
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 45: Why Should I Believe You

"Timothy, that's enough."

Normally composed, he had finally reached his limit. He walked over in large strides, tearing apart the dress on the ground without looking.

Although he knew it was all an illusion created by Timothy's magic, he still burned with anger.

After he spoke, Timothy's lecherous voice sounded again, "Although this is my illusion, do you think it's not a reality?"

Due to his exceptional temperament, Situ Mu suppressed his negative emotions. However, his eyes were as dark as ink, resembling hell's raging flames, dark and utterly frightening.

He knew that what Timothy said was likely true, that this was the reality.

His sweetheart lacked sufficient vigilance; she could be deceived even by Dream Butterfly, not to mention a chaotic love magic circle that was many times stronger.

Yet, he felt jealousy, mad jealousy.

He would find her, and she would be his forever...

This time, it was his negligence that led to this situation. He hadn't protected her well. It wouldn't happen again in the future.

After a few more arrays, a rustling sound echoed. A fighter jet careening through the air entered his view.

Ding Chao, who was on the fighter jet, noticed him. As if finding a savior, he stopped the reckless flying and descended, landing next to Situ Mu.

He had been trapped in the previous array for several hours, accidentally stumbling into this one and unable to get out. He never expected to see Situ Mu, and he was moved to the point of tears. He obediently opened the cockpit door for Situ Mu, inviting him to take control.

Feeling Situ Mu's abnormal emotions, he didn't dare to provoke him with unnecessary words, despite being touched.

After Situ Mu piloted the fighter jet, without saying a word, he launched a shell towards the weaker part of the imprisonment array, then fired a powerful bomb towards the junction point of the arrays.


The explosive sound was deafening, and a crimson fireball with billowing black smoke soared into the sky. This side of the vast array was completely destroyed. Following that, an orange-red fire blazed in the Golden Leaf Forest, burning a large area of maple trees.

Although the fighter jet minimized the impact of the explosion shockwave, Ding Chao, sitting in the co-pilot seat, was still frightened by the sound and scene, almost screaming.

He thought, Dr. Situ is indeed impressive, making a move with such power!

It's worth noting that even members of the M.R Lab's hunting team rarely launched shells, let alone bombs of such tremendous power. This was because hunting didn't require blowing up places like this, it was like contaminating the ecological environment. Besides, the scene of an explosion was too terrifying. Only Situ Mu could watch the massive fireball rising rapidly from below without changing his expression.

With the fighter jet, the speed increased significantly. As long as Situ Mu scanned and confirmed that there was no one nearby, he would directly bombard the weak points of the arrays and the junction points of several arrays.

He quickly found Danny's location through the coordinates provided by Liu Yi.

At this time, Danny was wrapped in a vine array like a cocoon, hanging from a tree. Situ Mu used a series of bullets to attack the gap in the array, and the vines retracted one after another. Danny fell from the tree.

Seeing the fighter jet, Danny thought that people from the M.R Lab had come to capture him again and immediately started running.

Expressionless, Situ Mu fired a few shells in front of Danny, blocking his way. Then, he dropped the net used for hunting from the fighter jet, swiftly and accurately capturing Danny and tossing him into the cage at the back of the fighter jet.

Danny, in despair, initially thought he was about to meet his end again. It wasn't until later when he saw Daisy that he realized the people from the M.R Lab were there to rescue him.

Then, Situ Mu began another round of extensive shell bombardment. The Golden Leaf Forest was ablaze, thoroughly destroyed.

Inside the white castle, Timothy observed Situ Mu and Daisy's every move on the map of the array. He didn't expect Situ Mu to be so fortunate, encountering Ding Chao who happened to be wandering around. Furthermore, Situ Mu destroyed his Golden Leaf Forest, infuriating him.

The Golden Leaf Forest was a precious treasure passed down from the ancestors of the mage lineage. It condensed the wisdom of their forebears, undergoing repairs and reinforcements for tens of thousands of years. Unexpectedly, falling into Timothy's hands, it was easily destroyed by a human, greatly upsetting him.

And on Daisy's side...

Speaking of Daisy, her vigilance was exceptionally strong, very strong indeed. However, when she encountered Dream Butterfly, she was beside Situ Mu, and at that moment, she unconsciously trusted him, putting down her guard.

At other times, she wouldn't possibly let her guard down. She was, after all, a vampire naturally endowed with extreme vigilance.

When the chaotic love magic circle took effect, she did indeed reach for Fred's neck. However, she actually aimed for Fred's neck rather than the cloak's fastening.

She had guessed his identity, realizing that due to severe injuries, he couldn't resist the power of the chaotic love magic circle. So, she rudely grabbed his neck, lifting his entire body upside down and slammed him forcefully onto the ground.

A large pit was created in the ground, and from this pit, the chaotic love magic circle started to show small cracks. Like a spider web, the cracks spread, and with a loud bang, it collapsed completely.

At the bottom of the pit, Fred's head was bleeding, and his eyes saw stars. After a moment of dizziness, he regained consciousness.

Daisy stood at the edge of the pit, looking down at him, lips curved in a cold smile, taunting, "What? Abraham is chasing you, and you come to seek refuge with the lapdog Michael?"

Fred also guessed who she was. Surprised, he didn't lift his head to look at her but laboriously climbed up from the pit. With a hoarse voice, he replied to her.

"Daisy, in fact, you and I are of the same kind."

"Oh?" The smile on Daisy's face deepened, carrying an obvious sarcastic meaning. She asked him mockingly, "What makes you so confident? An arrogant werewolf."

Fred remained silent for a long time before speaking in a low voice, "Abraham is my father too."

Abraham, the leader of the werewolves chasing him, was also his father? Also? So, what he wanted to express was...

Daisy's breath slightly stagnated in this moment, but her face remained unchanged. She casually responded to him, "So what?"

Fred remained silent for another moment before saying, "You know what I mean. Abraham is chasing me not only because I want to rebel but also because I know everything, everything."

Daisy frowned, feeling a sense of unease.

Without waiting for Daisy's response, Fred spoke again, "These things are very important to you. I only learned about them recently. Otherwise, I wouldn't choose to cooperate with Michael and would have chosen to cooperate with you, who truly belong to the same faction as me."

"What exactly is going on?" Daisy finally asked him.

But Fred just shook his head, saying, "I can tell you, but you must promise to keep me alive."

Daisy sneered, eyes showing disdain. "Why should I believe you?"