
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 1: The Prince is Captured and Taken to the Laboratory

The Silver Moon hangs high, everything is silent.

On the highest peak of the Blood Clan's territory, there is an ancient and eerie castle. It belongs to the highest ruler of the Blood Clan, a place where tens of thousands of vampires can worship, visible for dozens of miles around.

Since the king fell into a deep slumber over two hundred years ago, the throne has been succeeded by the king's daughter, Princess Daisy. A vast expanse of lush roses has been blooming in the castle for over two hundred years, fragrant and beautiful, resembling fresh human blood.

Now, a delicate jade hand breaks a rose branch, casually playing with it. The snow-white fingernails are a rich wine-red color, as enchanting as the blooming rose.

No vampire dares to pluck the queen's favorite roses. Therefore, whoever broke this rose must be the queen sitting high on the throne, extraordinarily unique and otherworldly.

The queen's long wine-red trailing gown is embroidered with large patches of roses, vividly lifelike. She gracefully brings a dew-covered flower to her nose, delicately sniffing the fragrance, as if savoring the scent of blood in a red wine glass.

"Noble Queen, I have discovered the prince's whereabouts."

These words are spoken by Prince Jason. His voice is, as usual, soft and effeminate. He wears a black coat with a high-crowned hat, now using a deep brown cane in his left hand, while his right hand rests on his chest, bowing respectfully to the queen.

The queen's other hand caresses the ancient and intricate totem on the pure silver throne. Her index finger wears a silver ring with a carved red-eyed bat, seemingly about to fly. She slowly curls her lips into a smile, and her voice, when she speaks, is as melodious as a nightingale's song.

"My dear brother, where is he?"

Prince Jason lowers his head in a bow due to the courtesy, but a glimpse of disdain and contempt flashes in his eyes where the queen cannot see.

He is just a weak and useless pet cat. Only Daisy would consider the cat, who accompanied her in her lonely childhood, as a brother, even ordering the noble vampires to address him as Prince.

"The prince has been captured by the M.R laboratory. It seems humans want to study the cat's body structure."

As Jason speaks, he raises his head, revealing sharp and keen eyes on his perpetually young and handsome face. At this moment, his entire demeanor is subdued, fascinated, and respectful as he gazes at the beautiful and mysterious queen on the throne.

The queen's smile gradually turns cold, proud, and dangerous, sending shivers down Jason's spine, despite being a generation older.

Jason secretly thinks, how powerful can Daisy be? He intentionally withheld this information until it was too late to tell her.

All races know about M.R, short for Monster Research, the largest and most advanced human laboratory. It is a place where they study supernatural creatures, and the scientists in white lab coats inside are passionate about dissecting elves, vampires, wizards, and werewolves to understand the reasons behind their mysterious powers.

Before dawn arrives tonight, all vampires will know that this embarrassment to the royal family, the orc, has been thoroughly dissected by the lowly humans.

Then, the noble vampires will welcome a feast of sweet and delicious blood, maintaining their excitement while retaining their elegant demeanor.

"Why not save him?"

Daisy says this with a smile, but her tone is haunting, making Jason tremble involuntarily.

"My subordinates attempted to rescue the prince, but they were severely injured by human silver spears and heavy weaponry. They couldn't enter the M.R laboratory."

Jason's teeth chatter, and he is relieved that he kept a card up his sleeve to avoid anger.

Daisy coldly laughs, her crimson lips slowly opening, her tone seemingly complaining but carrying an unspoken threat, making Jason feel a chill.

"A bunch of useless creatures."

"Noble Queen, this cannot be entirely blamed on me and my subordinates. No race so far has been able to breach the human M.R laboratory."

"But to compensate for my failure to protect the prince, I will offer you a few delicious blood servants."

Daisy ignores the latter part of his statement, only asking with interest, "Oh? Should I personally visit the human M.R laboratory?"

Jason's sharp eyes squint disapprovingly, a hint of panic mixed in his words, "Humans may be weak, but their weapons are too dangerous. I don't agree with Your Majesty taking the risk. Besides, these lowly humans are not worthy of having the noble Queen personally intervene."

Daisy doesn't miss the fleeting panic in his tone.

She stands up gracefully, fingers still lightly caressing the delicate petals of the rose. The blue lights in the ancient castle reflect on the dewdrops on the petals, creating a faint halo.

The queen, overlooking like a deity, gazes into the distance, her words carrying ambiguous meaning.

"But some vampires are eager for me to go...,"

Jason's body subtly stiffens, and his eyes momentarily freeze.

Daisy looks down at him, her face suddenly breaking into a smile. Her tone is charming and coquettish, yet it inexplicably carries a cold and threatening undertone.

"It's best not to let me find out who's behind this."

She steps down from the high platform, wearing blood-red stilettos, descending step by step. The castle gate in front of her slowly opens, and crows in the castle panic, flapping their wings in fright, the hoarse cries echoing in the vampire territory.

Jason knows she is going to personally rescue Prince Danny now, silently bowing to her.

