
Blistering Heat Of Love

Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) is a genetic disorder in which there is a decreased ability to repair DNA damage such us the caused by ultraviolet (UV) light. Anastacia Quinn Smith also known as Stacia, a woman who has a strange disorder which can be risky if she is revealed and exposed to sunlight. She had it when she was just an early age but her eldest sister doesn't have it, only her. After a long months and years, she met a man. The first she noticed that he's a good-looking man and he easily get the attention of others mostly those girls. We met, we became friends and then one day I fell to him unexpectedly. I was so happy that time but happiness isn't really for me. He doesn't like me nor fell in love, he likes my sister, Raj. And that is the first time my heart broke and I can truly feel the pain inside of it. He serves as the light on my life when it is dark but eventually it swirl. Ruel, blistering of heat. Stacia, love.

Berdeeeee · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 15 - Her Cousin

"I'm coming back, we'll pick you up here later,"

I'm just getting excited, this is the very first time I get off this, and this is unbelievable!

I'm super happy, I almost don't expect Momma to consent, as she never allowed me before, but now she allowed me to.

I recall how Momma agreed with what Carla said.

"I will allow her on one condition, she's not capable of away from home, and it is even more forbidden to spend the night and catch up in the morning, do you understand?" she asked sternly, even if Momma was only talking to Carla, I also nodded—we both nodded as a sign that we both agreed, "In that case, I'll should go now and Carla you will take care of my daughter, Anastacia, since I will allow it now." there is a security on Momma's voice.

We rushed to the bedroom and leapt because of happiness.

"OMG! OMG!" we leapt together because of happiness, I couldn't escape the feeling of happiness that shrouded my chest.

'Yes, this would be it....it is indeed about to be fulfilled,' the back of my mind has said.

Carla held both sides of my shoulder and I faced her, "We need to choose what you wear for tonight," she's even more excited, well she is — now I'm really allowed to walk around for the first time and then see the places near our house.

She proceeded towards my closet instead and she looked seriously at the clothes that were hanging there. I don't have any nice outfits, they're just household clothes, so I don't know if she's going to like them for tonight, either.

But I've got the dress that I've never worn yet because it appears like an outsider. Maybe I'll show her later when she's done with what she's doing.

She tilted her head slightly.

Is she doing that hard, huh? My clothes are adorable, even though they're just a household, "You know I'm going to show you something you're really gawking at my clothes," I took something underneath and took it out.

"What's that?" she asked.

I showed her the box, "Box," was my philosophical response, she rolled her eyes, I laughed then.

I was seated on the bed, "Stop my clothes, as they're just a household"

She sat down lazily on the bed, "Momma gave it to me before, I haven't used it yet but it looks like it's external," I slowly opened the box to remove the plastic wrap, so it wouldn't get dirty even though it had a box, "Look, isn't that stunning?" I smile enthusiastically. It's just that I'm a little slim, so it looks like it still fits me.

She grabs the dress in my hand, "It's perfect, just wear this for tonight—it looks even more fitting," I agreed with what she said.

And now I'm preparing for tonight, after I've shown her what I'm going to be wearing now —until she said she's also going to prepare, and she's going to tell her cousin that she's going to take me.

It's just the three of us, but when we suddenly go to the exact place there's a lot of people.

I'm so grateful today, I feel like I wouldn't even be able to see how the outside appears.

I even surpassed the lockdown — funny.

I looked at myself in front of the mirror as I was wearing a dress that Momma bought me a back then.

I smiled because of what I witnessed since I was just imagining myself back then.

I just imagine how beautiful I am in this dress, that I can show everyone that it was so magnificent.

I'm done getting ready, I'm just waiting for Carla and her cousin. I was looking at the time on the cellphone.

Yeah, I've got my own cellphone, so I'm pretty sure I could use the camera.

I want to capture all of the surroundings, since I have no idea if I'm going to do it again, or this is the last one.

I want to capture experiences and moments, too. I'm going to recall whatever I could see. That sounds like I'm a tourist in my own place.

Well, I am.

It's now already 6 p.m. in the evening, sabi ni Carla baka mga 6 or 6:30 niya ako sunduin, I mean nila — I almost forgot his cousin, dalawa nga pala silang susundo sa akin.

"Ma'am, ma'am Carla's already here," I rushed out as I opened the door that she would knock again, so she was startled when I opened it all of a sudden, "Ah... eh... ma'am, she's there already..." she repeated, I just smiled and went down immediately.

I need to calm down, I may be slipping on the stairs due to the extreme excitement I feel.

I also forgot to let my sister know that I can get out of here. Until now, we're still not all right, she was in her room, locking herself up.

'Stop thinking about it, Stacia,' disrupted my mind.

Anyway, for the time being, I need to concentrate on it first, maybe I won't worry about it first, or I just won't appreciate everything.

I was anxious and worried that this might be the first and last time I might get out.

I want it every day, but it's too much, I don't want Momma to think I'm violating her permission to me either.

Maybe that's all right at least it's fulfilled, and I can do it, that's what's important.

It dawned on me that Carla was the one with her taller companion.

I immediately approached Carla, "Have you been here?" I asked her when I got out of the house.

"We just arrived, wow you're gorgeous tonight," she compliment.

I was ashamed to smile at her, "Thanks, you're gorgeous, too, currently it looks like you've prepared a lot," I laughed afterwards.

"I don't believe," she said with a laugh, "By the way, this is my cousin from my Father side, Flynn Cedric Martin," she introduced.

So this is her cousin, whom she talked to earlier, "I'm Anastacia Quinn Smith, Stacia for short — pleasant to meet you,"

He smiled, "Flynn for short, pleasant to meet you as well," he offered his hand, is this for a handshake?

"Uh... yeah." I accepted his handshake, but I took it away immediately.