
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Action
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89 Chs

Chapter 9: Yamada Jin (edited)

The island of Saint Ilse is almost the same size as Tokyo, Japan. Saint Isle is productive on its own. It has its own malls, convenience stores, various shops, and salons. The students have access to everything they could possibly need while living here, just as they would on the mainland. Therefore, no other nation needs to be contacted in order to support the island.

On the exact center of the aforementioned island, the Saint Stella Academy was built. It was as if a castle and the surrounding residential area where the students live is like its castle town.

The Saint Stella Academy is designed like a building from the Middle Ages. Stones, bricks, and marbles were used to construct the whole campus. Paved pathways and a large fountain could be found at the entry right after passing through the main gate.

The entire school is covered in expansive, vibrant gardens with a wide variety of plants and flowers, spherical pavilions, and stone benches. In addition, there is an artificial lake on the campus grounds. Outside, it certainly exudes a Medieval era air. However, the classroom layout and every other aspect of the school's interior were inspired by Japanese schools. It was a mishmash of two differing cultures.

Combined with the sun surrounded by five black spherical objects, this whole school, rather, this whole Island truly is a place carved out of a fantasy...

Ah, give me a moment. I've got a message from my spoiled little princes.

Sofy: [Brother, where are you?]

Sofy: [Are you shopping for dinner?]

Sofy: [If so, can I also come?]

Bro: [Ah, sorry. I've got something to do. Go home before me.]

Sofy: [A business matter?]

Bro: [Yep. Reina's father called for me.]

Bro: [I'm on my way to meet him.]

Sofy: [I see. Say hi to uncle for me, okay?]

Bro: [Okay.]

Sofy: [Ah, also, brother… can I have a request for our dinner today?]

Bro: [Got it. Fish, right? I'll go buy some before going home.]

Sofy: [Huh?! How did you know?!]

Bro: [You said it loud on your speech earlier, silly.]

Sofy: [I did, did I not? ehehe. (She attached an emoji of a puppy sticking out it's tongue with a word above it 'Te-hee!')]

Bro: [We'll anyway, I'll go home quick after hearing him out. Take care on your way home, okay?]

Sofy: [Okay. See you later at home.]

Bro: [Yup. See you.]

Sofy: [Brother!]

Bro: [Hm?]

Sofy: [Iloveyou (with a matching heart emoji.)]

Bro: [Yep. Me as well.]

Sofy: [Jeez! Come on, say it!]

Bro: [Okay, okay. I LOVE YOU.]

Sofy: [Ehehehe. See you.]

Bro: [Yep. See you at home.]

Ahem… okay, I'm done with my texting. Let's continue with the narration.

...In that exact island, on its most prestigious school… I stand before one of its most extravagant doors. A golden double door with intricate ancient carvings, that even for an amateur like me, I could feel the art poured onto its creation. Also, just by looking at it I could tell how heavy it was… or not? After knocking three times a woman dressed in a black suit welcomed me by opening the door like it was nothing.

"Welcome. He awaits your arrival."

After bowing her head, she gracefully pointed her arm towards the table placed near the window of the spacious room. There, a man was sitting smugly with a tobacco in his right hand. He was looking at the window so his back was turned against me. After puffing a smoke, he spoke in a mild tone, then slowly spun his rotating seat towards us.

"So, you've come… Child of Abyss; Gleren Stasis." Sigh...

"What do you need this time? Sir Headmaster, Yamada Jin."

He pinned me with a strong glare and his aura was oozing out like crazy. Killing intent? And after a brief moment…

"Cough, cough! Cough! Bwegh…"

…he was coughing like the moron he was and the reputation that he stablished with his intimidating aura earlier had all gone with the smokes.

"If you're not used to smoking, why smoke in the first place?"

"Heh. You just don't get it, my dear Ren…"

"Don't call me that!"

"Hehehe. When you entered the room, don't you feel like acting one of the most famous scenes in an anime? Like that one time one the protagonist met one of his strongest allies?"

"Well, certainly." I nodded in agreement. Wait no, "I'm not some protagonist, though? And what's the connection with the tobacco?"

"Well, the impact will be lessened if I don't hold a cigarette. So… He he he."


"Aw come on! Say something! Gleren, your acting cold even though we haven't meet each other for a very long time. How about giving your uncle a welcome hug?"

"Long time, my ass! You've roped me up with that escort mission last month, you old rat! And without even telling me the details of the assignment! That was troublesome, know it! and I almost died!"

"Ehhh? Did I now? Oh, I did, did I not? Hahaha."


This man is the current headmaster of Saint Stella Academy as well as Reina's father. And also… one of the chiefs of HARMONIA, Yamada Jin. Also known as {Jin, the Storm.}

Ability Holder Profile:

[(Yamada Jin: 46)

(Rank: SR Ranked)

(Ability: Calamity)

(Ability type: Demon stone)]

If not for his crazy ideas and his overly free-spirited personality, he'd become a really respectable adult for me to idolize.

"Come on, jeez. Don't give your uncle such silent treatment. Ah, by the way the head chief wants to give you her compliment for completing your last mission without any hassle. And of course, the same goes for me. As expected of my nephew."

"If she and you are really grateful, how about excluding me from that kind of assignments from now on? I told you that I need to be with Sofy all the time..."

"Aww come on! Don't be so stiff. How about marrying Reina as a reward from me?"

