
Blistering Heat Of Love

Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) is a genetic disorder in which there is a decreased ability to repair DNA damage such us the caused by ultraviolet (UV) light. Anastacia Quinn Smith also known as Stacia, a woman who has a strange disorder which can be risky if she is revealed and exposed to sunlight. She had it when she was just an early age but her eldest sister doesn't have it, only her. After a long months and years, she met a man. The first she noticed that he's a good-looking man and he easily get the attention of others mostly those girls. We met, we became friends and then one day I fell to him unexpectedly. I was so happy that time but happiness isn't really for me. He doesn't like me nor fell in love, he likes my sister, Raj. And that is the first time my heart broke and I can truly feel the pain inside of it. He serves as the light on my life when it is dark but eventually it swirl. Ruel, blistering of heat. Stacia, love.

Berdeeeee · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 17 - Pay A Visit

"Stacia.. wake up,"


"Wake up, your Grandmother is here and she's waiting for you downstairs,"

Suddenly, I got up because of what Aling Rosa said.

Huh, what again?

"Gramma is out there?" which was all I could utter while I was surprised.

In response, Aling Rosa nodded.

Quickly, I moved and ran to the bathroom. I let the bed in such a tangle I know that Aling Rosa will fix everything. My current mind today is to get ready and be downstairs as Grammar really doesn't want to wait for a long time.

"Why did Gramma came today? When I just got tired from last night," I questioned while weeping.

Honestly Gramma is a kind and I also don't know why I'm always afraid to approach her every time I'm in front of her.

Gramma's strict, I fully admit. I'm not going to fib on that part, either.

Since then Gramma always noticed me, I was always the one who was scolded and reprimanded. Luckily, my sister Rage and I had an ally at that time.

Will she really be by my side until now?

Suddenly, got upset again, but before it spread all over my body, I then thought of Gramma.

I assume I've taken less than half an hour to take a bath. I rapidly dressed up, didn't put anything on my face, though I'm inside the house for today — everyday.

I automatically approached Gramma when I saw her in the living room, "Greetings Gramma," and I kissed her cheek.

Owing to the astounding on her face, I don't think it's changed since I was a kid she still have that look whenever I see her.

I was sitting in front of her. We're all complete, no one's missing. Because if there is, Gramma won't like that, as what she always wants is the whole of us.

Are we really complete? I will never unnoticed that there is always missing to our family, a missing piece indeed. I am just afraid to voice it out as it might end up in misunderstanding.

"Why did you only awaken this late, Stacia?" Gramma's tone is stern.

Should I say that I was tired of watching with Carla last night.

"Ahm... because..." what should I say, "Because... I read something last night and afterwards I fell asleep, Gramma. The reason why I just woke up now," I reasoned out.

Sorry Gramma, didn't mean to lie to you.

I figured it was alright, "Reading or you did watch on something." it wasn't a question. Yet, my sister cut in, and I just bit my lower lip.

I know what I said was wrong, but didn't expect that from her. I even thought that she's on my side.

It's sad to know it's been a month, but we still don't get along.

Is that just how I'm with her, am I that bad enough? That's why she's never going to forgive me? I just made a mistake once, and I vowed not to do it again.

I know where and when I made a mistake, so why does she make me seem like I'm not deserving of forgiveness?

Is my effort not enough for her to put back our old times. I did what she wanted, but I don't think that's enough for her to forgive me.

My efforts were useless then.

"Mommy, what are you doing here by the way?" Momma asked when the food served.

Same question.

She raised her eyebrow at what Momma's question, "Why? Can't I go to see my grandchildren anymore?" I want to laugh at what Gramma has to imply.

Nothing really changed, she's exactly what she's like.

Momma nodded, "I don't mean that, because you haven't visited for a long time and I found out what happened so I thought it might take a while for you to get here," explaining her side from Gramma.

Gramma then became emotional, "I only do pay a visit," Momma resort her, "Don't you would like to see me much anymore, ha, Mich?" back into being a slashing Gramma.

I just leaned on the sofa after what Gramma claimed.

When the afternoon came, we were all just chatting. Talking and asking about something but some moment I don't understand them that much.

We've all just been bonded, but I still haven't been able to avoid that staggering of my sister that every time we're alone she's giving me that look.

Sometimes Gramma can't prevent being a savage.

I am not.

"You Raj, don't look for a boyfriend first since you're young and also don't excuse me that you're 18 years of age because that isn't the right appropriate age to have a boyfriend," she stated.

Here she goes again.

I figured I wouldn't be mentioned anymore, it looks like I made a mistake, "And you, don't rebuke your mother's command if she says it cannot then it can't — follow everything," I agreed with her, I can't do anything really, I already fully grasped, "You both understand that?" she added with her eyebrow lift.

"Yes Gramma," we said at the same time.

"Mommy, let them do what they want, they're old enough and I know that they can handle themselves," Momma replied.

I seem to agree with that point.

Gramma turned to Momma, "What did you say, let them be? Oh my goodness, you're giving them so much liberty. They also need to be forbidden," she noted.

I'm not agree to what Gramma had said.

Gramma had cooked foods for us. All I like about Gramma is that she cooks tasty dishes whenever she serves foods, so sometimes I can't stop looking for her recipes.
