
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 57: Shunpo Training

"For the last day of training I'll be teaching you something I think you'll incorporate well into the way you fight" Mitch shunpoed around her creating three clones as they all spoke at once "I'll teach you the art of creating actual clones utilizing shunpo, since you use speed and strategy this technique will help you immensely".

They all vanished as the real one stood directly in front of her "Now the trick to actually creating one is to push your body to take an additional step inside the movement that you're already making". Attempting to try what Mitch said into practice she shunpoed forward but before she could even consider attempting to move midway she was already at her destination "Don't worry I didn't expect you to get it on the first try".

Attempting it again Ania only managed to lose her footing as she reappeared and face planted into the dirt as Mitch fell over laughing. A glare from Ania caused him to throw his hands up "Sorry but that was pretty funny, anyway just keep practicing you have all day and in the meantime I'm off to do my own training" Mitch said Shunpoing away before receiving Ania's wrath for laughing at her.

"Mitch look I got it!" Ania proudly stated as he looked up from doing pushups to see a single clone standing next to her as he merely raised a thumb up and resumed doing his work out "Great now try making another one, the more you create the harder it becomes" was all he said as she glared down at him expecting a bit more praise.

Resuming his work out Ania looked at her clone as they both had the same thought nodding in unison. Walking off to resume her practice the clone lunged forward attempting to pin Mitch down in a hold as he shunpoed past both creating two clones with ease as they pinned both Ania's down. "Don't glare at me for making that look so easy, I've had years to practice and refine this after all" the clones vanished along with Ania's as she fell to the floor "Now I know this is hard for you but for once you're going to need patience to fully perfect this ability so I'll give you a few more hours to keep trying and see how many clones you can create".

Meanwhile Tom was lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling as he let out a sigh "How did Ania manage to keep herself entertained the entire time I was doing my bankai training". Rolling onto the side he stared at Tamashii Seigei laying in the corner "Maybe I'll go visit Tamashii Seigei and have a chat", jumping up he grabbed the zanpakuto and sat cross legged on the floor with it across his lap like he first did when trying to learn his shikai before closing his eyes and slowing down his breathing.

Reopening them Tom found himself inside his spirit world a vast grassy plains with two lakes running in the middle one red the other white while Tamashii Seigei sat in the middle curled up in a ball fast asleep. Taking one step forward the tiger opened one eye and sat up yawning "What brings you here?" "Well there's nothing to do while I wait for Mitch and Ania to finish training so I thought I'd come here for a chat". Jumping over the lake he took a seat next to the tiger who smiled "They do say the more you commune with your zanpakuto spirit the stronger your bond becomes so I'm glad we can have a talk".

"Alright it's getting dark time to call it quits" Mitch called out to Ania to find she had three clones standing next to her as they all turned to him and smiled "Impressed yet?" "Three clones are particularly useful in combat, nicely done" glad to finally get her praise the clones vanished as they walked over to the fire where Yoruichi was already seated and eating.

"Early tomorrow morning we'll head back to Seireitei to meet up with Tom and then I'll introduce the both of you to the remaining members of our team" "Shame I can't join your merry little group I've never got to team up with you before" Yoruichi pouted as Mitch sighed "That's probably a positive for me considering the pranks you always manage to pull on me". Curiosity got the best of Ania as she leaned over whispering just out of Mitch's earshot to Yoruichi as he heard her burst out laughing "OH THAT IS TOO GOOD!"

"I take it she told you about transforming out of her cat form into her human form and being naked every time" Mitch sighed recalling all the times and how every single time he went red faced and couldn't look directly at her as Yoruichi fell back laughing "It's the best reaction, for someone who loves fighting it's kind of adorable to see him being so innocent". "Luckily for me you don't have that ability since I can already tell what you're thinking" Mitch glared at Ania who feigned an innocent look on her face while Yoruichi was rolling around crying from laughter.

Lying back in his bed the moonlight shining in through his window Tom simply stared at the ceiling lost in his thoughts, "Tomorrow Mitch and Ania will be getting back, what will happen then?" Rolling onto the side his mind wandered to the upcoming war "I never dreamed that I'd be fighting in a full-fledged battle let alone the possibility of having to kill someone, there's going to be so much bloodshed as a result of this" he muttered to himself not looking forward to seeing any of his new comrades die before his eyes.

"Why can't they simply solve their issues without having to use this much violence, surely there is a more peaceful solution" he thought back to his first confrontation with the White Lotus Society and how they had commented that he was filth and scum not pure like they were. "Just what do they think is wrong with us that they'd exile themselves and hope to eradicate us all?" pushing that thought aside Tom closed his eyes attempted to gain some sleep seeing as he had a big day ahead of him in the morning.