
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 41: Village Massacre

Before Ania could even open the door to Captain Hitsaguya's office it swung open as Matsumoto came racing out nearly knocking her over in the process. "Oh Ania you're awake" "What exactly is going on?" there was a look of concern in Matsumoto's face "We got word the White Lotus have been attacking outlying villages so we dispatched a few shinigami to investigate who were supposed to return over an hour ago. The Captain has gone ahead with a few other men to check everything out and I was just about to go and join them".

"Ummm why wasn't I called to come help you out?" Ania realized if she hadn't stumbled across Matsumoto she would've been left behind "Well you just looked so cute and innocent sleeping there I decided perhaps you should catch up on some much needed rest" Matsumoto said awkwardly laughing as Ania shook her head "Well I'm here now so I'll come along as well".

They arrived at the village that had only just recently been attacked as Ania and Matsumoto could only look on in sheer horror at the massacre that had ensued. The ground and houses were stained red with blood while various bodies of the villagers were strewn across the ground covered in multiple slash marks.

Further up there were the dead bodies of the shinigami's that had been dispatched to the village mixed in with White Lotus soldiers while the leader of the party had been decapitated and his head impaled upon his sword in a mock to all the shinigami's. "This is just barbaric and awful slaughtering innocent people like this" Ania said as they spotted Captain Hitsaguya along with a handful of men standing near an injured White Lotus soldier who was slumped against one of the houses deep cuts across his body while he laughed like a maniac refusing to answer any questions.

"Why did you attack this village and murder innocent people!" Hitsaguya said the tip of his zanpakuto resting on the man's throat as he spat on the ground "I'll never answer to filth such as the Shinigami". Lowering his weapon and stepping back Hitsaguya expected the man to retreat secretly leading them to the remainder of his forces but instead as he stood up the man started to laugh maniacally again "I can't return now that I've failed Master Han".

Drawing his zanpakuto Hitsaguya and his men expected him to attack but instead he turned the blade on himself and plunged it straight through his heart "I'm sorry Master Han" he coughed out blood before collapsing to the ground a small puddle of blood beginning to form around his lifeless body.

"Captain what are your orders?" "We'll split up and search the woods for any remaining White Lotus soldiers, if you run into any do not hesitate to engage as they won't stop at anything to either kill you or themselves". Hitsaguya left with half of the men leaving Ania and the others to be led by Matsumoto who turned to face Ania before departing "Are you going to be alright seeing as this is your first fight against an actual opponent?" "I should be fine Mitch has taught me everything I need to know".

"That's not what I meant" Matsumoto had a more serious look appearing on her face "Will you be alright with taking another man's life?" Ania looked down at the ground "I haven't really thought that part yet, I suppose I'll find out soon enough since these men will stop at nothing to kill me". Leaning forward Matsumoto wrapped Ania in a motherly like hug "Just know I'll be right beside you".

"Commander Yakra I ran into a group of Shinigami that are searching for us through the forests" a young boy from the White Lotus society said as he bowed to a giant hulking man. Turning around the man's jade green eyes stared down at the boy who had slash marks across his chest and panting heavily indicating he had travelled quickly despite being injured to deliver the message.

"I thank you for your hard work in getting this information to me" Yakra spoke in a deep gruff voice resting a giant hand on the boy's shoulder who smiled happily at receiving such praise. "Get a medic to treat his wounds while the rest of you follow me, we're about to spring a little surprise for those annoying pests" a brown aura surrounded Yakra as he raised a fist in the air "FOR MASTER HAN!" the men chanted in unison drawing their blades and moving off to prepare an attack on the unsuspecting crew of the 10th squad.

"What the hell was that reiatsu I just sensed" Mitch said jerking awake after feeling a huge upsurge of reiatsu just a few moments ago. Closing his eyes and focusing on the source he formed a picture of the man named Yakra crouched in the jungle waiting for Ania and Matsumoto both unaware they were about to be attacked. "Damn it he's far too powerful for those two to take on" Mitch muttered to himself jumping up and racing over to Tom shaking him awake.

"Tom get up quickly I have to teach you some binding spells right now" "Wha huh? But I've only been asleep for three hours can't I get some more" he grumbled rising groggily from his bed still exhausted from yesterday's practice. "Sorry no time I just sensed that Ania and Matsumoto might be in trouble, so I need you to learn these ones as quickly as possible" hearing that Ania might be in danger Tom leapt to his feet shaking away all feeling of fatigue "Let's get to learning this so we can help them out".