, ruthlessly squeezing it into a pulpy mess.

Not satisfied with that, she pierced his carotid artery with her fingers, shredded his face, and even lifted a nearby chair, venting her frustration by smashing it onto his body.

Madness consumed her as she relentlessly struck, striking and striking without knowing how long. Blood and flesh splattered everywhere, covering the walls and floor.

As she witnessed only a puddle of minced flesh left, and Richard rapidly disappearing, Daisy finally eased up. She sat on the ground like a deflated balloon, breathing rapidly, cold sweat covering her forehead.

After a vampire dies, their body evaporates, and the room quickly returned to a clean and tidy state.

Daisy hadn't completely recovered from her fear, but at this moment, numerous bloody hands emerged from the ground behind her, quickly reaching for her. Caught off guard, she was pulled back and heavily slammed onto the ground. However, she quickly reacted, agilely struggling and one by one breaking the hands that emerged from the ground. The room echoed with continuous screams.

When she looked up again, Richard was seated on the opposite chair, looking at her with a pained expression, saying, "Darling, do you hate me this much?"

Daisy, on the verge of breakdown, covered her head, and her voice squeezed out from between her teeth, "Why won't you die?"

Richard, even more heartbroken, walked towards her. Daisy swiftly rose from the ground, spread her bat wings, and rushed over, firmly grabbing his neck, lifting him up, and pinning him against the wall.

Richard hadn't completely stopped breathing yet, and many bloody hands emerged from the wall, grabbing Daisy's arms, neck, and calf, forcefully slamming her against the wall.

It was an endless battle that seemed like a draw, but in reality, both Daisy's mind and body were under relentless attack, with her being the only one affected.

Because this was a murder illusion crafted based on what the entrant feared the most.


As Timothy emerged from the room where he set up the formations, Andrew knew that his king had been successfully transferred here.

Richard's body was placed in a prepared coffin, and Andrew entered the room.

Uncontainable ecstasy surged in Andrew's chest, but he maintained an elegant facade. Before the coffin, he performed a standard kneeling ceremony.

Then, he stood up, his adoring and infatuated gaze almost fanatic as he fervently stared at Richard's face.

Although he was still asleep, his handsome appearance and majestic aura remained unchanged, presenting a dignified image.

Andrew reached out, beginning to stroke Richard's face, saying, "My dearest king, I will take care of everything for you and won't let any creature hinder your awakening."

"By then, all vampires will warmly welcome your return."

"But, please forgive my upcoming offense. I swear everything I do is absolutely for your sake."

After saying this, he took a syringe from his pocket, pierced it into Richard's neck vein, and drew out a full syringe of blood.

Then, he headed to the third floor, the room where Michael and Fiona were.

Initially, he left these two vampires alive because he thought their powers might still be useful if they willingly submitted to his king. However, from their interactions during this period, he believed Michael was ambitious and unyielding, unlikely to sincerely submit to his king.

As for Fiona, she was a foolish woman who only knew how to cause trouble.

Therefore, he decided it would be better to resolve them directly, ensuring that everything was in order for his king.

Michael was still unconscious. Andrew injected half of the blood into his neck.

As Fiona was about to wake up, he swiftly injected the remaining half into her neck. Then, he put away the syringe.

After Fiona woke up, she sensed that something was odd about her neck, a disturbing sensation.

Suspiciously, she looked at Andrew crouched in front of her, then stood up from the ground and asked, "Did you touch my neck?"

"No," Andrew replied expressionlessly and turned away, leaving.

Originally, after Richard drank the blood Daisy offered, he fell into a deep sleep after a while. Therefore, Andrew thought Fiona would fall into eternal slumber shortly

However, he didn't anticipate that while Michael indeed never woke up again, Fiona remained perfectly fine.

This was because Richard's sleep was due to the X-virus in his blood. In contrast, Danny's blood contained the energy of light, the only substance known today capable of killing the X-virus.

Previously, Fiona had consumed a large amount of Danny's blood, preventing her from falling into slumber. Additionally, due to the energy of light, her strength had even increased.

The ritual to invoke the Beast God within the werewolf tribe had actually succeeded. Richard discovered that Danny was the Beast God, but before he could tell Andrew, Timothy, Abraham, and the others, he fell into a deep sleep.

So, the only ones who knew that Danny was the Beast God were Richard, Daisy, and Situ Mu.


Situ Mu, after finding Ding Chao and Danny, also encountered Huang Yuyi and Zhou Lanxu later. However, his mood hadn't improved because what he truly wanted to find was Daisy.

Daisy had destroyed a portion of the formations, and combined with Situ Mu's widespread bombardment with artillery shells, a large part of the Golden Leaf Forest had been thoroughly destroyed.

By observing the destroyed formations, Situ Mu finally traced Daisy's location within the killing illusion.

He sighed with relief, thankfully, he found her.

His sweetheart.

The breakthrough point of this illusion was right outside the room where Daisy was. Situ Mu didn't hesitate to attack the wall with bullets. The illusion would completely collapse in a while.

He immediately parked the fighter jet on the ground, opened the jet's door, and walked directly towards Daisy.

Before the illusion collapsed, Daisy had already killed Richard countless times, been entangled by bloody hands, freed herself from the hands, only for Richard to reappear.

Repeatedly using her most feared vampires to attack her psychological defenses, endlessly and non-stop.

She was exhausted, not physically but mentally tired.

She felt numb, not wanting to struggle anymore.

This was the murderous aspect of this illusion; it relied on breaking psychological defenses to achieve the goal of killing.

However, Timothy had modified this illusion to capture her. If she gave up resistance, the bloody hands would drag her away to the white castle to exchange blood with Richard.

At this moment, she was caught by the bloody hands on the ceiling.

After a series of gunshot sounds, the bloody hands on the ceiling slowly retracted.

Daisy fell from the ceiling, her body suddenly growing from that of a few-year-old child to an adult.

She, who was already exhausted, was slightly surprised.

This time, seemed a bit different?

Finally, she felt herself embraced in a familiar hug.