
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 1: The aftermath of yesterday

"You know you're an idiot right?" Ania said as she stood over the crumpled body of Mitch who combined with all the drinking and working out he did last night was exhausted. "Stop yelling and let me get more sleep" he groaned as she simply shook her head before slapping him over the head as Mitch retreated further underneath the covers to shield himself from Ania's wrath.

"Is he still trying to sleep it off?" a voice came from the doorway as Tom entered in to find only blankets covering Mitch's body. "I see he did some drinking after his training" Tom spotted at least 3 sake bottles strewn about the room "I can't help that I have a higher tolerance than you humans" Mitch grumbled from beneath the sheets as Ania's eyebrow twitched "Don't worry I'll make sure he's wide awake in a few minutes" she said as Tom slowly backed out of the room not wanting to bear witness to what was about to happen.

"What exactly is your plan to get me out of bed?" Mitch asked peering out from underneath his blanket to find Ania was about to release her shikai and use an all to familiar ability on him. "Wait you aren't going to use those illusions now are you?" Ania had a sultry smile on her face "Perhaps an illusion, or would you rather the real thing?" she stopped releasing Kanzen Bi and started to walk towards him her hands slowly undoing the sash around her waist.

Mitch shunpoed out of the bed and reappeared all dressed "LOOK I'M UP IT'S A MIRACLE!" he yelled strapping Ashura to back before darting out the door while Ania smirked at her handiwork. Walking outside Tom stared at her almost as if to say "What the hell did you do to make him react like that".

"Alright you disturbed my recovery session so this better be good" Mitch said laying down against a tree staring up at Ania as he brushed the hair back from his face. She glared down at him with those cold blue eyes and shook her head because after all her efforts to drag him out of bed he was laying back down again. The wind caressed her short bright blonde hair gently along with her cloak while Mitch simply sat there continuing to stare at her refusing to budge.

"Have I ever mentioned that you look quite attractive when you're angry?" he said hoping flattery might calm her down but it backfired as he quickly shunpoed away avoiding the red fire cannon that had been unleashed at him. "Well I won't be able to find out what you want if you don't tell me!" he yelled reappearing behind her as she spun around while Mitch braced himself for another kido to be fired at him "I want you to sit down with Tom and myself and explain what we'll be doing tomorrow since we have absolutely no idea".

"She's right you know" Tom said emerging from behind a tree as Mitch spun around wondering how long he had been there "Alright fine come with me to the bar and I'll explain everything you need to know over a few drinks".

As he turned to leave he found Ania standing in front of him glaring menacingly "No drinks you've had more than enough!" "I meant tea must you always jump to conclusions about me?" he said innocently while Ania just shook her head. "Idiot" she called back to him as Mitch just grinned "You know I just love how you're so kind to me, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside".

The three of them grabbed a seat at the bar while Mitch devoured a plateful of food as all that training left him with a ravenous appetite. "Quit stuffing your face and talk to us" Ania said as he gazed up from his food a piece of meat hanging from his mouth as he promptly swallowed it before taking a deep breath. "Right, so with tomorrow I'll come and get your both from your squads and we'll head towards the 1st squad barracks where the Captain Commander will give us our orders".

Finishing the last of his food he pushed the plates aside and started to leave as Ania and Tom quickly followed behind "Wait where are you off to?" Tom called out as Mitch spun back around "Well considering we'll be fighting tomorrow I figured you two should get some last-minute training squeezed in" "Were you going to tell us this?" Ania said as Mitch chuckled "I knew you two would follow me the second I decided to leave here".

Leading the two of them a few minutes away from Seireitei into a wide-open field Mitch turned back around as he unsheathed Ashura from his back "What are we going to be learning today then?" Tom asked while Mitch assumed his fighting stance "Nothing I just decided perhaps we should have ourselves a little free for all". Tom and Ania both looked across at each other finding this concept of training a little but unorthodox but unsheathed their zanpakuto's because Mitch was taking this seriously.

"So erm who do we go for then?" Ania asked as Mitch grinned "That's the beauty of a free for all just target anyone to be your opponent and attack, but make sure to watch your back since you could be blindsided".

Flames erupted around Mitch as he released his zanpakuto and vanished from both Ania and Tom sights. Releasing their blades also their eyes darted around the battlefield wondering where Mitch was going to pop up "Well this is something new" Ania said as Tom looked across at her to find she had stopped looking for Mitch and raced towards him as he quickly raised his blade up to block a strike.