
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 39: Fukushuu Bushi

"Well if I can't defeat the monster I may as well try and defeat the man who created it" Mitch thought to himself creating three clones as they all leap towards the giant hacking away at parts of the creature keeping its attention focused on them. While all of this was happening Mitch shunpoed directly behind Tom without him noticing as he opened the palm of his hand a giant black orb formed crackling with electricity.

"Perhaps I should reduce the power in case I kill him" Mitch thought quickly shrinking down the orb not enough to kill but still to cause Tom a fair amount of pain. The giant had just cut through the last clone as Tom became aware of the decoy and looked over his shoulder a second too late only to see the cero blast erupt from Mitch's hand and go racing towards him.

Tom's giant swept its hand around attempting to shield the blast but it simply was engulfed along with Tom as the explosion sent him hurtling back slamming into a rock that crumbled upon the impact. "Alright I'm calling it quits for today unlike you I feel my injuries" he groaned slowly standing back up as the giant dissolved away while Tom rotated his arms and cracked his neck.

"Fair enough, it was a good training session none the less since you got to utilize your bankai abilities" Mitch's vizard mask slowly dissolved away as he slipped straight out of his blood lust and back to his usual self within seconds. "Rest up and tomorrow I'll teach you all about destructive spells" he said sitting down on the floor as Tom watched the tattoo's that covered his body begin to glow a fiery red colour and steam begin to hiss and waft off his body.

Tom watched in awe as Mitch's wounds miraculously began to heal at a rapid rate leaving every single gash even the sword stab in his chest all sealed within seconds. "Since when have you had rapid regeneration?" Mitch just laughed in response "It's not rapid regeneration I simply pour reiatsu from my tattoo's into my wounds and they regenerate at a faster rate, though it consumes a ton reiatsu so I only ever use it in dire circumstances".

Jumping up Mitch stretched his arms out "I'm off to eat all this fighting and healing has given me a ravenous appetite" he walked past Tom and slapped him on the back leaving him to head over to the spa and allow the waters to heal all his wounds.

Grabbing three rolls of sushi Mitch sat down and started to devour one as Yoruichi slowly walked over and sat directly in front of him as he glanced up from his food to see a serious look on her face. "Alright what is it" he said gulping down the last of his roll "Your bloodlust will one day become a problem you know that right?" she said as Mitch laughed "Oh come on it's no different from any other member of the 11th squad". "The difference is you have an inner hollow and run the risk of losing control and turning on your friends simply for the thrill of a fight" "I can control myself like I could ever bring myself to harm any of my friends or squad members I'd lay down my life to protect them".

"Still you shouldn't try and get so wrapped up in battle you ignore your own injuries you practically went insane against that unbeatable giant despite having a hole in your chest" "Alright, alright I'll admit I went a bit crazy back there but it had been a long time since I had the prospect of a good challenge and a supposedly unbeatable creature was all too good to pass up".

Finishing his second roll he sat back arms across his head "I suppose though I should be a bit more careful when I'm sparring with Ania, she wouldn't want a repeat of me losing control the last time we sparred". Yoruichi nodded her head as she walked off to take a nap leaving Mitch to sit there and think about what she had said "Could I really lose myself and end up killing my friends…" the mere thought of that happening made him feel sick in the stomach.

Ania let her body fall limply into her bed with a loud thud as she simply lay there face down "Dear god I can't take much more of this work, I will lose my mind if I have to do more paper work tomorrow". Rolling over she faced the wall as a sudden realization came to her "Come to think of it how did Mitch even manage to survive doing all this tedious work, I mean at school he barely did anything and has always been lazy".

"I'll have to remind myself to ask him the next time I see him" Ania muttered to herself as fatigue started to get the better of her as she felt her eyelids getting heavy. Slowly she drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep one that wouldn't be disturbed hopefully for quite some time.