
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 13: Drained of His Blood

As Michael stood under the old tree, gazing at the moonlit castle, the moonlight pouring down like snow also illuminated the M.R. laboratory standing alone in the open space. The entire white building looked grand and yet desolate.

At this moment, Michael's rebellion was still in progress, not entirely successful yet. However, the queen lay in the operating room, unable to receive any messages, unaware of the thrilling and heart-pounding rebellion taking place among the vampires.

Since she emerged from the luxurious bath almost half a day ago, and Daisy had left the vampire clan, a whole day had passed.

Daisy found it a bit unbearable.

It took considerable effort for her to wait until the effects of the anesthetic wore off, and her body could finally move. But the man in front of her had been standing in front of the operating table, motionless, staring at her the entire time.

At this moment, he was looking at her face, his gaze flowing like the night river under the moonlight, rippling with gentle and cherished light, as if appreciating her last bit of vitality with great seriousness.

However, no matter how beautiful his eyes were or how gentle his gaze, no one liked being stared at for so long with a look that seemed to be observing the mercy of the dying.

"Have you seen enough?" Daisy slowly sat up, her voice soft and charming, but her eyes remained frosty.

Looking at her at this moment, the light in Situ Mu's eyes became even softer and intoxicated. He felt that she, who was now making movements, seemed even more beautiful than when she couldn't move.

So, after thinking carefully, he answered her seriously, "No."

"When will you have had enough?" A hint of a smile appeared at the corner of Daisy's mouth, carrying a cool temperature. It looked somewhat miserable. "After you've had enough, are you going to dissect me?" Joking. In terms of acting skills, she was not to be underestimated.

Men prefer women who appear somewhat vulnerable like this. Just wait; as long as she seizes the opportunity, she'll eventually kill him.

She didn't believe he really couldn't die.

Indeed, as Situ Mu looked at her excessively enchanting face, that hint of melancholic smile, he suddenly felt a twinge of pain deep in his heart. The answer that came to his mind in that moment, without conscious control, slipped out:

"Perhaps I'll never have enough."

Daisy understood; this meant he felt sorry for her. Would he not dissect her now? She felt quite disdainful in her heart. She thought, is that it? Humans are indeed the least steadfast race in their emotions.

After saying these words, Situ Mu's mind stirred. He sat on the edge of the operating table, caressing her silver hair at the back of her neck, and said gently, "Rest assured, after you die, I will preserve your skin intact, so I can admire your beauty every moment."

"..." What happened to the sympathy? What happened to the lack of steadfastness in emotions?

Situ Mu's fingers, as fair as jade, then touched her increasingly cold brows and eyes, adding slowly, "Perhaps, I really will never have enough."

Just go away; I don't need you to watch, Daisy silently thought.

But Situ Mu didn't understand why he felt this way.

Clearly, two hundred and thirty-seven years and six months ago, when he first saw her as an eight or nine-year-old girl, the desire to admire her beauty forever wasn't this strong.

Now, it seemed like there was a bit of another feeling added.

Although Daisy cursed inwardly, on the surface, her eyes subtly moved, giving the appearance of being successfully touched by his words.

Her wine-red fingertips suddenly pinched his chin, gradually approaching his face. Her rosy lips were dangerously close to his, and her breath carried a cold fragrance, spraying onto his thin lips.

She stared directly into his eyes, a hint of enchantment in her gaze. "Are you really willing to dissect me?"

Is he really willing? Situ Mu felt like... he might really be a bit unwilling.

But why would he be unwilling?

Clearly, as long as he dissected her, whenever he thought of this beautiful face, this enticing female vampire, he could immediately see her. No longer would he have to spend the past two hundred years missing her every moment.

Yes... as long as he dissected her, she could always be by his side.

So, he had made up his mind. Slowly approaching her, he kissed her tender red lips, romantic and alluring, his tone coaxing, "Be good, I won't let you suffer later."

He believed this was the most significant concession he could make.

"Heh..." Daisy understood his meaning and lightly chuckled. What a worthless man; he really can't be swayed!

She made a betrayed expression on her face, coldly saying, "Men, indeed, are not good creatures."

Truly, luckily, she had never invested any emotions.

Over the years, countless vampires had fallen at her feet. She genuinely believed that, as long as she put her mind to it, she could possess the charm to captivate all males, and even females.

Unexpectedly, among all the races, she had encountered the most indecisive human. There must be some unspeakable problem with this human.

In any case, it couldn't be a problem with her charm.

However, she did feel a strong desire to conquer, but for now, she couldn't figure out a way to deal with this tough nut. She could only forcibly suppress it.

But this didn't mean she wouldn't want to retaliate against him.

She really wanted to seize every opportunity to torment this tough nut!

Therefore, without hesitation, she lowered her head and bit into his neck, her sharp fangs piercing his blood vessels as she began to greedily drink his fresh blood.

In that instant, his pupils slightly dilated, and an unusually rare flicker of worry flashed through his mind.

Not because of the pain, nor because of the aphrodisiac factor in the vampire's fangs, but because his cells contained the X virus.

This virus could keep humans forever young but could also send higher vampires into eternal sleep.

Moreover, it had a fatal allure for vampires, making them unable to stop once they started.

However, Situ Mu quickly regained his composure and did not warn Daisy. He thought, using his blood as a substitute for anesthesia wasn't a bad idea. In any case, the outcome would be her being dissected, and that was enough.

Daisy, who was enthusiastically drinking blood, faintly sensed the loss of power in her body, but she couldn't stop.

The intense pleasure was like an impenetrable web, firmly occupying her mind. It surged like a mighty river, instantly shattering her rationality as if she had consumed an addictive drug.

Her blood-red eyes gleamed with an almost fanatical desire for blood.

The endless flow of blood, swallowed mouthful by mouthful, only made her feel more and more thirsty, a growing craving for even more.

The majestic power within her was slowly dwindling, gradually dissipating.