
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


The 4th Shinobi World War was opened, with 3 influences, Allied Shinobi Forces, hundred thousand White Zetsu, and 100 Impure World Reincarnation troops.

Although Ash's Impure World Reincarnation only has several hundred people, strength is not something that the other 2 parties can block.

Konoha's Elite and Elite of Hidden Stone Village led the first 2 large units to collide with Ash and the White Zetsu army, and the battle was suddenly triggered.

But Ash himself came to a remote place on the border of Hidden Sand Village, not far from the second battlefield.

"Summoning Jutsu Impure World Reincarnation." Ash saw one-handedly pressing on the ground. The tadpole-like symbol suddenly covered the ground. A coffin broke out of the ground.



In a instant, the lid of the coffin suddenly cracked, and then a huge force shook the lid of the coffin, rolled up the surrounding dust, and a sillhouete slowly came out of the coffin.

"As expected, God forbear Middle-Stage." Ash secretly thought after feeling the imposing-manner of the man in the coffin.

"Finally waiting for this day, the kid Nagato finally grew up." The person who walked out of the coffin, start to talk, said the first sentence, this person is the Konoha Asura of the famous Ninja World, Uchiha Clan 's The ancestor, Uchiha Madara.

"You seem to have made a mistake. It's not Revolving Heaven, but Impure World Reincarnation." Ash said to the front and side by side with Uchiha Madara.

"Impure World Reincarnation? Who did it." After hearing Ash's words, Spotting's Sharingan shrank violently, and didn't seem to believe that he was being reincarnation out.

"I." The strength of Uchiha Madara before Transplant Senju cells was nothing but Early-Stage, and like Senju Hashirama, but after transplanting Senju cells and turning on Rinnegan, they were promoted to the Middle-Stage, but The distance from Ash is still far away.

"You are!" When I saw Ash from Impure World Reincarnation summoned, a powerful imposing-manner spewed out, and moved towards Ash crushed past.

"I urge you to stop worrying." Feeling the suppressed imposing-manner, Ash squinted halfway, the golden rays of light flashed, suddenly, and the powerful imposing-manner in a instant disappeared without appearing. a trace.

"En?" Seeing that his imposing-manner was wiped out by Ash's mysterious golden eyes instantly, the spot knew that Ash was definitely not an annoying character.

"My self-introduction, my name is Yu Konoha Zhi, the specific situation, you analyze it yourself." Ash reached out his right hand, his index finger and middle finger together, one-handed hand seals, spotly suddenly felt a memory passed into his own In my mind, this is also an ability of Impure World Reincarnation, shared memory.

"So that's how it is, didn't expect Uchiha Clan to be able to appear a character like you. If it did not appear when Konoha was established, it might not be what it is today."

Moments later, Ban reviewed all the memories in his mind, and then started to talk.

"It's too late to say anything now. Sasori and Deidara are fighting against the first unit of Allied Shinobi Forces. As for Kakuzu and Hidan who originally opposed the second unit, I was sent to block Allied Shinobi Forces' support force. After all, Impure World The Reincarnation Ninjutsu still has weaknesses."

"So the 2nd Army will let you intercept, and let me look at the strength of the white Asura which is popular in Ninja World." This Shinobi World War, for the current Ash, is just an entertainment project, a real war, Waiting for Ten-Tails Keanu Ye Ji to come out is the start.

Allied Shinobi Forces headquarters

"Not good, Lord-Hokage, we sensed that we got 2 powerful Chakras, very close to the 2nd troop, according to the appearance, one of them is Konoha Zhi, and the other is unidentified."

After Yamanaka Inoichi sensed the entire battlefield situation, suddenly found the location of Ash and Uchiha Madara, after all, they did not hide their own figure, let alone the sense department here Ninja, all are Elite of each village, covering battlefield can be described as It is enough and to spare.

"Transfer the appearance of two people." Shikaku, who served as Allied Shinobi Forces, immediately issued the command, Yamanaka Clan's spirit Ninjutsu, and can use information to convey the information to others' minds.

"Okay." Yamanaka Inoichi immediately introduced the appearance of Ash and Uchiha Madara into the minds of Tsunade and the others.

"This is Uchiha Madara." On seeing the influence coming from his mind, Onoki stood up instantly, shouting the spotted name in shock.

"What! Are you sure." Although Tsunade has some speculations, he is not so sure. After all, in the Tsunade generation, Uchiha Madara had already left Konoha long ago.

Onoki is different. He used to be Second-Tsuchikage's discipline. When he signed the contract with Konoha, he had seen Uchiha Madara with his own eyes and would never recognize it.

"It's not wrong, Uchiha Madara is right. Didn't expect Yu Konoha, that guy even gave him reincarnation."

"The situation is serious, Gaara kid, you and I will go to the 2nd corps, and those 2 guys won't be able to win by using sea tactics." Thinking of the 2nd corps of Allied Shinobi Forces to face 2 major experts , Onoki suddenly tremble with fear.

"it is good."

Gaara agreed, and then condense a sand cloud on the soles of his feet, and Onoki came behind Gaara, using the technique of light and heavy rock to reduce the weight of 2 people and the weight of sand, so as to go to battlefield with the fastest speed.

"You two, be careful. I'll rush over when I'm done with things here." Although Tsunade wanted to go, no one here at the headquarters couldn't help it. At least he had to explain everything on the battlefield before leaving.


I saw that Gaara and Onoki moved towards the second battlefield at a very fast speed in the sand cloud, that is, the 2nd Army rushed away.

"Shikaku, is there no news from Naruto yet?" Tsunade asked Nara Shikaku immediately after the two left.