
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 40: Time to learn kido

Tom awoke the next morning to find was up already and practicing his kido "Destructive Art 31: Shot of red fire" he chanted as a small red orb shot out of his open hand hitting a rock causing it to shatter into tiny pieces. "Ah good you're up we can finally begin your kido training" Tom stared in awe at how easily the rock had been destroyed by Mitch's kido "I've had a fairly long time to practice so naturally it'd cause that much damage".

"All right I'll go ahead and teach you the basics of kido" Mitch said as he recalled what he had been taught on his very first kido lesson at the academy. "As you somewhat know there are three components to kido that can vary the strength of your spell, first there is the chant that is usually a lengthy bunch of incantations, next you have the number of the spell which shows how strong it'll be and finally the name that ends the spell and unleashes it. Now depending on what parts you leave out the strength on your spell can vary, if you just say the number and name of the spell it won't be as powerful as a full blown incantation but of course skipping the incantation lets you fire off a spell quickly".

"Now the first thing I want you to work on is to concentrate your reiatsu into the centre area of your palm where the kido spell will begin" opening the palm of his hand a tiny blue orb of reiatsu floated in the middle of it. "Once you've mastered that we can then move onto the incantations and practicing of some lower-level spells, if you don't master controlling your reiatsu your spells become unstable and usually explode causing damage to yourself".

Hearing that explanation Tom reluctantly stood up as he closed and extended his right hand out trying to focus his reiatsu into the centre of his palm. He could feel the reiatsu flowing all around his body but every time he'd try grabbing and controlling it to move towards his palm Tom found it would slip away ever evading his grasp. "Focus don't try and grab the reiatsu but merely move it towards your hand" Mitch said as Tom relaxed every muscle in his body as it sagged forward, the reiatsu now flowed freely throughout his body as he slowly concentrated on directing it up and towards his palm as he could feel it gradually beginning to take form.

"Excellent you've managed to concentrate your reiatsu into a point, now it's time to practice firing your kido so repeat the incantation after me. Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Destructive Art 31: Shot of red fire. Upon doing that you allow the built up reiatsu to launch itself freely from your hand and fire itself off as a kido spell".

Done with his explanation Mitch took a seat watching as Tom copied the incantation word for word as a red orb shot from his hand exploding against a rock leaving it as a pile of rubble. "I managed to do it!" Tom exclaimed a huge smile on his face "Nice practice that particular spell a few more times and then I'll teach you a couple more for today". Mitch sat down resting his back against a rock to take a few moments of shut eye while Tom was busy firing his brand new kido skills off into a nearby cliff "Probably the only time I'll manage to get a nap in".

Ania woke up to a new day refreshed and rejuvenated from her long and deep sleep, stretching her body and yawning loudly she looked out her window wondering why no one had barged in to disturb her sleep in dire need of any errand that needed running.

Getting dressed and heading outside she found for once the 10th squad barracks was as quiet as a mouse, no one was running errands or even just simply walking about it was just deserted. "They must be out on a pretty big mission if not even a single soul is around" Ania thought to herself ducking back into her room to grab Kanzen Bi before heading towards the Captain's office to see if he could explain where everyone had gone.

"Hey Mitch wake up I think I've finally got the hang of this spell" Tom said as Mitch opened one eye "Just when I was starting to enjoy my nap as well" he grumbled standing up and stretching "I suppose I'll teach you a few more spells before we call it a day". "Could you teach me any of your custom made kido spells?" Tom asked hopefully "Custom made spells are hard to learn for others especially beginners since the spells are usually made to accommodate the persons kido skills and style of fighting. Most of mine are high level and revolve around being destructive so they'd be hard for you to learn but feel free to try and create your own".

After repeated hours of practicing Tom finally managed to master the spells Blue Fire Crash Down and Abolishing Flames, ""Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws Destructive Art 33: Blue Fire Crash Down" a huge blue flame erupted from his outstretched and open right palm engulfing the rock he was aiming at leaving absolutely nothing. "I think it's time to call quits for today" Mitch said as Tom collapsed to his knee's trying to catch his breath as sweat cascaded down from his forehead "You've expended a fair amount of reiatsu so go take a soak in the hot spring and rest up." Walking off Mitch called back to Tom "Tomorrow I'll teach you all about binding spells, you'll end up incorporating a lot of them into the way you fight".