
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 58: Meet the team

"Wake up sleeping beauty it's time for us to leave" Mitch's foot nudged Ania as she groggily sat up to find everything was already packed up despite it being still dark. "Why the hell are we leaving so early" she groaned "So that we can get back before the sun rises since there's still so many things to do when we arrive, now hurry up and get packed otherwise I'll carry you on my back".

Splashing some water onto her face from the spring she found herself wide awake as she shunpoed back over to the camp where Yoruichi and Mitch were waiting. "This is where we part ways for now, I have to go back and visit Kisuke" Yoruichi said before looking at Ania "Congrats on achieving your bankai and make sure to keep your wits about you during the upcoming fights". "Say hi to Kisuke for me" Mitch said as she waved goodbye before vanishing in a violent gust of wind "Alright time we got going as well".

Arriving at the gates of Seireitei the sun had slowly started to rise as Mitch stretched his arms out while Ania hunched over exhausted at trying to keep pace with him. "Phew managed to make it on time, now let's go grab Tom" "Give me a breather..." she gasped out of breath but found he had already raced off "Great…" Ania growled racing off after Mitch.

A loud crash woke Tom as he sat completely upright expecting an ambush or something but found it was only Mitch as he casually strolled in "Rise and shine we're back" was all he said before walking back outside. Strapping Tamashii Seigei over his back he walked outside to find Ania standing there with Mitch nowhere to be found. "Where did Mitch run off to?" "Said there wasn't any time, so he raced off to find the other members of our group" "So did you achieve your bankai?" "Of course, what do you take me for?"

"I guess we just go and wait in the gardens until he gets back?" Ania started to walk off while Tom looked at his door which had been completely kicked off its hinges by Mitch's dynamic entry as he sighed "He could've knocked…."

"I'm guessing your little reconnaissance mission went well?" Mitch rested his back up against a tree as Hanza stepped out from behind "Naturally, I take the bankai training of Ania and Tom was successful?" "It was, now let's go grab the other two members of the group and then have everyone introduced".

Near the entrance to the 4th squad barracks they found a tall slim boy waiting for them with shoulder length brown hair, half of his fringe covering one of his brown-coloured eyes. "Yan good to see you" "Mitch Sensei it's an honour to see you again" Yan said bowing as Hanza raised an eyebrow "You a teacher, now that thought is amusing". "I had a bunch of students from the academy take a trip to the real world where I showed them around and had them help out with my patrol, Yan along with Ryu were part of that group." "Oh Ryu will be joining us as well?" "Just him but for now Hanza and you can head back to the gardens and wait for me with the other two members of our group" Mitch said before shunpoing away towards the 6th squad barracks.

Arriving at the 6th squad barracks he found Byakuya waiting for him "I've already sent Ryu off to meet up with the rest of your team while you and I have a little talk in my office". Entering inside he found a cup of tea already on the table as Byakuya sat on one side and extended a hand to the cushion on the floor "Take a seat, I'll try not to keep you away from your team for too long".

"What did you want to talk with me about exactly?" Mitch asked taking a seat on the cushion while a cup of tea was already waiting for him as Byakuya took a sip "I just wanted to see if you were perhaps ready to lead a team again?" Pausing with the cup just at his lips there was a down trodden look to Mitch's face before he slowly took a sip and placed it down eyes glued to the floor "Honestly at first I was wary of being in charge of a group of people especially ones that I've become so close to during my time in the human world, but I've made sure to train them as best I could so that they can handle themselves". "I know it'll be tough to try and let them handle their own battles but just remember if you're so focused on protecting them you leave yourself open to your own opponent that you'll be fighting" Byakuya spoke in a stern voice and yet as always Mitch knew he meant well by what he said.

Meanwhile back at the gardens Ania and Tom had just seen Hanza arrive with Yan as the two of them jumped up and walked over to introduce themselves. "Ania, Tom this is Yan from the 4th squad" "How do you do" Yan bowed to them as they both awkwardly stood there wondering if they should bow as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you Yan" Tom said extending his hand out for a handshake while Ania simply waved a hand from behind.

"I will enjoy getting to fight alongside fellow friends and students of Mitch Sensei" "Hooo boy Mitch being honoured as a teacher there is something I never thought I'd hear uttered" Ania burst out laughing as Tom shook his head "He did help teach us everything we know about fighting, not to mention our shikai's and bankai's" he pointed out as Ania glared at him "And I'll be caught dead before I refer to him as Sensei".

