
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 2: Don't Come to Rescue Me

Although silently lamenting in her heart, her actions were not the least bit sluggish. Swiftly and skillfully, she issued commands on the information screen, and without going through many cumbersome procedures, the cat-person with the designation 1067 was injected with medication by professional personnel and lifted onto the operating table.

Situ Mu walked into the operating room, dressed in sterile surgical attire, and with gloved hands, he did not pick up a surgical knife. Instead, from a concealed corner of the operating room, he took out a vial of potion.

The researchers who had brought in the cat-person had already left and firmly closed the door to the operating room. The entire operating room now had only the two of them—one human and one cat-person.

Situ Mu looked at the beautiful youth on the bed. His upper body was half-naked, resembling a helpless appearance, yet he had cat ears and a tail. This didn't seem strange but rather made his delicate and lovely porcelain-like face, with its cat-like features, even more charming.

He couldn't move or make a sound, only his long, curled eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings. His crystal-clear, sapphire-like eyes carried a faint pleading expression, looking helplessly at the person holding the potion.

However, that pleading gaze made Situ Mu's pupils dilate.

Situ Mu's exquisitely handsome face, hidden behind a mask, was currently expressionless. But the eyes revealed, resembling hungry beasts, emitted a cold, eerie green light.

Deep within his eyes surged madness and eager anticipation, like a twisted hunter willing to do anything to capture its long-monitored prey, eagerly anticipating its torment.

Beneath the gentle and jade-like exterior lay a dark and twisted heart, now laid bare on the operating table.

He injected the youth's arm with the potion he held. The drugs given to the cat-person by those people would make him completely lose consciousness—how boring!

Watching him tortured to the point of a pallid face, contorted expressions, even biting off his tongue, repeatedly losing consciousness and waking up from the pain, wasn't it an interesting thing?

So, the potion Situ Mu injected was one that would immediately restore his consciousness.

Situ Mu's eyes emitted a glaring and hair-raising excitement.

Soon... this cat-person would experience the soul being detached from the body.

The youth, looking into his eyes, vaguely guessed something.

It's terrifying... aren't those perverts who torture animals in human news reports like this?

No, he's even scarier because the countless lives lost under his scalpel are not animals but a race almost indistinguishable from human thinking and appearance...

And yet, such a person is regarded as a great scientist by informed individuals within the human race?

The youth shuddered.

The bright light was still shining above, more brilliant than the hot summer sun, but he felt an unparalleled gloominess.

Stared at by that gaze, it was like countless bloody hands reaching up from hell, ignoring his desperate struggles, ruthlessly seizing his limbs, dragging him into a dark and damp underground.

The surgical knife touched his smooth skin, yet before any action, the person holding the knife, for some psychological reason, suddenly spoke. The tone was so melodious, seemingly with a gentle smile.

"Are you Daisy's brother?"

On the first page of the file, in the most prominent position, his identity was clearly stated—the pet cat of the Blood Queen during her childhood, Prince Danny.

But when Danny heard these words, he suddenly had a bad premonition. The pleading deep in his eyes disappeared, replaced by anger and resistance, resembling a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

The smile in Situ Mu's eyes deepened, and his tone became even gentler. "Don't worry, she'll be with you soon. By then, I'll place your organs on the same glass shelf, and you can be together forever."


Don't hurt my sister!

This human is a devil!

Danny's breathing became rapid, his eyes filled with pain. He glared at Situ Mu, lips trembling, but no words came out.

How many prey struggled in vain before their death?

Too many.

Situ Mu smiled slightly. Although he couldn't understand, seeing the intense emotional fluctuations, especially such fear and pain, was an interesting thing.

The cold blade passed over the warm abdomen of the youth. The surgical knife, specially made, could easily cut through the rough and hard skin of a werewolf, let alone a cat-person with tender flesh.

Despite doing something less humane, the person holding the knife moved as smoothly as flowing clouds, appearing beautiful and transcendent, like an immortal playing an ancient qin or painting a landscape with ethereal clouds and mist.

The mirrored flower-like panel above the operating table reflected the situation of the youth being dissected. He should have been completely occupied by pain, but the chilling feeling was so clear.

Perhaps it was despair that gradually enveloped his heart.

He looked at the overhead light, lips moving as if whispering. His eyes, illuminated like a bright moon, seemed to hold no faint hope.

Sister, sister... where are you?

I miss you so much, want to see you...


Don't come to rescue me...


In the Goras Forest of the Linmu Canyons, occasionally, the mournful cries of crows echoed.

Here, there was no light, and the human eye couldn't see anything. However, vampires could.

Daisy, in a dark red gown, under such lighting, the roses on her skirt and the one she played with in her hand were indistinguishable.

A red-eyed bat flew from the woods at an extremely fast speed, gliding to her and suddenly transforming into an elegant gentleman, respectfully half-kneeling.

He was cultivated personally by the queen, the leader of the underground organization with the Blood Clan codenamed A—Patrick, the most loyal subordinate of the queen.

Daisy gave some instructions in a secret language. While Patrick maintained a calm appearance due to his outstanding qualities, deep down, a storm of shock and awe was brewing.

Knowing that her brother didn't have much time left, Daisy issued one final command. Her enchanting voice turned cold as ice: "Investigate this matter thoroughly and completely for me."

Patrick solemnly replied, "Yes, Your Majesty."

However, upon hearing about her risking herself, despite knowing her incredible strength, Patrick couldn't help but worry. His fist clenched for a moment, and he couldn't help asking, "Your Highness, are you really going in person?"

She slightly curved her lips, but her eyes were dark and cold.

"Of course."

Without taking this trip, how could she uncover all the secrets of the Blood Clan?

Patrick looked up and once again saw that commanding posture in her, as if she were an upper-class person despising ants.

Just like countless times in the past two hundred years... but this time, it was more dominant, more intimidating, even making it hard for him to breathe.

Daisy looked towards the direction of the M.R laboratory, her wings spreading out as if about to take off.

Finally, she left a sentence echoing in the dense forest.

"If someone were to betray me, who would it be? The sinister and mysterious Prince Jason, or the seemingly ordinary chatterbox Prince Michael, or that insane woman Fiona? No, perhaps..."

Two hundred years had passed; it was time for a major upheaval.

Patrick listened in silence.

He was just a subordinate, and he dared not speculate casually.


In the high altitude west of the M.R. laboratory, a giant figure flew in at a tremendous speed. Even before the eight intelligent fighter jets could react, it unexpectedly collided with one of them, causing it to deviate from its autopilot trajectory and collide with another fighter jet.

Two fighter jets fell from the sky. Due to their excellent construction, they only sparked minor friction, but their descent was directed straight toward the M.R laboratory they had guarded for so long.

When they heavily hit directly above the laboratory, the two fighter jets exploded simultaneously. Because they carried a large payload of ammunition, this big explosion instantly spread to a radius of ten kilometers, igniting a raging wildfire in the surrounding forest.