
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
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89 Chs

Chapter 10: Next Mission (edited)

I'm sure you're all perplexed right now. What are we talking about? Jin is the chief of what? And why am I always following orders from him; doing bodyguard and escort missions, and all. Well, let me spell everything out for you.

HARMONIA is the main organization made up of all the world's balance keepers, notably the "Ability Holders." However, not all ability users are qualified for the position. This is one of the reasons why the Academy of Saint Stella was founded 15 years ago. It was designed to train freshly found ability users to join its ranks in the future.

HARMONIA is a large organization composed of hundreds of capable ability users from all over the world. Of course, operating the entire organization as it is will be a bloodbath. That alone is cause enough to split the organization into seven sectors and appoint seven SR-ranked ability users as its leaders. Balance is always a necessity.

The chiefs of the seven sectors came from various nations. Yamada Jin, for example, is a chief from Japan. There were six more from; Russia, China, England, the Philippines, Spain, and America. They protect Saint Isle from all six sides and the center.

Jin was originally assigned to the southern part of the island, but after successfully repelling an outside assault of one of the counties from south hemisphere, he was transferred to the middle of Saint Isle. That is why Jin was appointed as the headmaster of the Saint Stella Academy.

HARMONIA is well-known, but the seven divisions were not made public. It wasn't necessarily kept a secret; it was only that the world was too busy to take notice. The seven sections were given the following names after their respective chiefs preference: "Rouge" for the Russian representation, "Long" for China, "Lugh" for England, "Kalasag" for the Philippines, and "Estoque" for Spain. I am a member of Jin's division the "Kage no Kishi." or "Shadow Knights." That is why I report to him and take orders from him. Requests from important persons outside the island are accepted as contracts by the organizations. Huiying is one such case. After all, Saint Ilse needs funds in order to be self-sufficient. Magic is undoubtedly significant but so is money. Wondering where we get our foods and other supplies? From the contracts.

Jin positioned his chin at the back of his joined hands after raising his arms over the table with his elbow firmly planted there.

"Now then, Gleren… ready for the second reason?"

He sounded rather serious so I nodded in response.

"I'm all ears."

"Good. Kyouka."


After giving a nod to the woman who had been looking at me for a while now—or, more precisely, hasn't she been looking at me ever since I walked into the room? She approached me and handed me a folder with a thick black cover. She's the same person that welcomed me; Yamato Kyouka, the secretary of "Kage no Kishi."

Without hesitation, I turned the folder open to see what was inside.

"This is…?" Only to be surprised by the text's content.

"The heck is this?"

Jin flipped and fell from his seat while Kyouka slid magnificently in front of me her heels flying off to somewhere.

I didn't understand a thing.

"At least read it, you rascal!"

"Ehh~? How troublesome. You'll tell me anyway, why bother?"

"You're the troublesome one here!"

"A-ahem… Well, I suppose it's okay. Right, chief?" Miss Kyouka said after fixing her clothes.

"Tsk. This idiot. Well, anyway, I guess it's fine. Gleren, be prepared. A reform is about to happen."

"A reform? Why now?"

"That's why I told you to read the goddamn report!"

He said in a sharp tone. His veins were bulging on his forehead.

"You are aware that young ability users are becoming more and more prevalent, right? Saint Stella Academy is unable to take on and accommodate all of the international students. Because of this, an order from above was issued six months ago. Another six academies in Saint Isle had their construction finished with the other six chiefs as their headmasters. They held their opening ceremony today as well."

"I don't see any problems here."

"Well, certainly none at the moment. But definitely, competition will arise. And of course, what follows competition is conflict."

He is right. He looked into it from quite a perspective. Forces from the outside would undoubtedly step in if conflict broke out from inside Saint Isle's inner circle. And the only certain outcome will be dread.

"Of course, all the other chiefs are aware of the possibility. We will, by no means, would interfere beyond what's needed. But the problem is…"

"The students, right?"

He nodded in response.

Even if the chiefs won't get involved, there will still be conflict among the students from different campuses. Envy, superiority complex, pride and so on will be the trigger of these all. I've witnessed it firsthand, the bullying and all, and I am a student of the same campus, too. How much more if the subject of bullying is a student from another campus? This is going to be troublesome.

"So? Why tell a student like me all these?"

"I want you to shut down these kinds of conflicts before it even starts happening."

That's a very direct order. And quite on the impossible side too.

"That's a tall order even for me, headmaster. You know how badly I am treated at school right? If I am a subject of such treatment and I cannot do anything about it, how much more if we put the other six campuses in the picture."

"That's exactly the reason why I ask YOU specifically for this matter. Only you can do this. Well, it's not like something would happen immediately. So for now, let's put this matter on the 'to do list.'"

What an optimistic intake. I'm getting involved in something crazy again. Why does this kind of thing happen all the time?

"Now let's move to our main topic. The third reason why you have been summoned here."

The third… what could be worse than what I already heard?

"Take a look at this."

He slithered a single picture above his table. I stared at it for a moment, but after seeing him urge me to take a closer look, I picked it up to have a better view of the image.


"Beautiful, isn't she?"

"So? What do I concern myself with this girl?"

Certainly, she's beautiful. Long hair that seems like silver strands stretching to her lower back and bangs that almost cover her brows. Her attractive sharp nose and her scarlet-colored, delicate, and alluring lips are housed in a shapely face. Her curves and body frame were revealed by her outfit. Her chest is quite bombastic and her hips are quite terrific despite having such a thin waist. If I really have the need to describe her "enticing" would be the word. But what took my attention is her crimson eyes that's as if when you look at it even through the picture, it would stare back at you.

Honestly, it sends a chill on my spine thinking how beautiful she is.

"Her name is Maria Vlad Valentine. The person that you would be monitoring for your next mission."

A monitor mission? That's quite a vague order. Or what? Am I to stalk her in everything she does?

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. She… is a vampire."


She is a what...?