
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 12: Why

In this rebellion, there was no doubt about the victory lying in favor of the rebels.

The chief guard in the castle, severely wounded and captured, endured brutal torture because he chose death over surrender.

As for the vampire guards around the castle, they were leaderless, and scattered, following their respective insignia captains in a confused manner—killing, running, and some even surrendering after being captured.

This chaotic state was a result of the Queen's decision to prevent any vampire from having excessive power. She excessively decentralized authority, personally selecting nearly a hundred insignia captains from the nearly ten thousand guards. The selection criteria were unclear, and no one knew what standards she used.

This led to a situation where none of the guards had the power to command others.

The Queen also decreed that all actions must be obedient to her commands. But what happened when she was not present? Then they had to follow the orders of the insignia captains she personally selected.

However, most of these insignia captains turned out to be unreliable and opportunistic. Instead of staunchly defending the Queen's authority, they fled with about thirty percent of the castle guards when faced with attacks from all sides.

So, the rule seemed foolish and laughable.

But perhaps, even without this rule, would they still have fled?

Watching the scattered guards, Michael furrowed his brow.

He had intended to eliminate all of Daisy's forces, but he only managed to kill thirty percent, captured nearly thirty percent and wasn't sure if the one percent that surrendered was loyal. As for those who escaped, there was no way to pursue them.

Too few were completely killed, and it made him feel there were hidden dangers.

However, he couldn't order the execution of those captured or surrendered, as they were all fellow vampires. Doing so would make him appear excessively cruel and unkind, easily arousing public resentment.

But Fiona saw nothing wrong with it. She successfully snatched the throne from that woman, happily occupying the position of queen. She joyfully soaked in a petal bath, then changed into a leopard-print strapless miniskirt that left her entire back exposed, barely covering the essential parts in the front, with a skirt so short it couldn't get any shorter.

She had her maids create an exquisite makeup look and sprayed on a lot of mature and alluring perfume. Then, looking at herself in the mirror, she struck an extremely seductive pose.

Unable to resist, she blew a flying kiss to her charming reflection and confidently went to the floor where the blood servant boys were.

Later, the servants came to report to her that the new king was about to hold the formal coronation ceremony, and as the queen, she must attend this sacred event. Reluctantly, she emerged, wearing a look of lingering reluctance.

Not long after she entered, she was astonished to find that all of Daisy's blood servants were actually virgins! There were no bite marks on their necks! Fiona couldn't fathom how Daisy managed to resist the temptation, considering them a wasted resource.

However, no matter how delectable these blood servant boys might be, in Fiona's heart, they couldn't compare to Danny. After all, the unattainable was always the best.

The only regret was that she hadn't yet obtained Danny, and she had sent him to his death.

While Fiona was on her way to find the blood servant boys, Michael had already heard reports from his subordinates about her whereabouts. However, he showed no reaction, and it was unclear whether he genuinely didn't care.

Inside the castle, under the direction of the steward Andrew, all the blood left from the killings was swiftly cleaned up by the new servants. Although various decorations and ornaments had not yet been replaced, everything seemed to have been refreshed.

Michael eagerly took the seat Daisy had occupied for over two hundred years, running his fingers over the intricate patterns on the silver throne. His smiling face seemed genuinely pleased, but his eyes gleamed with an unusual fervor.

However, as he touched the armrest of the throne, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

Michael felt a bit disappointed.

After all, the ring of the progenitor—the true symbol of the vampire race—represented the highest authority, not the throne. But that ring had been taken into the M.R laboratory by Daisy.

Without the progenitor's ring, the two hundred thousand vampire population would not acknowledge him as their king.

So, he commanded his subordinates who knelt before the throne, "Threaten the personnel inside the M.R laboratory or infiltrate it. By any means necessary, obtain the progenitor's ring."

The vampire who received the order immediately set out to find a way to retrieve the ring.

Leading thousands of werewolves to assist Michael in seizing the throne, Fred, under his black cloak, concealed numerous wounds that continued to bleed.

After stabilizing everything, Michael entered the hall with a casual and unhurried pace, appearing entirely unremarkable.

However, being a vampire, Michael still keenly sensed the strong scent of blood.

Fred stood in front of the throne, not bowing. His deep, gravelly voice spoke, "After this battle, Abraham must have guessed my intentions. The tribe won't tolerate thousands of us, and you assisting me in becoming the leader must happen quickly."

Abraham was the leader of the werewolf tribe.

"Don't worry. Soon, once the news of Daisy's death spreads, and our internal affairs settle, I will assist you in claiming the position of leader."

Michael casually leaned on the throne, and after saying this, he continued to ramble, "We are not only like fleas on the same rope but also the best of friends, the best of partners. Abraham considers you a thorn in his side, and of course, he considers me the same. If I don't help you become the leader, I won't fare well either. Don't worry; I understand the principle of mutual dependence."

Fred didn't want to hear Michael's rambling any longer, so he quickly left. He didn't believe they were the best of friends, merely seeing their relationship as one of mutual exploitation.

As for whether he truly wanted to become the leader, well, he only needed that werewolf to die.

Prince Jason, who had hidden in his estate throughout the well-planned rebellion without taking sides, finally arrived at the castle hall after everything settled.

He stood below the throne, seemingly respectfully bowing to Michael. "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

The last time he stood here, it was with the same gesture, bowing to the esteemed queen.

He admitted he was somewhat infatuated with the queen because she was powerful, beautiful, and captivating. However, all races were selfish, and this infatuation was far less important than his own well-being.

Michael couldn't help but wonder why Jason and Fiona, two princes of Richard's generation, one three thousand years old and the other four thousand years old, were still alive and well.

Because since their birth, they had powerful strength and prestigious positions, yet they were content with the status quo, not fervently pursuing higher power. Most of the vampires around them were similar, not encroaching on the interests of many vampires.

In Michael's eyes, they were idle princes without aspirations.

Michael didn't waive the formalities for Jason, joking with him, "Getting Prince Jason to show up is truly not easy."

Jason's lowered head remained steady, and his voice, without much fluctuation, came from under his high-crowned hat, "I dare not."

Michael continued, "When Fiona joined us, it was the same as this time. Neither refusing nor agreeing. I really don't understand you. Do you see power as an external thing, just like this?"

There was silence for a moment. In the eerie atmosphere of the silent hall, Jason suddenly replied, "Yes."

"You're quite a unique one! Well, get up. I really have to thank you. Deliberately suppressing the news of Lini's capture and telling Daisy at the perfect moment. Otherwise, if Daisy hadn't gone to the M.R. laboratory, I might not have smoothly obtained the throne."

Michael said with a smile, his tone casual, as if chatting with him.

Jason subtly tightened the hand that was placed on his chest due to the bow.

He didn't want to tell the queen, but her subordinates were about to notice. If he didn't say it, he would surely incur her wrath.

He suppressed the news just to ensure Danny's death.

A lowly orc, unworthy of being a vampire prince, let alone her brother.

He never expected that she would actually go alone to the M.R. laboratory for a non-blood-related orc.
