
Bleach: White Lotus Arc

Tom and Ania lived a completley normal life until they discovered their friend Mitch was a shinigami, now they'll be plunged headfirst into the world of the shinigami as their lives are changed forever

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 3: Training just got serious

"Where the bloody hell is she" Mitch said becoming more impatient as he couldn't sense her and went venturing off into the dust which was still slowly clearing from the battlefield. Through the dust he could see two shadowy figures racing around the battlefield weapons swinging through the air as he guessed that would have to be Tom and Ania. "I could use a sneak attack but that's unlike me, so I think I'll just race in there and knock both of them away" charging out through the dust at a super-fast speed Mitch moved towards Ania and Tom who were too preoccupied to notice him.

"Surprise!" he roared out as his fist slammed into Tom's face sending him spiralling towards the ground. Ania went to react but was a tad to slow as Mitch had already moved his foot knocking her to the ground as well while he raced down towards the ground his sword aimed straight for Tom who was slowly picking himself up. Just as Mitch's blade was about to stab into Tom's head he rolled away causing Ashura to slam into the ground and get stuck. "That's just brilliant" Mitch muttered to himself as Tamashii Seigei began to glow a dark red and a huge Kage Gekido blast was shot straight towards him. Vanishing from sight he re appeared behind Tom as his fist raced through the air but Tom was ready this time parrying away with his sword.

Mitch ran towards Tom before vanishing from his sight reappearing behind as his hand was outstretched ready to grab Ashura. Kanzen Bi flew through the air landing on his hand pinning him to the ground as his left hand struggled to reach forward and grab his zanpakuto. "Aww come on no fair it is meant to be free for all stop ganging up on me" Mitch grumbled as Ania removed Kanzen Bi from his hand. "Why are you complaining? I thought you would love the idea of 2 against 1 as it'd more of a challenge for you" Ania said as she slowly walked away from Mitch who grinned as he lunged forward putting his right hand at the top of his blade and his other hand on the hilt as a pillar of flames erupted around him.

"Oh I'm enjoying this, in fact I'm enjoying this so much I'll show you two another one of my moves you haven't seen in great detail for some time". Tom and Ania both stepped back slightly as the flames danced around his entire body sending a huge heatwave knocking both of them to their feet "His reiatsu its rising rapidly, at this rate his body won't be able to handle it" Tom said as Ania realised what he was doing "He's not going to use it for himself but to throw at us, I think this is his flaming wolf fang technique".

Before both could turn to high tail it out of there the flames exploded from Mitch's body as his voice echoed throughout the entire battlefield "FLAMING WOLF FANG". A huge explosion of flames scorched the ground turning it black as Ania and Tom were both thrown to the ground while a gale forced wind ripped the ground to pieces. After all the chaos had finished they slowly managed to get to their feet but not without injuries, their garments were torn and Ania had a gash across her head while Tom's right hand was dripping with blood. Mitch stood in the middle of the blackened ground leaning on Ashura panting as he gazed across at the two and grinned "Well it's nice to know after that outburst of reiatsu I still managed to get you two" "You are at a disadvantage now though, using all that reiatsu you'll be a lot weaker than us now" Ania pointed out as Mitch picked Ashura up and rested it on his shoulder "Oh don't worry about me if I use to much reiatsu and fall behind I'll just resort to my vizard form how does that sound?".

"Incinerate Ashura" Mitch cried out as he swung his zanpakuto down and a huge fireball erupted from the tip. It raced towards Tom and Ania who both leapt to the side avoiding the attack. Amongst the dust and debris Tom raced behind Ania as he swung Tamashii Seigei through the air and just managed to graze her shoulder causing a little cut as a trickle of blood dropped onto his blade. Spinning her spear around the petals dislodged themselves and formed into her flower warrior "Bara Ansatsusha".

