
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 3: God

The deafening explosion shattered the eardrums of all normal humans in the M.R. laboratory, causing instant deafness.

This seemingly indestructible laboratory experienced its first earthquake in over two hundred years.

The alarms, never heard since the inception of M.R. Laboratory, urgently and piercingly rang out at this moment.

However, the majority of people could no longer hear, and even if they could see the incessantly flashing red lights, they were too preoccupied. Painfully clutching their bleeding ears, they curled up on the ground, resembling shrimp, trembling and wailing.

Yet, in the operating room, the man wielding the scalpel seemed unaffected. He continued the surgery calmly, smiling and saying, "The fish is hooked."

Situ Mu always preferred live organ harvesting during dissections, starting with the most life-threatening areas and ending with the heart.

He reached for Nini's kidney.

Danny heard his words, and her beautiful eyes widened suddenly, perhaps due to nervousness and anxiety, her heart beating unusually fast.

Sister... Is it Sister who has come?

At this moment, his beloved sister Daisy was engaged in a battle with six intelligent fighter jets.

The massive explosion had no effect on these six fighter jets. They immediately responded, and twenty-four machine guns aimed at Daisy, firing wildly. Bullets in the air resembled a terrifying storm.

These machine guns were designed for advanced vampires since the highest-level vampires were not afraid of sunlight and were not harmed by silver. The bullets were developed by M.R. Laboratory, capable of directly corroding the flesh and blood of advanced vampires with high-energy substances.

Because after colliding with one of the fighter jets, Daisy's speed unavoidably slowed for a moment, and one side of her bat wings was riddled with dozens of machine gun shots.

The sound of sizzling continued unabated, like raw meat being seared. What was even more terrifying was that due to the corrosive effect of the high-energy substance, those dozens of blood holes continued to expand.

The usually pampered Queen, at this moment, only slightly furrowed her brow.

Will she become ugly?

After the smoke and flames of the explosion gradually dissipated, Daisy glanced downward and found that the originally pure white laboratory, except for some blackened skin, showed no signs of rupture or damage.

The materials used to build the laboratory were beyond her imagination in terms of hardness and ignition point. They seemed indestructible and were made from an unknown substance.

The fighter jets stored an enormous amount of energy, which is why the explosion had such tremendous power. However, for Daisy, it was not a good thing at the moment.

Because machines don't tire, as long as there is energy, their speed won't slow down. But she was a flesh-and-blood being, and no matter how much stronger her body was compared to a human's imagination, she would eventually run out of stamina.

Moreover, her wounds were continuously expanding.

Crashing into another fighter jet again was obviously impractical. She looked at the complex structure of the fighter jets and speculated that their energy should be stored in the safest and indestructible location.

However... her goal was not to confront a bunch of machines to the end.


The Blood Clan, Fahl Manor.

A woman dressed in a deep V-neck, high-slit gown, exuding a sexy and fiery aura, descended from the sky. She folded her massive black bat wings, walked on slender high heels, swaying her hips, and confidently approached the grand entrance of the manor.

The gatekeeper immediately greeted, "Princess Fiona," and slowly opened the gate.

Fiona never paid attention to the lower ranks, walking straight into the manor. Her flamboyant and wild red hair danced in the air.

The Blood Clan highly valued bloodlines, and only purebred vampires could become nobles. The hair of purebred vampires was silver, except for Fiona's, which was originally black.

This wasn't due to impurity in her bloodline. There were vampires who suspected she was a hybrid of vampire and human, but she angrily drained the blood of anyone who dared to doubt her lineage, stabbing their hearts with silver daggers until they died. Since then, no vampire dared to question the purity of her bloodline.

As a princess of the Blood Clan, she was undoubtedly a purebred vampire. Due to a genetic mutation, she became the only one among the nobility with black hair. Disliking the suspicion and criticism from other vampires, she deliberately dyed her hair a unique fiery red.

Inside the largest castle of Fahl Manor, Prince Michael was in a meeting with a mysterious guest.

The guest's face was hidden under a large black cloak, radiating a sinister aura. Tall in stature, the guest spoke with a deep, husky voice and rarely uttered a word.

Seated at the head of the table, Michael elegantly swirled a glass of red wine in his hand, wearing a polite smile as he explained matters to the guest.

Typically, nobles of the Blood Clan had human blood in their wine glasses, but Michael was different. The crimson liquid in his glass was rich red wine, not blood.

This didn't mean he lacked cruelty; quite the opposite. It indicated a higher level of cruelty because he disliked drinking blood from glasses, considering it less fresh and less flavorful. Such vampires preferred personally feeding on blood.

Michael was even more unique; he despised humans and never consumed human blood. He only drank the blood of female vampires, engaging in intimate relationships with them.

