
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"No, I'm afraid it will take a little time for Naruto to control the power of Ninetales." As early as the war began, Killer B took Naruto to a secret location in Hidden Cloud Village that could be used to control Tailed Beast from generation to generation.

If you want to win this war, you must borrow the power of Tailed Beast, relying on a few of them Kage Level, can't bear it at all, and after Naruto has completely controlled the Ninetales, you can also reach the strength of Transcendent Kage Level Late Stage, and Sasuke's eternity and Rinnegan also allow him to play the strength of Transcendent Kage Level Peak.

"Hateful!" Tsunade roared and smashed the conference hall's table with a punch. He didn't expect the war at first and Ash would shoot it himself.

White Zetsu base

"It seems that the guy Konoha Chi is dealing with Allied Shinobi Forces first as I thought. That 's fine, anyway, my clone can't use Ninjutsu, and it has no effect on the Impure World Reincarnation forces. Let 's work together against Allied Shinobi Forces.."

"After Sasuke is fully adapted to Rinnegan, he takes the opportunity to control his body and casts the wheel of Revolving Heaven to resurrect the spot." White Zetsu said to himself after getting the clone information.

If you want to deal with Impure World Reincarnation, there is almost no way except Imprison. Even Particle-Style is useless. Even if you break down the people from reincarnation into atoms, Ash can summon again.

second battlefield

"Oh, is this Allied Shinobi Forces? Didn't expect. The relationship between Ninja Village is quite harmonious now." Ash and Ban slowly walked to the edge of a cliff, looking from top to bottom. Ninja for 40000 people.

A powerful imposing-manner immediately enveloped the entire second battlefield, 40000 Allied Shinobi Forces, suddenly the heart made by this imposing-manner seemed to have a stone blocking their throats.

After the headquarters confirmed the identity of Uchiha Madara, they also passed it to the Ninjas of the 2nd corps, and they were understood what they were about to face was the initiator of the war, Yu Konoha Chi, and Uchiha Madara of the legendary.

Elite Ninja, who leads the 2nd troop, is Kitsuchi and Akatsuchi of Hidden Stone Village, these two people one is the son of Onoki, the other is Onoki 's discipline, and the supporting force is served by Temari of Hidden Sand Village.

"The guy Obito, in the end what the hell is happening, actually let me be resurrected in this way, and this guy is also completely ignorant of his strength, either stronger than me, or has a special ability to hide strength ."

"And the Golden Dojutsu is also very strange. Eyes-power and Rinnegan Sharingan are very similar, but they are different." Allied Shinobi Forces under the look below, but rather worried about his plan.

In the memory Ash passed to him, only after the war, the death of Obito, the death of Black Zetsu, he was completely unaware of it. If he could still see the clone of White Zetsu on the battlefield, Ban thought he had already planned It failed.

"Forget it, it seems that Obito's plan should not be very smooth. Let's play in this form for the time being." Although there are still very meddlesome feelings, I don't care, but this is my confidence in my strength.

"Peng!" I saw the spot jump from the edge of the cliff, slammed down to the ground parallel to Allied Shinobi Forces, and then slowly walked towards Allied Shinobi Forces step by step, each step, the imposing-manner on the spot will be Add one point.




Finally, someone could not stand the imposing-manner released by the spot, and rushed past with a roar. His call also let other people find a vent, and suddenly rushed up to Uchiha Madara's position.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!" The slow pace of the spot slowly became faster, and finally flew to the other side like Allied Shinobi Forces. The two sides collided, and the spot suddenly bumped the leading group of Ninja. After all, the strength difference was too too much.

"Bang! Bang!" I saw the spot running wildly in Allied Shinobi Forces. All the people who approached him were blown out by him with a punch, the Scarlet Sharingan with his eyes flashing rays of light.

"Bang!" Just when the spot killing was addictive, an air cannon suddenly struck and flew the spot out.

"Less contempt."

"Pu poo." After flying out the spot, after landing on the ground safely, expressionless dusted off the dust with the right hand, as if to say that this attack was nothing.

"Cut." Seeing this scene, Temari, the initiator of the air cannon, sipped suddenly unwillingly. This despised look was really disgusting.

"Fire-Style Great Fire Annihilation." Suddenly, in a flash, a seal of S-Rank Ninjutsu was completed. I saw a flame in the range of more than 70 meters, and moved towards Allied Shinobi Forces swept away in an instant.

"Ninjutsu's scope is very large, and Water-Style's make concessions will be released." Looked at the fire sea, the Captain Kitsuchi of the 2nd Army immediately commanded Water-Style Ninja.

"Water-Style Water Wall." XN

Counting 100 Water-Style Ninjas were blocked in front of Allied Shinobi Forces, and at the same time released make concessions escape, suddenly, a wall of water like a huge wave, collided with a spot of fire sea, water and fire collided instant, suddenly evaporates enough water vapor to block sight.

"Fire-Style Fireball." After the Ninjutsu of both sides disappeared, the entire second battlefield was filled with water vapor, and the sight was severely blocked, but this had no effect on the spots with Sharingan.

I saw one after another Fireball like Little Meteorite, colliding past from moving towards Allied Shinobi Forces in the sky.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"bang! bang! bang!"

Counting 100 Fireball suddenly beat a large group of Ninja who did not respond to a completely unprepared, at least several hundred people died under this Fire-Style, and some Ninja also suffered burns and burns, all were Affected.

"It's not bad, I didn't optimize the ability before, it really is not his Rival." Looked Uchiha Madara's silhouette sweeping in Allied Shinobi Forces, Ash said something meaningfully