
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 14: It Truly Begins This Time

In a daze, the only thought in her mind gradually surfaced—human blood... it was truly delicious.

She had never tasted anything so exquisite before.

Many vampires, when they first feed on human blood, find it so delectable that they struggle to control their intake, easily draining all the blood a human can offer.

And Daisy... seemed to be no exception.

As for why it was her first time feeding on human blood, it was because there were too many vampires around her scheming to pull her down from the revered position all bloodlines looked up to. Hence, she never got close to the blood servants they offered, let alone feeding on their blood.

Even the high-quality blood that Andrew, the butler, brought her daily, she secretly poured into the rose garden.

For over two centuries, she had relied on Danny, using a dagger to cut his finger, letting the blood drip into her cup, and she would drink only his blood.

Danny's blood carried a strong radiant energy, something the vampire race, inherently evil, feared the most.

When she drank, terrified of that person, she dared not drink the blood he offered her and could only drink the blood of the stray cats she found. It was during one of these times that she discovered the uniqueness of Lini's blood.

After drinking a bit of Lini's blood, she initially experienced intense pain, as if every inch of her flesh was being torn apart. However, as the pain gradually subsided, she found that her strength had increased and become purer.

So, later on, to keep this a secret from any race, after ascending the throne, she assigned Lini the position of the prince of the Lini bloodline. No one dared to disrespect him, severing all chances for other races to discover this treasure.

Even Danny himself remained oblivious, simply thinking that his sister wanted a bit of his blood.

All vampires admired Daisy. At an age surpassing two centuries or more, she had become so powerful that she completely mastered the power of the ancient ancestor's ring. They believed she was the most powerful vampire in thousands of years.

But they were unaware that part of this credit came from Danny, the orc prince who, in their eyes, brought shame to the royal family.

On the operating table, Sutu's blood continued to flow continuously, yet it did not seem to increase his pain.

Instead, due to the charming factor in Daisy's fangs, a tingling sensation started from his neck, spreading throughout his body, making him increasingly feverish.

His Adam's apple bobbed as his breathing became rapid. In the dimly lit room, his profound and dark eyes slightly narrowed, and his hands involuntarily caressed Daisy's soft waist, gently kneading it.

In the midst of confusion and infatuation, his hands unconsciously began to explore, causing their clothes to become disheveled.

As time passed, Daisy continued to drink his blood tirelessly.

In a trance, Sutu realized something and suddenly woke up.

Calculating the time based on Daisy's blood-sucking speed and the estimated amount per sip, she should have consumed over 9500 milliliters of blood by now.

In his rapid mental calculations, considering the quantity of X-virus in his blood cells, as long as she drank 1600 milliliters—roughly one-third of a normal adult's blood—this amount of X-virus should be sufficient to destroy the intricate structure of a high-level vampire's brainstem within three minutes, plunging them into permanent slumber.

However... there was still no sign of Daisy falling asleep?

Sutu felt that he might soon find a way to kill the X-virus and, in turn, himself.

Like last time, he pressed a concealed button on the operating table without hesitation, and the invisible needle shot out again, piercing into his hazy consciousness of Daisy.

Her muscles instantly relaxed, and she fell into his arms.

As her consciousness gradually cleared, the gleam in her eyes dimmed, and the craving for blood slowly subsided. The fangs on her sides retracted.

Sutu laid her down on the operating table, preparing for the upcoming dissection, and opened the upper part of her clothing. Due to his perfectionism, he even meticulously combed every strand of her hair, ensuring they were neat and tidy.

Keeping his word this time, he injected her with a drug that would render her unconscious. Though the sensation of the silver needle penetrating her flesh was horrifying, at least she wouldn't feel pain during the dissection.

The surgical blade fell onto her creamy snow-like skin, effortlessly cutting through it. Dark-colored blood gushed out, resembling a vivid stroke of ink suddenly added to a finely crafted piece of art.

Beneath Sutu's calm and indifferent exterior, there were turbulent and frenzied currents deep within his eyes, somewhat chilling to the bone.

Noticing Daisy's gradually chilling gaze, he leaned down, kissing her forehead as if to console her gently, "Be good, it'll be over soon. After this, we can be together forever, so don't be unhappy."