Wearing a black tailcoat and white gloves, Andrew, the butler, stands by, elegant and courteous, politely saying, "Escort Her Majesty."

Throughout the conversation, Andrew has been standing respectfully by the throne, maintaining a calm and gentlemanly demeanor.

He is a well-trained butler who has served in the castle since the reign of the queen's father, the former king Richard. Despite his youthful and handsome appearance, he is an esteemed and respected elder in the vampire community.

In front of the castle gate is an extremely steep slope, comparable to a cliff. Daisy stands at the top of this cliff, letting the cold night wind blow her silver hair.

Her eyes are like boiling blood, resembling the most dazzling ruby in the world. In an instant, the ruby seems to ignite, burning like flames.

A pair of huge bat wings stretch out from behind her, carrying her body at an extremely fast speed towards the distance.

Even the sensitive vision of vampires cannot capture her figure as she swiftly passes through the air.

Watching her leave, Jason, with his cane back in his right hand, raises his left hand, gesturing, and two vampires bring in four blood servants, placing them in front of Andrew.

"These are the blood servants I offer to Her Majesty."

Andrew, without scrutinizing the trained and obedient youths, courteously says to Jason, "Prince Jason, you have worked hard. The blood servants can stay."


In City A, on a desolate piece of land, there is a high-tech laboratory constructed with special metal. The ground within ten kilometers of the laboratory is covered with thick steel, devoid of any vegetation.

Eight intelligent fighter jets hover in the sky like eagles, constantly scanning the surroundings and making rigorous data analyses. If anything unusual is detected, the fighter jets are ready to launch firepower against intruders or release tranquilizer darts.

At this moment, a low-profile and luxurious black car passes through the pitch-black forest and enters this area.

All cameras on the fighter jets, the dozens of gun muzzles outside the laboratory, and over a dozen artillery barrels aim at the car, ready to enter firing mode.

After a mere 0.0001 seconds of calculation, the intelligent fighter jets analyze the identity of the man driving the car. All gun muzzles and barrels retract simultaneously, as if they had never aimed at the car.

The man in the driver's seat, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a dark pinstripe suit, has a fair and jade-like face, with a hint of coldness and distance. He gets out of the car, walks directly to the invisible entrance of the M.R laboratory, and under the renewed alignment of dozens of barrels, he presents his identification in a certain direction. The pinhole camera scans successfully, and the laboratory's door, made of special material, quickly opens. After he enters, it swiftly closes behind him.

After walking for some time, he undergoes dangerous substance scanning, DNA unlocking, and pupil unlocking. He passes through four doors before truly entering the M.R laboratory.

Such an abnormal unlocking process is routine for all researchers in the M.R laboratory. The refined and gentle-looking man doesn't seem bothered, as if it's a routine he set.

All the white lights on the arched corridor are on, making the entire laboratory as bright as day. Yet, due to the SL.e light source, which has the highest eye protection factor under current technology, it is bright but not glaring.

Even though it's midnight, people carrying data or samples occasionally pass by. They wear neat and uniform white coats, and when they see the man, they greet him politely and respectfully, and he nods in return, appearing modest and amiable.

The internal layout of the laboratory is filled with a sense of technology characteristic of an advanced civilization. The man arrives at an office door, goes through pupil unlocking once again, and the office door quickly opens. He steps inside, presses a button, and fingerprints, time, and other information are recorded. A white coat and a mirror move from the storage room to him.

He stands in front of the full-length mirror, changing into the clean white coat with precise and meticulous movements. In the mirror, he looks clear, refined, and noble, yet his eyes are devoid of emotion, coldly indifferent.

Opening the information screen, densely packed text and data quickly scroll. It's at a speed invisible to the human eye, but he not only reads it all but also records it all into his brain.

Leaving the office, he resumes the appearance of a gentle and courteous gentleman. The cold indifference in his eyes is perfectly hidden behind the dust-free gold-rimmed glasses.

Arriving at the 3C laboratory, Dr. Zhang Yibo, with short hair and black-framed glasses, hands over a thick report to him and begins reporting to the man across from her in an orderly manner.

"Dr. Situ, we have conducted tests on the DNA of Subject 1067. After thirty-three precise data analyses, we found that he not only has the blood of cat people and humans but also the pure blood of werewolves. However, for some reason, he transformed into a cat before, and we suspect it is related to the mysterious power inside him."

She adjusts her black glasses and continues, "This power influences his cat-human bloodline, but we have never seen anything like it."

Dr. Situ quickly browses through the report, remembering all the contents in a short time.

Closing the report, he looks up at Zhang Yibo and says, "Cancel all my affairs for the next week. I will study his power."

His tone is gentle, and his voice is as pleasant as a forest stream, making people feel a refreshing breeze.

"Yes, Dr. Situ." Zhang Yibo nods. If Dr. Situ is personally taking action, that cat person is about to be dissected soon.

Actually, that cat person is quite cute. After transforming, he becomes an extremely handsome young man. Even someone as strict and serious as her can't help but feel moved. It's a pity he has to die like this, Zhang Yibo thinks.