Stabbing his sword into the ground a strange blood red mist formed in front of Tom as his huge hulking red giant began to form "Fukushuu Bushi". "Well I'm going to step back from this encounter seeing as I have no beasts to summon and my ultimate move would more than likely kill both of you so enjoy" Mitch said leaping back as the two beasts clashed swords together shaking the entire ground. Tom's giant sliced the head off Bara Ansatsusha's head sending petals flying everywhere "Your warrior can't endure much if it's sliced that easily" Tom said as Ania just grinned while the petals floated back reforming its head. A gale forced wind tore a hole right through Fukushuu Bushi stomach but he to quickly regenerated his wound swinging the giant claymore down which Bara Ansatsusha's easily dodged moving as fast as the wind as both the arms and legs of Fukushuu Bushi were sliced cleanly off as he crashed to the floor his wounds regenerating more slower than they first did.

"Your monster regenerates much faster if there is blood lust in your system while mine regenerates at the same speed regardless" Ania said as more slash wounds appeared across Fukushuu Bushi who swung his sword around in vain trying to slice the incredibly speedy Bara Ansatsusha but having no luck. Picking up Tamashii Seigei Tom let his warrior dissolve back into his blade while Ania's flower warrior reattached itself to her spear as well. "Bravo, bravo that was brilliant" Mitch called from above clapping his hands "I enjoyed that little bout". "Perhaps we should call it a day Mitch" Tom called out as he just grinned "Why there's still plenty of time left in this day and I'm still able to walk" "You're unbelievable just call it quits remember last time this happened you almost died" Ania said joining in on the argument as Mitch sighed "Fine we'll stop but only because you asked so nicely".

"I tell you training sure takes a lot of energy out of you I'm starving" Mitch said as he slurped down his 5th bowl of ramen in only a matter of minutes while Tom and Ania stared at him completely bewildered. "How can you eat that much in such a short time" Ania said pushing her food away as watching him eat destroyed her appetite. "Easy consuming large amounts of reiatsu makes me hungry, say are you going to finish that?" Mitch asked as Ania pushed her food towards him and in a split second he grabbed it and shoved it in his mouth. "Phew well now that I've finished eating how about some sake to wash all that food down" Mitch said as Ania glared coldly at him across the table "Alright then guess not...".

"So are you two all prepared for tomorrow?" Mitch asked both Ania and Tom as they walked out of the bar and into the gardens of Seireitei. "I think we both are ready now, thanks Mitch for all your help you've been a great teacher and we couldn't have done it without you" Tom said as they reached the crossroad that lead off to their different barracks. "Well enjoy the rest of your free time because once this war starts you won't get much more" Mitch called back to them as he walked off towards the 11th squad barracks for a brief cat nap to restore himself after their training session.

"Tomorrow the war starts and my life will change forever" Ania said to herself as she slowly strolled through the gardens staring up at the sun setting as the cherry blossom flowers slowly wafted towards the ground. "I wonder if we've done enough preparation, I mean Mitch has taught us basically everything we will need to know but will that still be enough". As she slid the door open to her room and tossed Kanzen Bi into the corner she slumped down onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling. "I guess there's no point pondering over it now, I may as well get a good night sleep since I'll need to be at my wits tomorrow".

Tom lay in his bed at the 9th squad barrack's staring outside his window at the night sky as he thought about tomorrow as well. "Well tomorrow begins the bloodshed that will last for a long time, I just hope I don't get caught up in the slaughter". Rolling over to face the wall he stared at Tamashii Seigei in the corner as an image of the wise old tiger flashed in his mind "Always remember Tom the best way to resolve conflict is with the least bloodshed that way no one loses" his voiced echoed throughout his mind as Tom closed his eyes to fall asleep "I'll remember that wise old tiger".

"So Hanza you ready for tomorrow?" Mitch said as he sat on the deck of his room drinking sake with the ninja. "As ready as I can be, how about yourself oh great leader" "Hah I was always ready for battle, I just can't wait to fight all those commanders of the White Lotus Society who knows how strong they will be it excites me". "You know your eagerness for battle worries me sometimes old friend just don't get to caught up in it otherwise you'll be consumed and become nothing more than a barbarian always looking for a better fight". "Don't worry Hanza I have some control over it now let's enjoy this peace and quiet because it'll be the last we shall have for some time".