Yan couldn't help but laugh while Tom sighed as he turned back to him "So I heard 4th squad members are renowned for their healing abilities, but can you handle yourself in a fight?" "I'm fairly certain with my training I should be more than capable of handling myself on the battlefield against one opponent though perhaps if there was more I could be in a spot of bother". "If that ever happens I'll make sure to come give you a hand" Tom gave Yan a slap on the back just as he spotted a young looking boy walking on over who more than likely was the last member of their group.

"So you guys must be the two new members of Soul Society, I'm Ryu" the young boy was the same height as Tom with long black hair tied back into a warriors tail while he was slightly less built than Mitch as his green eyes assessed both Tom and Ania before smiling and sticking his hand out grasping Tom in a firm handshake before giving a nod to Ania. "I can tell just by looking that you're both powerful, it will be an honour fighting alongside you" "Ryu it is good to see you again" Yan shook hands with him as Ania sighed "Oh boy another person that Mitch helped teach, well I'm hoping you don't refer to him as Sensei".

Finishing off the last of his tea Mitch stood up "Well I think it's about time I got back to my group, thanks for the pep talk Byakuya I can always count on you to help give me insight". "It's my pleasure after all I see great potential in you, someday down the track I'm sure you'll end up being a captain on the squad and perhaps even those two friends of yours if they choose to remain in Soul Society" giving a nod to Mitch he watched him shunpo off before pouring himself another cup and taking a long sip on it staring at the window at the cherry blossoms slowly floating in the wind "I think it's time that even I prepare for the upcoming war".

Arriving back at the gardens Mitch found Ania, Tom, Ryu and Yan all eagerly chatting to each other "They've gotten along rather quickly" a voice came to his right as Hanza was seen laying up in the tree's "Well Tom and Ania always were good at making friends, something that I always hate doing" "And yet you manage to do it so well without trying".

"I'm guessing you'll be having other missions to complete while most of the fighting is going on?" Mitch asked Hanza leaning up against the tree as the ninja sighed "Considering I'm part of the special ops group we'll be stuck with either reconnaissance or assassination missions so unfortunately we won't get the chance to fight side by side, pity since it has been some time". "I think we spent more time fighting against each other rather than together" he mused to himself as Mitch laughed "As I recall I'm currently leading as well" "Take care of yourself and the other members" "You too" Mitch said watching Hanza dissolve away in a haze of black shadows.

"Glad to see you're all getting along so well" Ania and Tom heard Mitch's voice "Knowing your allies on the battlefield along with their strength and skills are essential during a fight

"So as you know we'll be heading off to war with the White Lotus Society soon and somehow I got assigned a group of people to lead" Mitch looked at everyone his usual lax demeanor completely serious. "I handpicked everyone because each of you bring something different into this group and I've personally trained each and every one of you at some point, the fighting will start in 2 days in which we'll meet back here and go about with whatever we are assigned to do". Tom raised his hand suddenly "This isn't like school just say whatever you want to say" "What are we supposed to do during then?" "Anything you want that'll help get your mindset ready for fighting, I don't care if it's training or just drinking and relaxing but when the day arrives I expect everyone to be 100% ready".

For the next hour Ryu and Yan barraged Tom and Ania with questions about the real world given they had only spent a few hours on patrol there with Mitch all those years ago. "When all of this is over you'll have to come back and we'll show you around without it being a mission" Tom said clasping hands with Ryu who grinned "That's a promise I'll hold you to".

"I don't mean to be rude but I think it's about time both Ryu and myself went back to our barracks" Yan said bowing as Ania and Tom still not used to that formality awkwardly bowed back. "We'll see you guys in two days then" both said waving goodbye before looking around "Hey did Mitch vanish while we were talking to those two?" Tom asked before Ania spotted him lying against a tree with his eyes shut.

"What do you two think of Yan and Ryu?" he asked without opening his eyes as both of them sat on the bench next to him "Naturally they're not as strong as us but I think they'll be highly capable of handling themselves on the battlefield" Ania said first while Tom gave a thumbs up "Even if they do get into trouble I'll be there in a flash to give them a hand". "Not to mention having a healer in our squad is especially useful given the way you fight" Ania rolled her eyes as Mitch jumped up and stretched his arms "Come on now you know I'll fight no matter what condition my body is in, if anything he'll be more for you guys".

"Anyway I'm off to do some training you guys feel free to join me or just relax" "But we just spent the last week doing training!" Ania glared at Mitch "No you guys did Bankai training and I got a minimal amount in so now I'm going to do my type of training, feel free to join me but I guarantee you'll end up sweaty and probably unable to walk". "Nope not me I'm taking a well-deserved sleep in my nice and comfy bed" Ania shunpoed away while Tom took a moment to think. "I think I might go check the bar out and see what drinks they have" he finally said wandering away as Mitch shrugged his shoulders "Fine by me it's much better training by myself anyway".