
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs



"Bzz Bzz zi zi."

"En?" Suddenly, Ash, who was watching the drama, smelled a hint of crisis, suddenly jumped forward, Levitate to in the sky, and then he saw a ball of sand sweeping past where he was just now.

"Get it."

"Particle-Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu." Ash just looked back towards the sand, and a silhouette appeared instantly behind him. A transparent cover in the shape of all directions suddenly enveloped Ash in it.

"Swallow." Ash not at all any panic, I saw the all directions shaped transparent cover that enveloped him, and suddenly began to integrate into Ash's within-the-body. This is the ability of Rinnegan Hungry Ghost Path, which can absorb any Ninjutsu. .

"What!" After seeing his Ninjutsu being swallowed by Ash, Onoki suddenly with a sneak attack behind him shouted, although he knew that Ash had this ability, he didn't expect Ash's reaction to be so fast.

Yes, the previous sand and the Particle-Style behind, these two people are the Kazekage Gaara and Tsuchikage Onoki from the Allied Shinobi Forces headquarters.

"Swallowing heaven devouring earth." Suddenly, Ash's hands were merged together, suddenly, an attraction force emanated from Ash's body. It is strange that all Ninjas present felt the attraction force emanated from Ash's body, but They themselves are not at all being pulled .

I just felt an attraction force wandering around them, and the clothes were blown and crackled. The only one who noticed the problem was the spotted one, and Onoki and Gaara, and some other Elite Ninjas, also quickly They are aware of their own peculiarities .

"Hateful, that guy is actually absorbing our Chakra, everyone back away !!!" After Onoki reacted, suddenly shouted at the people on the battlefield, and these people all heard everyone's words and each and everyone Responded.

"The absorption speed of so fast." Feel the within-the-body Chakra which was sufficient, and it was 2% less in an instant. Gaara suddenly was surprised and quickly backed away.

"It's useless, my Chakra is still decreasing." I saw 10000 Ninja's constant hind legs. After a while, they retreated from Ash more then 300 meters, but their Chakra was still being sucked away by Ash.

This swallowing heaven devouring earth is one of Tenseigan's capabilities. It can remotely extract other people's Chakra, or energy. Ash's this is definitely a complete version. Although independent Tenseigan can also remote Absorb other people's Chakra, However, Hyuga Clan who owns Byakugan cannot be extracted.

As for the specific reason, Ash did not investigate, anyway, his ability is complete, do not need to worry, even if someone really comes from Hyuga Clan, he can suck Chakra from the other side thoroughly.

"That guy's Dojutsu is very strange. It is very similar to Rinnegan's ability. Just when he absorbed the 2 Libra Boy's Particle-Style, it was very similar to Rinnegan's Hungry Ghost Path."

Uchiha Madara not at all is as far away from Ash as Allied Shinobi Forces. After all, he is now the body of Impure World Reincarnation. He has unlimited Chakra and Immortal Body. There is no need to worry about Chakra.

"Don't panic, keep going back, as long as you are farther away from him, the slower Chakra will be absorbed. This Ninjutsu should have a distance limit." Onoki worthy-of is an old fogey that has survived several decades, and the experience is indeed rich. , And soon noticed the weakness of this Ninjutsu.

Yes, swallowing heaven devouring earth this Ninjutsu, although it can be used to extract other people's Chakra, but also has a range limit, Ash's current limit is five hundred meters, although there is a lot of difference between the scope of sense, but do not underestimate five hundred meters .

This represents the range of five hundred meters around Ash. It is definitely a forbidden place. Unless it is the kind of Ninja that does not need to worry about Chakra's consumption, he can fight him close, otherwise it is a matter of time to be defeated.

"Ok !!!" Onoki's words, let the Ninja suddenly on the spot find the direction, and then continue to retreat. When they exit more then 500 meters away, they found that their Chakra is no longer consumed.

"My Chakra is no longer being sucked away."

"very good."

"mine too."

After noticing that Chakra was not decreasing, Allied Shinobi Forces' morale was greatly boosted, and they did not see through the facts. Although their Chakra did not continue to decrease, they could not step into the range of five hundred meters around Ash at will .

"It's really nice eyes." Seeing that no one could draw Chakra for him, Ash slowly landed on Ground, and the spot came over and said.

"Hmph!" In the face of the appreciation from the spot, Ash just snoreed it. The spot is nothing more than trying to find out the details of his god's eye. How could he be like the spot, even White Zetsu's eye on the god The ability to know is not very clear.

"It's not wrong, this guy's strength is stronger than me, at least he can't match him before becoming Ten-Tails Jinchuriki." Ash's cold laughter, let spotted expression congeals.

"This is not good, didn't expect that this guy can still remotely absorb other people's Chakra, this ability is not easy to deal with." Onoki looked Ash and Uchiha Madara said.

"It's really not good, if this happens then you can only take long-range attacks, but the distance of five hundred meters will allow him too much reaction time, it is estimated that it will be absorbed by the ability to absorb Ninjutsu."

Onoki's words also made Gaara very agree. Ash's ability is definitely very difficult to deal with, especially the ability to absorb Chakra remotely, as if knowing that there are pits ahead, you have to jump.

"It seems that only Killer B and Naruto can support it as soon as possible. They are Jinchuriki. Chakra is much more abundant than us. Now they can only rely on them to deal with Konoha Zhi."

After analyzing a long time, Gaara and Onoki can only think of Killer B and Naruto as the two Jinchurikis. Just now they are the closest to Ash, so they are quite shocked at the speed of Ash's remote extraction of Chakra