
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
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89 Chs

Chapter 11: Mystics (edited)

It has been three days since the entrance ceremony as well as my conversation with Yamada Jin, the headmaster and chief of "Kage no Kishi." Our conversation was cut short after he informed me of my next assignment.

These last three days saw nothing particularly noteworthy happen. It seems that in this mission, all I have to do is keep an eye on Maria, the vampire girl. At first, I was utterly shocked—but then I thought, "surely someone like her is natural considering the presence of magic, right?" It's normal. It's normal right?...or not?

Although stalking is not my thing, this is a considerably better option compared to any bodyguard or escort assignment. After all, this Maria girl has transferred to our school, so there is no reason for me to leave Saint Ilse this time. That implies that my time with Sofy won't be compromised.

I'm currently in one of the academy's training halls. We're supposed to have a practical lesson today, I heard. So, right now, I'm doing some stretching. But I am having trouble focusing. I can't seem to stop thinking about what Jin told me.


"Huh? A vampire?!" I quipped surprisingly loudly with a bewildered expression.

"Oh! That's what I am expecting! Look Kyouka! It's a rare expression that we can only see once in a blue moon! Gleren's surprised expression. Kahaha"

"Yes, thank you very much for the treat!" (click, flash)

Jin laughed heartedly. And what do you mean by 'treat'?! Also stop taking pictures, miss Kyouka!

"Can you not?! Tsk, damn it."

"HAHAHA. Well then, since I've already seen something nice, let us continue our discussion…"

That was embarrassing, damn it. Even I am aware how red my face is right now.

"During the great war, you were aware that we did our best to put a stop to it, right"

I nodded.

"The number of HARMONIA members at that time was very limited. And thus, we looked everywhere, from all over the world, for assistance in stopping the ongoing war. After all, the world was on the verge of collapse. I doubt the world would have survived had the battle continued, even if we had our SSR, {Raphaela}, at that time."

True enough. Even if the world could be healed, {Raphaela} would be rendered ineffective if the war continued. Rather, even after the wound is healed, the cycle will continue to occur if the source of the injury or the root of the problem is still there. An infinite loop will be created.

"It was at that time when we arrived at their sanctuary. You've heard about the 'Scarlet Night raid,' right?"

I nodded as a response. 'Scarlet Night' Raid; a one-night raid that annihilated the radical faction whose goal was for war to continue.

"That was 'their' doing."

I thinned my eyes, "their?"

Jin nodded solemnly.

"We made a contract with the vampires. A brotherhood pact which states we provide each other's needs."

Vampires were mythical beings that I believed only existed in the books I read when I was younger. So, they really exist?

"The worlds' undiscovered mysteries were also brought to light after the discovery of magic and ability that was related to the {Nightmare's} shards. We found evidence of monsters, werewolves, phantasms, and other mythical creatures. We called them 'Mystic.' We then assigned them a rank, much like we did with our own abilities: F for Fierce, E for Threat, D for Peril, C for Menace, B for Danger, A for Imminence, and S for Catastrophe. The difference is just, we assigned them with the level of danger they possess."

We are quite having a leap in this conversation. But this is certainly news for me. The topic's got my full attention.

"So, what is the connection of all these to that vampire girl?"

"Yes. During the war, we owed their race rather a big deal. A really huge one. But more or less two years ago… something appalling happened."


"The entire vampire clan was annihilated."

"What?" Now this is what leap literally means.

"Of course, when we heard about it, we rushed there to lend help. But when we reached their sanctuary, it was already too late. It was a disastrous sight. Everything there was destroyed and no corpses can be found."

"Nothing at all?"

"Yes. Only ashes. That only mean that it was a total massacre. When we thought that no one had survived that annihilation, an S-ranked Mystic appeared out of nowhere. That was her, Maria Vlad Valentine, the vampire princess."

This story is getting more and more complicated as we go on. But there is something I'm troubled with.


"Yes.Two months ago, her existence was confirmed."

"No wait, you're going to assign me as her monitor?! You know very well that I am an F-ranked right? Aren't you contradicting yourself too much here?!"

"Gleren, to know whether to protect or to kill the vampire princess will be the main task here. That is why I want YOU specifically for this."

"No, no, can't do! This is too much of a hurdle as well as very much pain in the ass. How about assigning some other S rank members rather than assigning me? How about you assign that haughty girl Alexandra, or that muscle head Vince? They're both S-ranked. They will do better than me."

By taking this mission, it means that I'll be the one to decide whether she lives or dies? No, thank you! Hard pass!

"Nope. And the way you speak right now signifies how much you want to avoid this assignment. Also, F assigned to S is a rather perfect match, right? Mister Gleren?"

"Perfect my, butt! Damn you, old man!"

Argh! Damn it, he got me! When he becomes forceful like this I can't do anything but accept.

"Heh. Hate me more, brat! Kuhahaha. How about you marry Reina, instead? I'll consider retracting the order if you do so."

"Die, you nasty old man! You're abusing your power too much! Miss Kyouka, report this old man to the Head chief, please!" Angry, I yelled. But when I turned to Miss Kyouka, she was clutching a picture frame. Then, sheepishly, she gently revealed what was within the picture...

"What the?!"

It was me, wet hair after apparently pouring water over my head during P.E. class. Why on earth does she have something like this?! I wanna know who's the idiot that took this photo. I want to give that person one quick lesson!

"Can… I have your autograph… Sir Gleren?"


Face flushed; she was shyly blushing. Guh! She's so cute! How can I confiscate this picture if miss Kyouka, a usually serious woman, would show me something like this kind of expression?

When I turned my sight to Jin, he was grinning happily at his table.

"Keh. How weak." This old man!

"C-can I…?"

"Uh... Yes." I'm a simp for a cute older woman, it seems.

With all said and done, that is how I got this complicated monitor mission. I don't know what this will become but hopefully, nothing awful. No seriously… please nothing awful!

And one more thing… Why the heck is that lass, Maria, not here yet!? She should have transferred to this school two days ago! Ahh! Such a pain in the ass!

Hello there!

Everything will be laid so that the story can progress smoother later.

Also, tomorrow will be a rest day for me so we won't be having a new chapter. Thank you, everyone!

Please keep supporting the story!

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