Of course, these were secrets unknown to others. Michael appeared approachable, humble, and talkative due to his loquacity. Among the three princes who still participated in politics, Michael was the only one of the same generation as the queen. In the generally elegant and handsome Blood Clan nobility, Michael's appearance was the most ordinary, his figure unremarkable. He always wore a decent black suit with a white shirt, a neatly tied bowtie emphasizing his serious and honest appearance, lacking any aggression.

From the slowly opening door, Fiona swaggered in, pretending to be apologetic and exaggeratingly said, "Oh, my dear Michael, I'm late."

She walked straight to the main seat and sat on Michael's lap.

Michael looked somewhat surprised and shy, saying, "My dear Fiona, you are as charming as ever, so beautiful that I could use ten thousand words to describe your beauty—no, ten thousand words are too few, insufficient to capture your captivating beauty, at least thirty thousand words. But now, we must first finalize the complete plan."

Fiona laughed heartily at the praise. She thought Michael was good in every way except for his unremarkable appearance, not comparable to Jason's wooden block or even to Danny, that ignorant orc. Well, Danny, the so-called prince, would soon meet his end.

Not just him, that woman who always looked down on others wouldn't live much longer either.

Thinking of this, she grinned, laughing with a hint of piercing madness in her eyes.

As everyone knew, Princess Fiona was the only vampire of the queen's generation who dared openly oppose the queen.

This emergency meeting with only three participants quickly ended, followed by significant upheavals among various organizations and different races.

It was destined to be an unsettled night.

Watching Fiona's departure with a swaying figure, proudly walking away, Michael took a sip of red wine, thinking, "What a voluptuous and passionate woman. If she weren't bisexual, maybe being with her wouldn't make me feel such disgust from the bottom of my heart."

Compared to women easily obtained, he was more interested in conquering women like Daisy, seemingly forever aloof and unattainable.

He stroked his chin, entertaining twisted thoughts of making the queen his captive, his blood servant, and plaything. Hmm... it sounded so tempting.

Outside Fahl Manor, a crow carrying Michael's letter flew towards the distance, destined to land in someone's hands.


Inside the M.R. Laboratory.

The seismic disturbance caused by the explosion quickly subsided, and the alarms had ceased. Aside from those still writhing in pain on the floor and scattered documents, along with a few data entries automatically recorded in the database about the explosion, everything else remained unchanged.

However, the changes in the operating room were drastic.

Situ Mu sat on the floor, back against the wall, right leg bent, elbow casually resting on his knee, still tightly gripping the surgical knife. He had even changed his grip on the blade, holding onto the sharp edge. The surgical knife had cut through the latex glove, deeply into his flesh, and blood was now flowing.

Yet, he seemed oblivious to the pain, still motionless, gripping the knife while staring fixedly at the empty surgical table nearby.

Just moments ago, he was about to extract a kidney from a cat-person. Habitually glancing at the electrocardiogram machine connected to the cat-person's heart, he noticed an abnormally fast heartbeat. He had thought that after extracting the heart and placing it in a device with an environment almost 99.999% similar to his body, he could better study the abnormal heartbeat of the cat-person.

However, something unexpected happened.

The cat-person's body emitted a strong light in all directions, purer and more sacred than sunlight, containing a profound divine energy—something the evil vampire race feared most. Accompanying the intense light was a sudden surge of powerful force, causing drastic fluctuations in the air.

Situ Mu was caught off guard and was thrown back by this force, slamming heavily into the wall and then falling to the ground.

This was something he had never encountered before.

No... not just him. This was something that had never happened in the entire civilization history of the Vimpur planet.

It was a cat-person, not a mage. The cat-person couldn't use magic like invisibility or escape, and besides, the materials used to construct the M.R. Laboratory were magic-resistant.

However, the surgical table no longer had the cat-person's figure on it.

According to the recorded data on the unified information screen and in the documents, along with the momentary burst of intense light, the only possibility was... a god.

Situ Mu was well aware that all members of the orc race worshiped the Beast God, an ancient civilization that had been passed down. He had speculated before that the Beast God might have truly existed, but how could the Beast God be related to this young man?

Could he be the... reincarnation of the Beast God?

This was a hypothesis that sounded absurd and baseless, with no way to confirm and no evidence to deny.

Situ Mu didn't waste too much time pondering. He stood up, and the blood-stained surgical knife fell to the ground.

The wound on his hand, deep enough to reveal bone, was healing at a visible speed.

He shook his neck a bit, and even though the cat-person had temporarily disappeared, there were still important things to be done.

To avoid wasting time and give Daisy a chance to escape, he didn't even take off his surgical gown before briskly walking out.

On the way, the personnel with ruptured eardrums continued to wail. He paid them no heed, impassively stepping over them, and arrived at the firepower control room.

He modified the operation of the fighter jets, replacing all the substances they were currently launching with tranquilizer darts.