"Geh! Don't even mention that kind of thing in front of her! She'll definitely kill both of us! Brrr… Just remembering that one time gives me chill in my spine."

There was one time, Jin also said this kind of joke in front of Reina. And the result? We needed to repair the whole building after she destroyed it and turned it into rubles. That's when I decided not to got overboard teasing her. Just a little tease should be the limit.

"AHAHAHA! That one time was rather terrific ain't it?"

"It was not! We almost died you, know. Both of us!"

"We sure were. HAHAHA!"

When he talks like this, no one could ever tell how strong he is as a chief. I mean, who would even imagine such thing from him. Sure, his body is built differently from others. He's two meters tall and his muscles… I'd rather not describe them, but if I really had to, then 'bulging' is the right term. However, body mass doesn't matter anymore. After all, the factor 'ability' was now present. So, when he talks and laugh lightheartedly like what he was doing now, no one would ever imagine that he once repelled an invading country singlehandedly.

It happened apparently back when Saint Ilse was just established. Many countries desired sovereignty of the land, thus as one of the world's most powerful countries, that nation from the south hemisphere attempted to seize Saint Ilse, only to fail at the hands of a single man. However, that is a story for another time. What I want to know is, why the hell am I here?

"By the way, Gleren, how's Sofy?"

It's really hard to keep up with him. He switches from topic to topic.

"She's all well. I am with her after, all. Also, she said hi." I replied curtly as to not drag the conversation.

"Hehehe. Sofy is just so cute. You should learn a thing from her, you know."

"Well, sorry for not being so cute. So? How about you tell me now the reason why you called me here? I suppose I'm not here only for some gratitude from the head chief, am I?"

"You really are not cute. Well anyway, I called you here for three reasons." He said as he raised his hand in the air, his three fingers sticking out.

"Three?" I asked in a confused tone. Normally as summon should only contain one reason at a time. For him to call me for three at once… something is not right here.

"Yes. Three." He waved his fingers. I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm all ears."

"First; we received letters."


"Yep. For you."

"Can you not drag this out? I still have to go shopping for dinner you, know?"

"Aww, come on! Such a bad kid, you are. Uncle here is sad."


"Well, jokes aside, letters were certainly sent for you. The first one was from your client last Christmas."

"From that bodyguard mission, huh. So? What did she say? It was Zhang Huiying, right? That Chinese model?"

"Yep. I'm surprised you remember her."

"I don't forget my clients name. They take good care of me, after all."

"What a passionate worker you are. Well, anyway, she was constantly asking about you. And it's not even related to work. She was asking your address and your phone number. Just what the hell did you do to her, you rascal?"

"…" I was left in silence. This time unintentionally. So, seeing as I was not able to say a word, Jin continued.

"Well, don't you rejoice too soon, we still have two letters left to discuss. The next letter was from your client on your escort mission last valentine."

"Valentine? From Anastasia Kuznetsov, huh. The Russian actress? What did she say?"

"The same as miss Zhang. Both of them are bothering us for your personal information. Miss Anastasia even said that she'd donate a large sum of money to the school in exchange for your phone number. You womanizer! If Sofy hears about it, she'll castrate you for sure. Wait, ain't that interesting?"

"Anything but that…" My face turned blue just from imagining it.

"Well, if you think that its that all, then you are wrong. So much. The last letter came from your last mission."

"Last mission… Elisabeth Wettin? So, what does the third princess of the current reigning Royal Family want from an F-rank like me?"

"She, unlike the other two is being rather indirect."


Jin nodded.

"She would call us from time to time disguising it as a contract transaction and would ask 'Ah, is sir Gleren available at the moment?' with a shy voice."

"Don't imitate her! You sound annoying! And gross!" I shouted. My face is hot and I am well aware how red it is right now even without looking at the mirror.

"You keep on going on with 'I'm just me, after all.' or, 'Die hot guys!' when you have these three high peak flowers dancing in the palm of your hand."

"Don't say it like that. You make me sound like a devil rascal."

"Hm? Are you not?"

He tilted his head as if genuinely confused. It was really annoying how seeing as he was enjoying all these.

"Tell me, Gleren, what the hell did you do to those three?"

"Is that an order?"

"Nope. Just some idle talk."

He grinned. Seems like I have no choice but to spill the beans.

"Huiying hurt her feet while she was modeling, so I offered her a foot massage. But strangely after that, she requested that I give her a shoulder and back massages as well. Well, that all. It's not that big deal, is it?"


Ah, the reactions now reversed. Jin seemed like he cannot process the information I gave him. Not stopping there, I continued.

"While I saved Anastasia from almost being kidnap, all I did for Elisabeth was talk with her. We just had a simple conversation."

"You rascal… You really are dense, are you? Or are you purposely leading them on?"

"Huh? What are you on about?"

"Are you messing with me?! Sigh... Well, whatever." After shaking his head from left to right, he added, "I don't think we have time to deal with them. Our guys who manages intel are also getting annoyed from receiving letters and messages for you. Their time is mostly being consumed by it. We will give them your contact information just like they were asking. You will be dealing with them from now on. You don't have any qualms, do you? This is one of the reasons why I called you here.

I remained silent for a moment before nodding.

"I... got it."

It can't be helped. If it causes problems to the organization, then giving my personal information to them is the least I can do.

"Don't look so gloomy yet, mister playboy."

"Don't call me that!"

"We still have two reasons left, remember?"

Sigh... how did it come to this?