
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 2: Ania vs Tom vs Mitch

"I suppose as long as they don't sense me I may as well just wait up here" Mitch said as he sat on the top of a large cliff and stared down at Ania and Tom duking it out below. "Juunsui Yuga" a pink blast erupted from Kanzen Bi and raced towards Tom as he fired a dark red reiatsu blast back the both colliding in mid-air causing an explosion that sent a pillar of dust billowing into the air.

Ania raced through the dust using it as a mirage while Tom's eyes darted about wildly trying to follow her incredible speed. A shadow burst out of the dust from behind as she lunged forward missing his back by inches as Tom only just narrowly dodged to the right. Looking up she saw a black figure soaring through the air towards her at a super fast speed "Ahh so there you are Mitch" shunpoing out of the way Ashura slammed into the ground where she had been not a mere second ago leaving a crater from the strike.

Spinning around he parried a blow of Tom's away and then ducked under a swing from Ania before spinning his foot along the ground and knocking them both flat onto the ground. Charging away from either of them through the dust they trailed behind a few seconds later extending their hands and chanting in unison ""Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south Destructive Art 31: Shot of red fire".

A red orb shot out from their hands and raced towards Mitch who turned around and fired two little bolts of lightning from his fingertip into the centre of the red orbs detonating them in mid air. "A precisely aimed kido spell can stop another, I suggest you two remember that lesson" he said before swinging Ashura down sending a huge fireball racing towards them.

Dodging the blast with shunpo Ania quickly had to move again as Tom had decided to change opponents and target her now. Taking an extra step on her shunpo she created a clone which turned back around and began to engage with Tom while Mitch stood there smiling "Excellent idea using a clone there" his praise only lasted for a second though as he had to duck under a violent slash from her. Disappearing from her view he re emerged behind but now had 5 clones surrounding as the real Mitch walk off towards waving back to her "Enjoy fighting my clones".

"Since when did Ania learn how to use clones?" Tom thought to himself as he danced around the swings from the clone. Ducking under one of them he pointed the tip of his blade at her heart causing a huge spirit tiger to emerge pouncing upon the clone and tearing it to shreds.

Just when he thought it was all over Tom felt a knee slam into his lower torso knocking the wind from him as he slowly looked up to find Mitch grinning down at him. "Never let your guard down" was all he said before his fist connected with Tom's face sending him face first into the dirt.

"Learn to heed your own advice" Ania's voice rang out behind as Kanzen Bi arced through the air but clashed with Ashura as Mitch stood perfectly still while his hand was placed over his back. "Who said I let my guard down? I knew you were coming" he said as Ania jumped back and fired off a Juunsui Yuga blast. Shunpoing away it now raced towards Tom who managed to stand up and raise his arms up blocking the strike just in time as his body was left smoking.

"Erm sorry about that Tom" Ania called out while Mitch had nearly fallen over from laughing a few feet away "Nice aiming there Ania" he sarcastically said leaping to his feet to avoid a violent slash aimed at his head. "For once can you take training seriously!" she yelled "Now, now no need to get angry I was just getting warmed up, now I'll start getting serious".

"Play time is over kiddo's time to unleash those Bankai's and then we can finally get started" Mitch said angling Ashura horizontally as flames engulfed his entire body while he entered his bankai form. Tom and Ania did the same thing as the three of them now stood in their forms waiting for someone to make the first move.

"Well if no one is willing to move then I'll kick things off" Mitch said slashing Ashura through the air and sending two fireballs racing towards both Ania and Tom who dodged using shunpo and finally decided to start attacking. "Kage Gekido" Tom roared out as a dark red reiatsu blast flew towards Mitch who intercepted the attack with a fireball. Wanting to part of the action as well a pink reiatsu blast flew from Kanzen Bi and collided with the other two blasts as well.

Using this to his advantage Mitch raced towards Ania while a clone of his decided to begin engaging with Tom. Exploding out of the dust the three blasts had created he expected to find Ania waiting for him but to his disappointment found she wasn't there "Come out to play Ania I'm waiting". Behind him he heard a high-pitched whistling as he blocked three little rose petals that had been shot from inside the dust.

"Sneaky I like that" Mitch said as a huge explosion came from behind and Ania raced out of the dust swinging Kanzen Bi through the air as the blow was blocked by Ashura. They both stood locked together in mid air so Mitch didn't have time to see the clone of Ania behind him as she twirled her spear around and fired off three more little rose petals towards the unsuspecting Mitch.

At the very last second though using shunpo he avoided them as they pierced through what Mitch thought was the real Ania only to find she disappeared as the real one quickly vanished from his sights as well. "Man stop moving so much, can't you stay still and fight in an engagement for more than 10 seconds" "Awww does my fighting style annoy you because there aren't any blades to clash together and you actually have to think poor baby" Ania's voice echoed around the mist as Mitch closed his eyes trying to sense where she was hiding.

Elsewhere Mitch's clone sliced through another after image of Tom as he gazed around the battlefield trying to find where the real one was currently hiding. "Come on Tom it's not fun for me if I spend half the time searching for you" he yelled "Well you've found me" Tom said appearing behind Mitch as he pointed the end of his blade into his eyes while the crystal on the end of Tamashii Seigei began to glow white.

"Well it's safe to say you're out of commission for now" Tom thought to himself as he turned to walk away before feeling a searing hot pain across his back. Looking back he found a long slash mark while Mitch stood there completely unaffected by his technique "That's impossible… unless, ah it makes sense now you're a clone" "Nice observation there, pity it took you to long figure it out".

As the clone raced towards Tom a spear flew out of no where and pierced the clones' heart as he slowly faded away and Ania was left standing behind it. "Nice, fighting Mitch was going to be hard even if he was a clone" "You think Mitch was hard well get ready" Ania said vanishing from Tom's sight as she appeared behind grabbing Kanzen Bi and swinging it around as he parried the strike away. Both leapt back towards each other trading blow for blow while carefully watching waiting for their opponent to make even the smallest mistake.