
Blistering Heat Of Love

Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) is a genetic disorder in which there is a decreased ability to repair DNA damage such us the caused by ultraviolet (UV) light. Anastacia Quinn Smith also known as Stacia, a woman who has a strange disorder which can be risky if she is revealed and exposed to sunlight. She had it when she was just an early age but her eldest sister doesn't have it, only her. After a long months and years, she met a man. The first she noticed that he's a good-looking man and he easily get the attention of others mostly those girls. We met, we became friends and then one day I fell to him unexpectedly. I was so happy that time but happiness isn't really for me. He doesn't like me nor fell in love, he likes my sister, Raj. And that is the first time my heart broke and I can truly feel the pain inside of it. He serves as the light on my life when it is dark but eventually it swirl. Ruel, blistering of heat. Stacia, love.

Berdeeeee · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 16 - Treasure The Moment

I never hold a man's hand, so I was uneasy when I touched his hand.

"Let's go?" Carla asked as we started to walked.

Because of the anticipation I am feeling just now, really wanted to leap because of all the excitement as I finally got out of the house.

I was looking around. I was astounded at how beautiful it was — gripping on tight to my shoulder bag while I rejoiced at the place I was seeing.

"I never thought that our area would be so fantastic," I said softly.


I turned to my side, I assumed that Carla was next to me, but no.. it's her cousin, "Um... nothing," I said shyly.

I was looking for Carla, she was just a little bit ahead of us.

The pace of this woman walking, while leaving me with her cousin, I suddenly feel embarrassed.

"Have you lived here for a long time?" he asked unexpectedly.

I looked at him but his eyes were on the passage, "Ah... yeah... I've been since I was just a kid — how about you? have you been living here for a long time?" I questioned him back, I don't know what to ask.

He smiled, "Hmm...." he replied.

The silence between the two of us emerged once again. I just concentrated my attention on the beauty of the trees and the houses that were lighted.

I never realized that it would breathtaking.

I used to see only trees and the houses that were lighted.

I used to see only trees — the glory of Gumaca, but now I can see the quarter of it.

I've always dreamed of seeing all the beauty through my own.

He spoke again and I didn't expect it because I assumed he wasn't going to have a conversation, "It's my first time to see you, I already meant you were also a tourist," I found he was scratching his neck.

I just smiled, I felt the same way though — the very first time I saw him. Since this is the first time I got out, so I conclude that's the reason.

Staring at him in an instant, "It's my first time to even see you too," he smiled at what I had said, throwing back of what he had said.

He started to laugh, "Yeah, it's our first time to see each other," he suddenly stopped there, I was startled, what did he say? "Uh, I mean... we're just —"

I cut his words, "Truth — you're too tall," I compliment him not just him but his height. The point is that I just wanted to change the conversation, and we both felt uneasy about it.

I just suddenly felt it so I changed it instantly.

He laughed, "Really?" there's a tease on his voice.

I nodded, even though I knew that his eyes were not on mine, "Hmm .."

"I don't think so maybe since it was only at evening that you assumed I was tall however the honesty is indeed not," how such a pretext, his enough tall, I obviously understand what's taller than not and I believe he is.

"What a modest kid, you're pretty tall, I suppose you needed to look at yourself in front of the mirror to find out, "

"Is that all I have to go through? " I felt his eyes shift to my side, "I look in a mirror every day and the only thing I see must be only my handsomeness — kidding aside," he instantly got even with it.

I laughed at what he said to me. Carrying a seat through his own, really?

"I suddenly felt the coldness," I replied.

"I don't feel anything," has been the intensity of his confidence, though.

I was just shaken by what we were talking about. At first, I was still embarrassed to approach him because I wasn't used to talking to men.

Since he first reached me, I lost my identity with him. It was as if I has been comfortable, and that he was interested to speak to me just the air in his mouth, just kidding.

"The two of you there? When are you going to walk quicker?" I was alarmed because Carla were in front of us.

I bit the edge of my lip, I was the only one who moved slowly as I was living in the moment.

Her cousin was shaken along with her actions.

Carla pulled me all of a sudden, what might be the problem with her and why is she acting like this?

"What's your problem?" I already questioned her action.

"You two are taking too long, I've been waiting for the both of you!" she abruptly stopped walking and let go of my arm.

"Huh?" puzzled by what she said.

Based on her observable expression "Don't tell me...."

"Let's go? Our time is going to be wasted if we just stay here," groin of her cousin, Flynn.

The good sign about it, I can't help but wonder at the elegance it has.

"Are we still far, Flynn?" Carla inquired impatiently. We've been walking for a while so either he's tired with it, what about me? No, I enjoy this kind of view.

"We're here," he said, turning to us, indicating the one behind him.

A house?

My forehead frowned, "Hmm... what are we doing here?"

He turned to the one he'd turned his back on earlier, "You'll see when we get inside," I snout and eventually nodded.

The house is mesmerizing, huge, much larger than ours. It also looks wealthy living because of the structures and designs attached to that as well.

"Are we allowed to get in this.... residence?" I began whispering to Carla. Someone could sew us away.

She laughed when I said that, "Just relax Flynn will take care of everything," I asked if it was possible, "Of course it is,"

I hope we're not causing the problem, because if it was completely mistaken, we'd be into difficulties.

"Are you really sure?" my last question to her, this is the last time — I would like to ensure it's hard to get into difficulties.

She nodded securing everything, placed her mouth near my ear, "If we are doomed it is Flynn's fault," she grinned at the same time.